Medspa Marketing Plan Step By Step Guide To Creating Your Own Plan

Step-By-Step Guide To Creating Your Own Simple Med Spa Marketing Plan

We've covered med spa marketing in a number of our blogs recently, helping you figure out your med spa web design needs as well as how to get more patients through the door. We'll now guide you on how to prepare to grow with a med spa marketing plan.

In recent years, medical spas have grown in popularity, with many individuals visiting them for a variety of treatments and operations. Most people are unaware of what a medical spa is and how it varies from a conventional spa, as many med spa owners and personnel can attest.

As a result, many med spas may be losing revenue to people who have no understanding of what services med spas provide or how they may benefit from visiting them. This is why it's crucial to think carefully about marketing and how you can effectively implement your marketing strategies.

Here’s the thing, you can’t just immediately start marketing. You’ll probably end up feeling lost or confused, you might not even know where to start. Trying to market your business on a whim is never a good idea. You need a plan and a good plan at that. This is where your med spa marketing plan comes in.

In this post, we’re going to teach you how to create your own simple med spa marketing plan that will help you successfully gain new clients.

What is a marketing plan?

What is a marketing plan

Simply said, a marketing plan helps you to comprehend the what, when, why, and how of all your marketing strategies.

The purpose of a marketing plan is to document and organize your tactics and strategies. This can help keep you on track and evaluate how effective your efforts are.

"A goal without a plan without a plan is just a wish."

Writing your med spa marketing plan can help you define and determine your campaign goals, customer personas, marketing budget, strategies, and deliverables.

Your marketing plan helps you stay on track with your campaigns, identify what works and what doesn't, and help analyze the strategy's performance. All of this would be a lot easier to juggle if all of your data was in one place.

An excellent marketing plan also helps in explaining the "overall" agenda and the different techniques involved to your marketing staff. Lastly, a marketing plan helps you track the performance of your campaigns.

Marketing strategy VS. Marketing plan

Marketing Strategy vs Marketing Plan

A marketing strategy explains how your business may accomplish a certain goal or objective. This includes the promotions, content, platforms, and marketing tools you’ll utilize to execute and track your goals.

Meanwhile, a marketing plan includes one or more campaign strategies. It acts as a framework for all of your marketing strategies, helping you to connect them to a larger marketing operation and business goal.

If you’re planning to incorporate digital marketing into your medical spa marketing strategy to increase brand awareness and gain new clients, you’re going to have to create a marketing plan to help expose your med spa to the industry and its target market. Then you will need to create marketing strategies within this plan to execute how you can achieve your goal.

Are you now able to recognize the difference between a marketing strategy and a marketing plan?

How thorough you want your marketing plan to be is entirely up to you. Nonetheless, each marketing plan must go through several steps to be created.

Types of marketing plan

Types of marketing plan

Depending on your business, you may utilize a variety of marketing plans. The most common type of marketing plans are:

Quarterly/annual marketing plans:

This focuses on the strategies or campaigns you'll run over a set period.

Social media marketing plan:

This plan will outline the platforms, strategies, and promotions you'd like to conduct on social media.

Paid marketing plan:

Native ads, PPC, and paid social media campaigns may well be part of this plan. Any strategy that's related to paying a certain amount.

Product launch marketing plan:

This plan will act as a road map for the marketing techniques and strategies you employ to promote your new product.

Content marketing plan:

This plan might comprise a variety of strategies, tactics, and campaigns that call for you to use content to promote your business or product.

Why you need a med spa marketing plan

Why you need a medspa marketing planGiven the niche services offered by med spas, some individuals question if med spa marketing is truly essential. The quick answer is that medical spas, like any other business, should market themselves. Some would even argue that it's more vital because of the niche services provided.

Many people will continue to be unaware of the benefits of medical spas over conventional spas if they are not informed about them through marketing, which is one of the primary reasons why medical spa marketing is so crucial.

To make the most of these marketing efforts, you need to have a solid plan that you can go back to whenever you feel frustrated with your marketing efforts. You can easily pinpoint what you’re doing wrong then adjust, and you can see which parts of your med spa marketing plan are working well for you.

Although having a versatile and comprehensive marketing plan is essential for your med spa's growth, developing a progressive strategy should always come first. To compete, grow, and flourish, your med spa will need to develop a proactive medical spa marketing plan.

Your medical spa marketing plan is a crucial part of your overall strategy. It should have all of the components necessary to consistently promote your business.

A med spa marketing plan is necessary for a variety of reasons, including the following:

It states your vision and mission

If you don't have a vision and mission statement for your medical spa, you'll be at a major disadvantage. These two primary principles will function as your work's compass.

It indicates (specifically) what you want to accomplish

Any med spa should set achievable business goals. It's also crucial to go through them frequently. These objectives must be specific, precise, and time-bound.

It identifies who your target market is

You need to identify who your clients are, what they're interested in, and how you can customize your marketing plan to catch their attention. You should also be able to pinpoint who your competitors are, find out their strengths and weaknesses, and whether or not they are meeting the demands of the market.

It serves as a guide for putting clever marketing strategies into action

It is not hard to develop effective strategies and proactive ideas to support the business' success. However, you'll need to keep track of them, distribute them to specific team members, and establish reasonable timeframes for them to be completed.

It outlines what makes your med spa unique

A marketing plan not only assists you in defining your target demographic but also assists your clients in comprehending why they should choose your medical spa and what makes your services unique.

Step By Step Guide To Creating Your Own Simple Med Spa Marketing Plan

Create your own medspa marketing plan

So, where do you start when developing a med spa marketing plan? Follow these steps:

Step 1: Analyze your situation

SWOT analysis

A sensible plan begins with the question, "Where are we now?"

The first section of your med spa marketing plan should introduce your business and its products or services before demonstrating how the advantages you offer help to set you apart from the competition. This is what we refer to as a "situation analysis."

Start by making a simple SWOT analysis of your company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in your situation analysis. The terms "strengths" and "weaknesses" refer to internal factors within your company, whilst "opportunities" and "threats" allude to external factors.

To evaluate your company's strengths, consider how your med spa's products/services are better than your competitors. What services do you provide that give your company a competitive edge?

Next, outline any external opportunities you might be able to take advantage of, such as growing demand for your product/service. Remember to include any external threats to your company's potential to increase market share so that the next sections of your strategy may outline how you'll deal with them. Weaknesses might range from operating in a crowded market to a lack of skilled employees.

Your next step is to learn how to position your business. Follow these two steps to be able to position your business. Start by examining your services' benefits and determine how they're different from your competition. Second, determine which customer type is most likely to try your services. What exactly are you trying to sell?

Answering questions like these should assist you in determining what your clients want.

Step 2: Identify your target market

Customer Persona template

Target audiences have become more fragmented and specialized. Regardless of your business, the competitive positioning of your product or service necessitates knowledge of your niche market. Not only must you be able to articulate what you sell, but you must also be aware of what your competition has to offer and be able to demonstrate how your product or service is superior.

The second step of your marketing plan entails that you know who your target audience is. You can start defining your target audience once you've gained a deeper insight into the current market and your company's situation.

If your business already has buyer personas, this stage might simply need you to refine them. But if you don't, it's time to create your buyer personas! Take note: this stage is gonna require you to do some market research.

Demographic data such as age, gender, and income should be included in your buyer persona. This should also incorporate psychographic information such as pain points and aspirations. What motivates your target audience? What are the issues that your product or service can help them with?

Whoever your target audience is, be sure to identify them accurately in this section since it will serve as a guide for your marketing campaigns and strategies. This information will help you clarify your goals once you've written them down, which leads us to step three.

Step 3: List your S.M.A.R.T goals

SMART GoalsWhat do you hope to achieve with your marketing plan? Are you aiming for a 50% increase in quarterly sales of your business? Or do you just want to gain 5,000 followers on Instagram? Make a short list of goals — and make them quantifiable so you can see how far you've progressed.

If you're having trouble coming up with goals, here's a starting point: S.M.A.R.T Goals. SMART goals are:

  • Specific - If your goal is specific, you have a higher chance of attaining it. Increasing sales isn't a specified objective; however, raising $30,000 at the end of the second quarter is.
  • Measurable - A SMART goal must-have metrics for monitoring progress. You won't be able to measure your progress or decide if you're on pace to meet your goal if there are no criteria.
  • Attainable - Be realistic and feasible. This will assist you in determining how to accomplish and work toward your goals.
  • Realistic - Setting a goal of earning $1,000,000 every quarter when you've never made that much a year is unrealistic. Start with tiny steps, like boosting your monthly sales by making $25,000 per quarter. After you've accomplished your first goal, you can move on to bigger ones.
  • Time-bound - Time-bound goals mean you can create short and long-term goals. Short-term goals can be accomplished in a matter of weeks to a year. Long-term goals can be set for five, ten, or even twenty years; they should be significantly larger than short-term goals while still being achievable.

When setting goals, keep a positive attitude in mind. It's not exactly an inspiring objective to be able to pay your expenses. Instead, you can say your goal is to achieve financial security. This frames your objective in a more favorable light, increasing your motivation to achieve it.

Step 4: Draft your strategies

Draft your strategies

This part is the lifeblood of your med spa marketing plan. You established what your marketing has to accomplish and identified your ideal prospects in the previous sections; now it's time to define the strategies you'll employ to reach these prospects and achieve your goals.

Smart marketing strategies target prospects at every stage of the sales cycle. Many techniques of advertising, public relations, and direct marketing are excellent for reaching out to cold prospects. Warm prospects react better to permission-based emails, loyalty programs, and client appreciation activities. Individuals that have been exposed to your sales and marketing messages and are eager to clinch a deal are your hottest prospects. In most cases, personal sales contact paired with marketing provides the final push needed to close deals.

Outline your key marketing strategies, then provide a range of tactics you'll utilize to engage with prospects at whatever stage of the sales cycle. For example, if you want to increase your Instagram followers by 10% in two months, you may hold a giveaway, respond to comments, and post three times a week.

You can create the best mix of marketing strategies by finding out which channels or platforms your target audience uses to gather information on the sort of product or service you sell. If your content isn't relevant, avoid broad-based media, even if it draws your target demographic. Your marketing methods must reach your prospects at the optimal time for them to be responsive to your message.

It should be simple to come up with several strategies to reach your goals once you know what you want to achieve. However, you need to keep your budget in mind while creating your strategies, which leads us to the last step.

Step 5: Set a marketing budget

Set a marketing budget

Your annual marketing budget should be based on a percentage of anticipated gross sales. Naturally, when launching a business, this might imply employing freshly obtained funds, borrowing, or self-financing. Keep in mind that marketing is critical to your company's success. And, with so many various types of methods for reaching out to every imaginable target segment, even the most limited budget can suffice a mix of marketing strategies.

As you begin to accumulate expenditures for the marketing strategies you defined in the previous stage, you may realize you’ve surpassed your budget. Simply go back and change your strategies until you have a balanced blend. The trick is to keep marketing running; don't worry about the more expensive strategies until you can afford them.

Make a budget estimate as you're sketching out your strategies. You may factor in the time it will take to finish each strategy, as well as any assets you may need to buy, such as ad space.

Now that you know how to make a marketing plan, let's look at the components that should be included in a high-level marketing plan.

Med spa Marketing Plan Outline

Medspa marketing plan outline

Some marketing plans can be very detailed. It all depends on what industry your business is in and how big your digital presence is. Nevertheless, here are the fundamentals of any successful marketing plan

Medical Spa Marketing Plan Template

Executive summary

Executive Summary template

The Executive Summary in a marketing plan is exactly what it sounds like- a summary of your business. You want to start your med spa marketing plan on a good note. In this section, you aim to persuade others to support you in your brilliant plan to take over the marketing world.

An executive summary is usually located at the beginning of a marketing plan. It's simply an overview or summary of the company, along with the most important points from the whole marketing plan. It also provides readers with information on the company's goals, marketing accomplishments, future strategies, and other relevant information.

Keep your executive summary succinct. You don't want readers to fall asleep at the very beginning, so make sure it sparks their interest to read the rest of the plan.

Consider your executive summary to be the basis for the rest of your med spa marketing plan. You can include the following in your executive summary:

  • Marketing goals and objectives
  • Important dates in the company's history
  • Vision and mission statement
  • High-level metrics
  • Anecdotes from employees
  • Facts about your med spa
  • Future goals, tactics, and much more

Your executive summary should be brief, feasible, and straight to the point. Keep it as short as three to four pages.

A well-made executive summary should be thorough enough to pique the reader's interest without being overly so. The rest can be discussed at any time during your med spa marketing plan.

Keep in mind that the executive summary sets the tone for the remainder of the marketing plan. Consider the brand's tone: is it friendly and lighthearted? Are you a capable and dependable business? Motivating and foresightful?

Marketing goals

Marketing goals template

A marketing plan's business goals section assists you in segmenting your business’ numerous goals. Avoid including big-picture business goals, which are often included in a business plan. This portion of your marketing plan should detail the marketing-related projects. You'll also outline the projects' objectives and how they'll be measured.

When it comes to setting goals, the usual rule is to be as specific and S.M.A.R.T as possible. Setting goals for page traffic, conversions, and customer satisfaction, as well as using accurate data, is recommended.

S.M.A.R.T goals guarantee that all of your objectives are specific and have a deadline for completion.

Your goals should be relevant and attainable. As mentioned above, your goals need to always be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

Before you start any plan, you should set out your goals. Then you should consider which tactics will assist you in achieving your goal.

Identify your customer persona

Buyer persona template

The next step in your med spa marketing plan is to identify the industry you're selling to and your buyer persona. A buyer persona is a semi-fictional portrayal of your ideal consumer that focuses on characteristics such as:

  • Age
  • Location
  • Occupation
  • Age
  • Personal challenges
  • Pains
  • Triggers

User personas are an essential element of any med spa marketing plan and should not be overlooked. To build more personalized marketing campaigns, you must first determine who your intended customer or client is.

Each company's target client is unique. However, it's normal for medical spas to cater to a variety of clients.

If you take the time to establish and understand certain demographic patterns, habits, and goals, it will be easier to customize your medical spa marketing strategy to them.

The majority of businesses will have a diverse range of prospective consumers. As a result, recognizing and creating a range of user personas is important. You'll be able to segment your marketing efforts appropriately and, if possible, create precise targets as a result of this.

Lastly, the goal of creating a buyer persona is to aid in the organization and comprehension of essential facts about your consumer.

Competitor research

Competitor Research template

Your clients have plenty of options to choose from when it comes to finding solutions to their problems. They can easily consider other med spas that can provide those solutions. This is why thinking about your competitors, what they do well, and where the gaps are that you might be able to fill as part of your market research is important. In most situations, competitor analysis should involve the following:

  • Positioning
  • Market share
  • Services/offerings
  • Pricing
  • Find out who their marketing and management staff is
  • What marketing and sales strategy they utilize
  • Their social media marketing strategy
  • Market capitalization and financials
  • Annual growth rate
  • The number of customers they have and the kind of people they serve (buyer personas)
  • Content marketing
  • SEO (search engine optimization) marketing
  • And other campaign strategies they use

If you look at their strengths and shortcomings across all parts of their business while conducting competitor research, you'll uncover some fascinating opportunities your med spa can fill.

It shouldn't be too hard to incorporate this data into your marketing plan now that you've finished your research.

Finally, we recommend categorizing your rivals into primary and secondary groups. Primary refers to everything that is in the same industry, while secondary refers to something that isn't.

S.W.O.T analysis

SWOT template

A SWOT analysis is a simple yet efficient way to develop your med spa marketing plan. SWOT analysis, which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, should be part of your marketing plan.

Internally, the company's strengths and weaknesses are things you have greater control over and can modify. Marketing strategies, employees, and advertising campaigns are all examples of this.

Meanwhile, opportunities and threats are things that happen outside of your med spa. Because these are factors you can't alter, you should grasp opportunities and defend yourself against these "threats". Take the current pandemic for example.

Ask yourself what your strengths and weaknesses are, as well as your opportunities and threats to create your own analysis.

Marketing strategies

Marketing strategies template

Once you have the data and important metrics for your med spa marketing plan, it's time to start drafting your med spa marketing strategies. Breaking down your medical spa strategy into smaller tasks will make it easier to put into action.

Mind maps are a useful tool for presenting your marketing strategy. Mind maps are an excellent way to show how complex ideas come together. Another approach is to make a flowchart that lays out your plan in terms of your goals.

Another efficient method to visualize your marketing plan is to create a project plan. Meanwhile, if you want to present a lot of information in a more organized manner, a mind map would be a better option. You may also use a “Next, Now, Later” chart to help you visualize your strategy.

You can also include the "seven Ps of marketing" in this section of your marketing plan:

  • Product
  • Price
  • Place
  • Promotion
  • People
  • Process
  • Physical Evidence

Marketing budget

Marketing Budget Template

Don't confuse the Budget section of your marketing plan with the pricing of your products/services or the finances of your business. Your budget should indicate how much money the company has set aside for the marketing team to pursue the strategies and goals specified in the preceding components.

Depending on how many individual costs you have, itemizing your budget by what you'll spend money on could be a good idea. The following are some examples of marketing expenses:

  • Outsourcing costs and other providers
  • Marketing software
  • Paid promotions
  • Events you host and attend

Marketing platforms

Marketing platforms template

Another aspect of your medical spa marketing strategy to think about is which platforms to use. Should you use Facebook or different social media platforms? Would Instagram be a better option for your company? Should you invest in PPC advertisements or focus only on SEO? You should consider these concerns and conduct a comprehensive study.

While your business may use some ad space to advertise the product itself, your marketing channels are where you'll post content that educates your buyers, attracts leads, and boosts brand recognition.

Use this section of your marketing plan to outline the social media platforms you want to create a company page on, what strategies you plan to execute on them, and how you'll evaluate your success. Put the information you have in your medical spa marketing plan once you get it.

Brands with a larger social media presence may want to consider creating a separate social media plan to elaborate on their social strategy.

Set up tracking and metrics

Tracking and Metrics Template

Finish your med spa marketing plan with a brief explanation of how you intend to track and assess your progress. You'll save a lot of time and worry in the long run if you standardize how you report results.

This portion of your marketing plan can be as detailed as you like. However, you need to establish specific criteria for evaluating the performance and progress of your med spa marketing strategies.

At the absolute least you should state:

  • What you plan to track
  • How want to track the results
  • How frequently you will track the results

If you think it's necessary, you can add more monitoring parameters to your marketing plan. There isn't any rule that states otherwise.

Keep watch on the campaigns and, if feasible, track your key performance indicators. You can monitor who is engaged with your content and how it is producing leads using Google Analytics, Google Ads Manager, and Facebook Insights for your digital campaigns.

In the end, tracking and analyzing will assist you in determining what works for your med spa business. Then you can put your money into what works, tweak what doesn't, and repeat the process.

Start making your med spa marketing plan

If you want to truly beat your competition and attract new clients, you need to have a good, well-researched med spa marketing plan. Instead of jumping from one campaign to the next without understanding how the pieces of the jigsaw fit together, you'll have a solid foundation and a long-term medical spa marketing plan to work with. Stop wasting time and get started on your own marketing plan right away!

Visit our blog if you want to see more of this type of content.

What Your Medical Spa Design Should Look Like

What Your Medical Spa Website Design Should Look Like

As we’ve mentioned in our Medical Spa Marketing Guide, the medical spa business has seen considerable expansion within the last few years. This rise is due to an increase in the number of cosmetic treatment choices for aesthetic improvement, as well as an increase in wellness awareness and trends throughout the world. With an ever-increasing tech-savvy consumer base, a superb medical spa website design, like any other industry, is a requirement.

A well-designed website serves as your digital representation and is responsible for the majority of your company's initial impressions.

You might be reading this because:

  1. You don’t have a website for your medical spa yet, but you want to create one;
  2. Or you do have a website, but you want a redesign because you aren’t sure if it’s up to par with today’s standards.

If either of these statements applies to you, then you’re at the right place. In this blog post, we’re going to be talking about med spa web design. We’ll cover the elements of a website that your business needs, how you can build a website, some best practices, trends, and even a few tips along the way.

Why your medical spa website design matters

Why Your Medical Spa Website Design Matters

When given only 15 minutes to read content, 66% of consumers would rather see something nicely designed than something straightforward, simple, and plain. The design of your med spa website is a crucial aspect of your online medical spa marketing strategy. You must understand and recognize the significance of web design to create a better website for your company.

You may be wondering why your medical spa website design is so important when you consider revamping your website or creating one from scratch. What effect does it have on your audience and business? Let's take a look at five reasons why med spa web design is crucial.

It creates a good impression

Your audience's initial impression of your med spa is formed when they first visit your website. In a matter of seconds, they can form their judgment on your medical spa, so it's best to make a favorable impression on your audience in the initial few seconds with good web design.

Your audience will have a bad perception of your company if your website is unattractive or outdated. They will be turned off by your website since it is not enticing to them. You'll lose out on leads since they'll go to a competitor's page instead of yours.

When a person visits a website, good design can draw interest and elicit a good feeling. If the website is well-designed, has bright colors, and is well-organized, it will attract visitors and encourage them to stay for a while. Why would anybody want to stay on a site that is dark and unwelcoming, with outdated visuals and a complicated navigation system?

Consider your website as an extension of your clinic: when you come into a well-lit, clean, and well-organized clinic with friendly personnel eager to assist you, you feel safe, at ease, and ready to book an appointment and start your treatment.

If you came into a clinic that was darkly lit, smelled strange, and had some extremely disgruntled staff hanging around, you'd be nervous and want to get out as soon as possible, and you would not want to make a purchase. The design of a website may make users experience all of the same emotions and create very comparable outcomes.

The way your audience views your brand is influenced by web design. The first impression you make on them will determine whether they stay on your page or leave and go to a competitor's. A well-designed site keeps visitors on your page longer.

It helps with SEO

Many web design features and elements have an impact on how you post content on your website, which has an impact on how search engine spiders scan and index it.

You can't afford to make a mistake with this. You'll be fighting an uphill battle for exposure from the start if your on-page SEO foundations aren't up to par.

Aside from the content you post on your site, certain web design elements can have a direct impact on SEO. If you're unfamiliar with web design, it might be tough to grasp, but to put it simply, your code must be SEO-friendly.

Google has disclosed a change to search ranking criteria that would drastically alter which websites appear in the top 10 search results. As of early 2021, Google uses a webpage's "Core Web Vitals" as a ranking criterion. If you're performing any type of search engine optimization for your website, you're aware that there are essential SEO factors to consider, and Google is now recognizing three key indicators to pay attention to - all of which are related to the design of your website.

The following are the core Web Vitals that Google currently considers when determining search rankings:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)– The time it takes for the content of a page to load.
  • First Input Delay (FID)– How long it takes for a page to become interactive.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) – The number of unexpected visual content layout shifts on a page.

It may sound difficult, but a well-planned and well-thought-out medical spa website design may help with all of them. Because these Core Web Vitals are user-centered, we may deduce that Google wants us to prioritize the user experience when it comes to the content we share online.

Research done by Google in 2017 explains how if page load time increases from one second to three seconds, the likelihood of a bounce increases by 32%.

An updated modern website design that prioritizes the demands of the user is a fantastic place to start thinking about user experience and improving it. Consider how quickly a page's content loads. Are photos displayed promptly? Are the user's requirements being satisfied promptly? These are all characteristics that Google looks for in top-ranking pages, therefore you should try to improve your loading speeds as well.

Working with a web design agency that understands what they're doing is the greatest approach to assure correct web design practices.

It helps build trust and credibility

A well-thought-out and designed website not only makes a good first impression but also helps people trust your brand and company. Your website's design may establish trust among your audience and potential consumers by using strong, clean, and appealing visuals while also taking into account user experience and your audience.

People are skeptical of websites that are badly designed. They will not trust your site if it is poorly designed or if the information appears to be dated. Because you don't have an updated web design, they could think your site is shady or deceptive. If a site appears old, is difficult to navigate, or appears to mislead or deceive the audience, trust will be lost, and the likelihood of a user converting will be greatly reduced.

A professional site, on the other hand, communicates to your audience that you are trustworthy. They will have faith in your company and are willing to explore more. A clean and modern medical spa web design may go a long way toward reflecting a brand that is open and transparent with nothing to hide. Using clear headers, call-to-action lines, and buttons to guide a user around the site makes them feel cared for, which may help establish and increase trust.

It's critical to establish trust with your audience for them to stay on your site. When visitors stay on your site longer, your medical spa has better chances of capturing those leads.

It supports your branding identity

You want to build up your brand when you're trying to attract new leads for your med spa. You want your audience to get familiar with your brand so that when they're ready to convert, they pick you. The importance of medical spa website design is that they aid in establishing consistency across your marketing strategy.

Every page on your website should have the same fonts, styles, and layouts. If each page has a different design, it will make your site appear amateurish. It also makes brand recognition more difficult because your audience won't know which colors to connect with your company.

People will bounce from your website to one that appears more professional if it is inconsistent. By establishing consistency, you can keep leads on your website for longer and familiarize them with your company. When you revamp your medical spa website for this important element, you'll get more leads and conversions in the long run.

It helps you stand out from the competition

Having a responsive website – one that will dynamically modify and adjust its look based on the size or orientation of the device or screen it is being viewed on – is a must. Your site must be dynamic and thoughtfully built if you want to not only compete with your rivals but also stand out among them. Strong branding, consistent fonts, colors, and innovative layouts may help you stand out from the crowd, outperform your competition, and display your company's expertise.

Check out the websites of your key competitors and see how yours compares. If you think you're on par with your immediate competitors, look into the major names in your field. You may not be able to directly compete with them, but you can have a website that is comparable to theirs. When you emulate industry leaders' innovative, elegant designs, you set yourself apart from your closest competitors and open up new business opportunities.

Elements of a well-designed website

Elements of a well designed website

Now that we've established some of the reasons why excellent web design is vital and can have a significant influence on any marketing strategy, let's look at some of the specific elements that make a web design extraordinary.

Hiring experienced web designers and developers to create a customized website specifically tailored to your business is one option to ensure that your site is well-designed. Professional web design templates are a cost-effective choice, but a bespoke web design may be a game changer for your online presence. (Let's talk about that! Here's how to reach out to us.)

The aspects that go into creating a successful website design are listed below, but this is just the beginning. Many elements go into making a beautiful and professional website, and including some of the following aspects may help a site a lot.

Elements of a website
  • Navigation – It is critical that your site is easy to use, leaves no questions unanswered, and is intuitive to the user's demands.
  • Responsive Design – Your website automatically adjusts its structure to look perfect on different displays and devices.
  • Call-To-Actions Buttons – These buttons must stand out and be positioned in strategic locations around the site, as well as during times when a user is most likely to act or convert.
  • Colors – Implementing brand colors and adhering to the 60-30-10 guideline may help you get the perfect feeling of balance. Follow this guideline by utilizing the following formula: primary color 60%, secondary color 30%, and accent color 10% (only in the most essential areas, allowing certain site features to stand out.)
  • Font Style Guide – Having a style guide for each header option that capitalizes on varied font sizes and weights may maintain uniformity throughout the pages while enhancing the readability of the site.
  • Animation – When used in moderation, an animation element may improve a dull, flat, or static design, but if used excessively on a website, it can soon become irritating.
  • High-Resolution Images – Having stunning photographs may help to improve any website. When photos are blurry or stretched, they are distracting and might cause people to lose trust in you.

Create your medical spa website design

How to buid your medical spa website design

Step 1: Discuss with your team

Creating a website from scratch is no easy feat. It takes a lot of planning, time, effort, and resources. It will be a hassle to do alone, so we suggest discussing your plan of creating a website with your team. They might have ideas they want to pitch in, or some hidden talent when it comes to design or marketing.

This also goes for medical spas that want to revamp their sites. If your website has been neglected for a while, your medical spa staff is sure to have some suggestions on how to improve it.

Start your med spa web design process with a discovery meeting. Gather your team and have a short brainstorming session to decide what goes into your website, and other elements you can add.

Make sure you do your research ahead of time to lead the conversation in your meeting. Take a close look at different websites, this could be your competitor's sites or businesses from other industries, then figure out which elements you like or don't like.

For those who already have their sites, you can start by taking a look at yours. You can then determine what you want to remain on your site and what to take out.

Ask yourself questions that delve into the goals for your website design as thoroughly and strategically as possible.

These questions can be:
  • What is your medical spa's 5-year, 10-year, or even 20-year plan? How do you intend to expand your business?
  • What is the connection between your growth goals and your website design goals? What is the purpose of it?
  • Name one or two things you want your consumers to remember after they leave your website.
  • What design elements or features did you appreciate on other websites you've visited?
  • Do you have a detailed brand guide or any recognized imagery that you utilize in your medical spa's marketing?

You should leave this meeting with a list of specific features and deliverables that will help your new website design succeed.

Step 2: Create a layout for your website

It's time to construct an outline with a fresh vision for your new website design and a list of specific deliverables in hand.

Create a site map and a wireframe as that will guide you through the rest of the website design process.

Your site map will list all of your website's pages in the order that they should be viewed. A simple bulleted list will do

A basic site map often includes five top-level pages:

  • Home Page
  • About Us
  • Services
  • Blog
  • Contact Us

According to Google, a wireframe is a "set of images that represent the functional elements of a website or page, often used for designing a site's structure and functionality." This site map will serve as the basis for your wireframe.

“(A wireframe is) an image or series of images that depict the functional aspects of a website or page, and is commonly used to design the structure and functionality of a website.” - From Google

Create a wireframe for each of the pages mentioned on your site map.

A wireframe is nothing more than a rough drawing of how you want each of the pages to look, as complex as that may sound. If you wanted to, you could even draw a wireframe on a notepad.


A proper wireframe has a place for all of your images, headers, content boxes, CTA buttons, or form fields on each page in your site map

If you're having trouble wireframing, consider outlining all of the pieces on one of your favorite websites.

You'll be ready to create your website design once you've gained confidence in your wireframing.

Step 3: Write your content

Remember how you inserted all those content paragraph gaps into your wireframe? Now it's time to replace the placeholder text with the actual copy.

Follow the recommended practices listed below when writing website content for your medical spa website.

Use relevant medical spa keywords

It doesn't matter how lovely your new website design is if it doesn't rank on Google. Imagine all that hard work without anyone being able to see it.

A great way to rank on search engines is to use relevant medical spa keywords.

You should use the appropriate keywords for your pages. For example, if you have a laser hair removal service, then your page has to include the keywords "laser hair removal" a couple of times throughout the page to optimize the content for Google.

Doing this will inform Google what your page is about.

To rank the page for the keyword you chose, it should be included in all of the headers as well.

Write relevant and eye-catching headlines

Headlines or headers are a critical part of your copy. It's the one chance you have to catch your reader's attention and get them hooked on whatever it is that you're selling.

As a result, your headers must explain clearly what the different sections of your website are about.

Aside from catchy headlines, you need to think about the body text. Your body paragraphs need to be easy to read. Our tip is to use shorter paragraphs, intriguing pull quotes, meaningful bullet points, and engaging visuals to make your site easier to skim through.

Publish valuable high-quality content

High-quality website content is valued by both Google and its users.

Users will engage and be invested in the page if the content is fresh and well-written. Plus, you won't get penalized by Google for having a high page bounce rate.

Remember you are likely writing content for an audience that might not be as knowledgeable as you. Your content shouldn't be flawless or sound like a research paper.

Simply write from your unique perspective, giving the user something valuable they can't get from anybody else.

The following are two excellent strategies for creating interesting content:

  • Write in second person. Use words like "you" or "I" to engage with your website visitors directly
  • Put yourself in the shoes of your customers so that you can write about the advantages of your services in the most persuasive way possible.

Make every effort to portray your services as a remarkable benefit to the user's life.

Another thing to take note of is your call-to-action buttons. Remember to add CTA button at the bottom of each website page. This is your chance to inspire the website visitor to take action, it can be something like “schedule an appointment” or “call now”.

Step 4: Develop your medical spa website design

It's finally time to bring your website to life. Your final, completed website design incorporates your site map, wireframe, and written website content.

Selecting which website design software to utilize is the first step in any website development process.

There is plenty of software to develop your site. You can choose a paid one like WordPress or GoDaddy, or opt to develop your websites on free platforms like Wix and Squarespace.

This part may be tricky. Developing a website can be quite hard and you might need the help of an experienced agency or a freelancer, especially if you want a fully customized website. Software like WordPress will be great for that. Meanwhile, Wix and Squarespace allow you to develop your website or choose a template with their drag-and-drop editor.

Step 5: Test and launch your medical spa website design

It’s finally time to give birth to your brainchild! After all of your hard work, you can finally get ready to launch your website and show it to the world.

Before you go live, make sure you run your website through a series of tests to ensure everything is working properly.

Here's a checklist that you might find useful when testing:

  • Go through each website page and click on all of the links to ensure that they will take people to the correct place.
  • If you have a contact form, submit a "test" entry to ensure that it is delivered to the correct email address.
  • To ensure that your website is working properly, enter the URL in all of the main browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
  • Check your website on a mobile device to ensure it is mobile-friendly.

Note: Even after you’ve launched your website, there’s more to be done. You need to maintain your website and keep working on it for it to rank on the search results page, otherwise, all of your hard work from brainstorming to launching your site will go to waste.

Get the help of an experienced agency!

Just Digital is a creative digital marketing agency that offers branding, web design, digital marketing, and online advertising services. Our team specializes in med spa marketing and med spa web design. Our goal is to help businesses like yours grow! We take care of everything so you can focus on doing more of what you love.

Want to improve your medical spa website? Reach out to us! Our team can handle the entire process for you.

Medical spa website design best practices

Medical spa website design best practices

Even the tiniest adjustments to your website can have a big impact on your conversion rates. Every year, new features, standards, and a whole lot of other things are added to websites and their design, making web design best practices extremely dynamic.

What you need is a well-thought-out strategy. One that is supported by data and testing to provide the greatest outcomes for your visitors, Google crawlers, and, of course, your med spa.

We'll go over five of the best web design practices so you can create a website that does more than just look nice—a website that acts as your salesperson to help you get more customers.

Medical Spa Website Design: Create an eye-catching and effective layout for your web pages

To minimize abandonment rates, your web pages should be designed in a way that delivers a good user experience for your visitors.

Page layouts often vary based on the page, but for site consistency and cohesion, it's preferable to keep to a clean, simple, and modern style for similar page types.

Let’s take a look at SKIN. for example.


They’ve chosen a grid for most of their pages that showcases their services, treatments, and even their products. This ensures that the website is consistent throughout, giving consumers a sense of what to expect when browsing.

SKIN. facials

Medical Spa Website Design: Compress all images used for the website

The Eden Medspa

High-quality images are a must when creating your med spa website. Grainy, low-resolution and unprofessional photos should never appear on the main pages of your website.

Images are beneficial to your website since they produce interest points, break up content, and give your site a credible appearance. They also have an impact on the loading speed of your website.

MachMetrics states the optimum page loading time is three seconds. However, if you check industry standards, you'll notice that most websites load substantially slower.

Longer loading times can be detrimental to your business because of visitors' short attention spans. If you want to increase conversions, you should consider strategies to minimize page load times, and one of the most successful methods is to compress your images.

Upload compressed photos that are smaller or appropriately sized than the screen size whenever possible. You may also automate the process by using image compression plugins on your site.

These tips will help your site load quicker, even if they have a lot of multimedia content on them.

The Eden Medspa website has a clean, simple design with plenty of white space and high-quality photographs. The message of the med spa is clear from the moment the website loads.

More significantly, the website functions fast, properly, and in the manner that a user would expect.

It's mobile-friendly, and all of the tabs are clickable, indicating that it adheres to web standards. This is shown on all web pages, which is appropriate given that any of them may be a customer's first or only point of contact. There are no sluggish, broken, or badly designed sections, so getting information about Eden MedSpa's services is easy and delightful.

Medical Spa Website Design: Optimize your medical spa website design for mobile

Oazi Cosmetic Clinic

Not having a mobile-friendly website is the equivalent of passing up a golden opportunity to increase revenue.

Given that mobile devices account for roughly half of all Internet traffic, you should take the required steps to establish a mobile-responsive website. This can help you increase user engagement and conversions, especially because 67% of consumers prefer to do business with a mobile-friendly brand.

It's preferable to have a responsive design that adjusts to whatever device your visitor is using. So, whether you're using a smartphone or a tablet, your website will instantly change to match the screen of the device.

Furthermore, you'll be able to give your audience a better experience and keep them engaged on the site longer.

Qazi Cosmetic Clinic has a great website because the navigation of Qazi Clinic is the same across all platforms. It adapts to various screen sizes while maintaining a consistent structure.

Medical Spa Website Design: Follow accessibility standards

Every website needs to be accessible, therefore, sacrificing it for a beautiful design can be a detrimental mistake.

Accessibility is the process of making a website accessible to everyone, regardless of their hardware, software, language, capabilities, or location. You can attract a network of individuals who will assist you win more business if you have an accessible website.

Follow these tips to make your website more accessible:

  • Install an accessibility plugin
  • Create links and menus that are accessible by keyboard for individuals with disabilities.
  • Include subtitles or add a transcript for audio and video content.
  • Test your website for accessibility on The Web Accessibility Initiative.

It might be a time-consuming procedure to make your entire website accessible, but it can be quite beneficial in terms of increasing your revenue. Plus, it promotes diversity while also providing SEO benefits.

Medical Spa Website Design: Keep your website secure

CURE SSL certificate

Contrary to common assumptions, small websites are more vulnerable to cyberattacks. This is because hackers do not go out of their way to choose and hack specific websites.

As a result, you should always have a high degree of security standards, regardless of the size of your website. Furthermore, consumers will only purchase and share confidential information with websites they can trust.

Here are some steps you can do to keep your website safe:

  • Choose a reliable and secure web host
  • Keep your credentials secure
  • Acquire an SSL Certificate

If you take a look at CURE’s website, you can see that they have an SSL certificate to prove that their site is secure. This makes their clients feel safe whenever they open their site.

5 Medical spa website design trends to try

Medical spa website design trends to try

Consider this while designing your med spa website: you only have one chance to make a strong first impression on your visitors. The internet is saturated with stimulating content, and your website needs to stand out to capture users' attention. Above all, it must keep people interested in your content for them to consume it.

The golden standards of website design are to make it simple to use, aesthetically attractive, and to provide all of the information necessary to convey your narrative.

Within these golden standards, there will always be trends. This year, web design will continue to push the boundaries of the past. It's a year for creativity, fresh ideas, aesthetic extremes, and responsive design. A culmination of the freedom made possible by intuitive tools and modern technology.

Web designers are aiming for new realistic heights this year. They're fusing the digital and the mundane like never before, demonstrating how pervasive websites have grown in people's daily lives.

We’ve curated a list of web design trends that would fit medical spa websites. These trends are some that we haven’t seen on any med spa website, but feel they would work well with the industry.

Parallax scrolling

Parallax scrolling

We've recognized how much interactive value a captivating scroll effect can offer to a website since the advent of parallax scrolling in 2011. After a decade, we're continuously working to improve the possibilities of this delicate art to provide visitors with a pleasant and smooth browsing experience.

The optical illusion of parallax occurs when things that are close to the spectator appear to move quicker than ones that are farther away. Although we experience this in everyday life—for example when driving and looking at passing scenery—the impact on online sites is both real and unreal.

The immersion generated by the combination of foreground and background transforms the computer screen into something more akin to a theater stage.

Parallax is a great trend to adapt to your medical spa website design. You can showcase your services and products in a more engaging and immersive way.

You can check out ecodenta’s site to see what parallax scrolling looks like in action.

Comfortable and muted colors

comfortable and muted colors

Let's face it, most of us spend most of our time on computers these days. It's all thanks to the increasingly digital nature of the job market. As a result, users frequently feel eye strain when gazing at displays for extended periods. Because of this, web designers are looking for more muted and comfortable colors as a solution. This new trend focuses on color schemes that are easier on the eyes.

Web designers will look beyond the two poles of dark and bright. Soft color schemes, such as healthy greens, pastels, neutrals, or light pinks, are helping them reach a happy medium. Not only do these tones make website colors less harsh than black or pure, but they also promote comfort and tranquility. Which is exactly what you want your website visitors to feel, right?

Med spa treatments can be scary for some, so having a website with a color palette that makes them feel safe and comfortable is always a good idea.

Take a look at Hrvoje Grubisic's design for a skincare brand above. Notice how he opts to use muted colors instead of stark whites or blacks. Instead of using pure whites or blacks, he tones them down by adding a bit of yellow or pink on the white and making the black light.

Digital interpretations of physical products


Websites frequently include products, and product web pages are a great way to express branding choices. In particular, products inspire actual design aspects via innovative, digital adaptations of tangible media.

This style not only creates aesthetic harmony between the product and its website but also makes web pages feel more natural and unexpected.

With websites becoming an increasingly frequent part of daily life, this trend of merging the physical and digital worlds appears tailor-made for our century.

If your med spa is planning to sell some products on your site, this might be a great idea to showcase your products in a trendy and engaging way. See how OUAI follows this website design trend.

Captivating questionnaires

Function of Beauty quiz

The onboarding process is probably the most crucial point of a user’s journey. They're balancing on the precipice of interest and apathy, and the quality of this encounter will tip the scales.

Rather than relying on the user to read your services and make their own decisions, a growing number of companies are turning to questionnaires to provide a more engaging user experience. These quizzes offer personal multiple-choice questions about the visitors so that products and services might be tailored to them subtly.

Having this feature on your medical spa website design is great for helping the customer in their buyer’s journey. Imagine having a prospective client visit your site wanting to have their wrinkles treated, but not knowing which treatment to choose. If you have this questionnaire in place, you can help these types of customers reach a decision.

The Function of Beauty has this kind of feature on its website, and so far all of their YouTube reviews mention how they like how easy it was to choose a product based on their quiz results.

Videos as design features

The use of videos in website design is fairly commonplace. If you have marketing videos or interviews to post on your site, they're a wonderful way to engage your visitors by conveying vital information in a fun way.

Videos have taken on a new role in web design in recent years, moving away from being merely informative and becoming design components in their own right.

Video may be used in your website's design in new and interesting ways thanks to the never-ending development of new technology.

CURE is one of the few med spas that has integrated videos into their website.

Build your website!

A well-designed, aesthetically appealing, responsive, and optimized website is essential for a med spa's success. In this case, a successful medical spa website design engages and motivates users to do the desired action.

So, what are you waiting for? Go build your website!

Want some help? Just Digital is a creative digital marketing agency that offers branding, web design, digital marketing, and online advertising services. Our team creates logos, websites, landing pages, email newsletters, and ads for different businesses from different industries. Our goal is to help businesses like yours grow! We take care of everything so you can focus on doing more of what you love.

Want your own medical spa website? Reach out to us! Our team can handle the entire process for you.

Med Spa Marketing Tips

Medical Spa Marketing Tips: Earn more patients!

To continue our med spa marketing series, we’ve decided to help you by giving you all the med spa marketing tips you’ll need to get more leads and earn more clients. Marketers and big businesses are switching to digital marketing, leaving traditional advertising behind. The fact of the matter is, traditional advertising is no longer as successful as it once was.

Digital marketing has prompted many firms to switch to online advertising to reach clients. No longer are we pining for spots on billboards or so desperately chasing after tv ad spots. These days if you want to reach out to customers and build a relationship with them, digital marketing is the way to go.

“Between February 2020 and June 2020, U.S. marketers indicated a decrease in spending on traditional media (excluding the internet) as well as investments in digital ones.”

No longer are we constantly trying to figure out what clients want. The improvement in technology and the rise of tools, and software like analytics and digital marketing software, have made guessing client behavior exponentially easier.

There is no denying that digital marketing is critical to the success of any business, regardless of what industry you come from. Digital marketing, when done correctly, may help your company target and reach current clients, classify new ones, improve revenue, and enjoy long-term success.

12 Med Spa Marketing Tips

To help you improve your med spa digital marketing strategies, here are 12 tips that will earn you more clients.

Optimize website

medical spa marketing tip website optimization

The first of our med spa marketing tips is to optimize your website. Why? Because your website is still your most effective med spa marketing tool. Any potential client seeking treatment from your clinic must first be convinced that you are capable of delivering the results they desire. The best place to start convincing them is on your website.

One thing you can do to optimize your website is to make sure your website loads fast. No one likes waiting, and according to a study conducted by Google in 2017, as page load time goes from one second to three seconds, the probability of a visitor leaving before your page loads increases by 32%.

You don’t want website visitors to bounce. That's obvious. Keep your website optimized by checking your load speed from time to time. Google Pagespeed Insights is a free tool you can use to run a performance test on your site.

Another way to optimize your website is by making it mobile-friendly. More and more people are opting to use their mobile phones to find a business. Don’t miss out on that opportunity and ask a developer to make your site accessible on mobile.

Because most med spa websites have a lot of photos and videos, they must be mobile-friendly. Non-responsive websites will be ranked lower by search engines, resulting in a decrease in visitors.

This means a mobile-friendly website is no longer an option, it’s a need.

“According to Statistica, the number of individuals who use their mobile devices to access the internet has increased over time and is now at 63.4 percent.”

You can also try providing a free consultation session, displaying effective before and after photos, and, most importantly, displaying testimonials from satisfied clients who have previously visited your clinic. Adding a live chat feature is great for clients who aren't ready to commit to treatment but have inquiries about your clinic or services.

You may also optimize your med spa website in a variety of different ways, such as:

  • Video and Youtube integration
  • Discounts and special deals
  • Integrating social media
  • Reduce the number of plugins

It's also crucial to have a safe and secure website. Website visitors are more inclined to buy your med spa products online, and an unsecured website can discourage them. You must reassure consumers that their personal information is safe from malicious individuals. In terms of traffic and leads, investing in website security licenses will bring major benefits.

If you'd like to discuss your website with one of our marketing experts, contact us here.

Med spa marketing tips: Create a landing page

medical spa marketing tip create a landing page

A landing page is a separate web page developed particularly for a marketing or advertising campaign in digital marketing. It's the site where a visitor "lands" after clicking on a link in an email or ads from search engines, emails, social media platforms, and other places on the web.

Landing pages aren't the same as web pages. A landing page has a single focus or objective. We refer to this as a call to action or a CTA. Meanwhile, web pages often serve several functions and encourage exploration.

Landing pages are the finest choice for boosting conversion rates and decreasing the cost of gaining a lead or sale because of this focus. That's why it is an essential component of our med spa marketing tips.

A landing page is where visitors take the next step, either as leads that you can nurture or as buyers who schedule a consultation or treatment session. All landing pages are created for a specific reason. Some of these reasons are:

  • Subscribe to your e-newsletter or blog.
  • Get access to "premium" content, usually something educational like an e-book, videos, or an interactive tool.
  • Send you a request for further information or ask you a particular question.
  • Set an appointment.
  • Join your med spa's exclusive membership or loyalty program.
  • To register to attend an event.

Because each landing page's goal is different, the most effective size and format will differ as well. Your goal is the only consistent factor: to encourage visitors to take the next step.

Content marketing

medical spa marketing tip content marketing

Our third medical spa marketing tip is to start blogging! Yes, blogging. You’ll be creating content similar to what you’re reading right now, except it has to be related to your industry.

Blogging is an effective strategy to increase the number of visitors to your website. Creating high-quality content provides your company the authority required to attract customers. For luxury companies like med spas, digital content marketing is a fantastic method to interact with prospective patients and enlighten them about the services provided by your company.

Skinceuticals blogYou can start by writing blogs, or by hiring someone else to do it for you. Many agencies out there - like ours - help businesses with content creation and other digital marketing campaigns.

If you’re having trouble thinking about what to write about, you can always find inspiration on the internet. Some of the more popular types of blogs are how-tos and step-by-step tutorials. For example, “How to treat acne scars” or “10 things you can do to stop your skin from aging.”

“Companies who blog get 97% more links to their websites.”

Once you’ve started blogging and established an audience, you can try guest blogging. This is great for SEO purposes and for increasing your traffic. You can invite industry experts, local brands, and well-known bloggers to write guest pieces for your site. They are more inclined to share your content with their networks, increasing your traffic. It's also a chance to link back to their sites from yours.

There are also opportunities for you to write guest posts on other reputable blogs to establish yourself as a credible source and to show authority in your field. This will help you generate interest in your site and boost your med spa's credibility.

Make sure the content you publish is relevant to your industry, provides value to readers, and is engaging to read. Relevance and authority are proven to increase website traffic.

Create quality content

medical spa marketing tip create quality content

Our fourth med spa marketing tip is very much related to blogging.

It's impossible to overestimate the value of having high-quality content on your website. Visitors seek easily digestible content that they can relate to. It's easy to employ industry jargon to appear like an expert, but if people don't understand what you're talking about, they'll leave.

It's also crucial to tailor your content to the demands of your target audience.

Create personas that are appropriate for your target audiences. Researching your target audience's characteristics may take a lot of time and money, but it will be worthwhile. Understanding the demographics and habits of your target audience can help you customize your med spa website content to their demands and increase traffic.

Long-form content has a reputation for ranking higher in search results, but it can be tiresome for some visitors to read. You can also add some graphic and visual content to add interest to your blogs or website.

Remember, videos, images, and infographics are visually appealing and engaging. They will increase the visibility and traffic to your website. Videos allow you to provide a lot of information in a short amount of time. You may live broadcast a med spa treatment or provide DIY skincare programs on video. People are more inclined to go to your website to find out more information. You may also post before and after images, but remember to get permission from the clients before using their photos.

Med spa marketing tips highlight: follow SEO best practices!

medical spa marketing tip follow best SEO practices

Some might argue that SEO is no longer relevant. But we respectfully disagree. When it comes to having your website listed by Google, search engine optimization is more crucial than ever. While SEO trends vary, one area where Google appears to be concentrating is the distinction between search and intent.

For example, searching for "Medical Spa Los Angeles" will bring up medical spa businesses, but searching for "Medical Spa business in Los Angeles " may bring up job boards, spas for sale, or lists of the top medical spas in that business.

This implies that to be successful with your SEO strategy, you must segregate the queries you want to rank for and include competitor analysis as a key component.

If there's one thing we've learned from the past, it's that when it comes to online marketing, the tried-and-true tactics are still effective, and keeping your marketing plan simple is the way to go.

Digital marketing strategies that have been tried and proven offer small businesses a framework with what strategies to utilize and where to strengthen their digital marketing results. However, these formulas aren't set in stone, so you'll need to continuously modify your digital marketing strategy to achieve the best results.

Email marketing

email marketing

Med spa marketing tip #6 has to do with something you probably use every day - emails!

One of the advantages of medical spa email marketing is that it is a cost-effective and efficient approach to reaching out to potential patients. You'll receive organic traffic and quality leads with the appropriate email marketing strategy.

Email can be used to notify customers about new products or special deals. The best thing about email marketing is that you can always tailor the content to the interests of the receiver, making it much easier to keep everyone engaged. It's a tried-and-true marketing tactic that has always worked.

You can be as creative as you want with your emails too! But remember, effective emails have a certain structure that includes:

  • A catchy subject line that encourages people to open and read your message
  • Body copy that is both concise and informative
  • Links to your blog or website
  • Compelling calls to action
  • A genuine person on your team as the “from” addressee, not just a generic business name.

Email marketing is all about sending the right message to the right people to elicit the most response. Not only that, but you can also send discounts or special offerings on emails to help increase conversion rates. Instilling a feeling of urgency is also an effective way to use email. Just remember not to overuse incentives since prospects and patients might start to demand them.

Need advice about this? Why not book a call with one of our marketing experts? Reach out to us here.

Online reputation management

online reputation management

The next med spa marketing tip is all about online reputation management (ORM). ORM is when you actively monitor mentions of your brand on websites and social media to remedy any bad or misleading remarks.

Search engine rankings are heavily influenced by online reviews. When people are seeking a service from a med spa, search engines only want to show them the most trustworthy results. If your med spa hasn't taken advantage of this yet, you need to!

Positive reviews indicate a good reputation, which is more likely to attract customers. According to statistics, 90% of potential buyers check internet reviews, with 67.7% making a purchasing decision based on the reviews.

Respond to unfavorable reviews as quickly as possible to reassure customers that you respect their opinion and are trying to improve your services.

It's critical to have a plan in place to respectfully encourage consumers to submit reviews, whether or not they're pleased with the service. You can try collecting their email addresses and follow up with an email asking them to submit a review. Include your websites, social media accounts, and online directories such as Yelp where customers may post reviews.

Give them the precise link so users can simply click on it.

Social media marketing

social media marketing

Of all of our med spa marketing tips, this one is the most basic for a med spa owner - leverage social media to your advantage!

Social media is another key component of medical spa marketing. Med spa social media marketing allows you to target certain audiences depending on their location and other demographic factors.

Social media also aids in promoting your company's brand. Social media is where you'll be able to interact with potential customers, current patients, and referring colleagues to develop your business both directly and indirectly.

Medical aesthetic procedures and treatments are already one of the most widely discussed topics on social media, so why not take advantage of this opportunity?

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok are all fantastic social media platforms for your med spa social media marketing. You can use these platforms to share information and promote engagement.

Some of the best content to post on these platforms are:

  • Special offers tailored to a certain set of followers or all of them.
  • Links to your premium content, such as a video, blog, tip sheet, or other resources.
  • Answering frequently asked questions about treatments.
  • Contests and surveys are appealing to participate in.
  • Before and after photos, but never use them without concealing names and asking for the patient's consent.

You'll want to approach each social platform differently because they're all distinctive. For example:


This platform is highly visual, so it's a great platform for med spas to use. You can hire a photographer to take professional photos to make your Insta feed look aesthetically pleasing. But you also have the option to do them yourself.


Facebook is a better platform for long-form content, it's a great place to provide links to your blog or other current content, invite followers to special events, share photos, and promote new videos. Don't use a personal account for your med spa, opt to create an entire account for business only. Your business account is where you should interact with patients, and well, take care of business.


Twitter is ideal for brief bursts of information, such as short comments or breaking news, sharing links, and patient alerts.


TikTok is one of the newer social media platforms in this roster, but it sure is gaining a ton of users (mostly Gen Zs and Millennials). This is another great platform for med spas because, like Instagram, it’s also highly visual. Your med spa can post short 30 to 60-second clips of before and afters, or short procedures. It’s also a great place to provide information and educate your audience without having to shoot a 30-minute video.


This platform is for videos longer than 2 minutes. You can use YouTube to post in-depth videos that explain procedures or to discuss how to choose the right treatment or procedure.

Paid advertising

paid advertising

Our next med spa marketing tip is to advertise! Paid online advertising can help you increase the number of people that visit your med spa website. One of the best advantages of paid advertising is that the results can be measured and tweaked as needed. Paid advertising can be done in a variety of ways, including:

  • PPC advertising- Pay-Per-Click ads are displayed at the top of search results. PPC ads make it a lot simpler to target your audience based on demographics like location. Google, Bing, Safari, and Yahoo! are just a few of the most popular search engines to create PPC ads.
  • Social media ads- Paid advertising is available on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Social media ads contribute to promoting your social media accounts and website.
  • Retargeted ads- Retargeting is a great advertising strategy. It displays your ads on other websites or platforms to individuals who have already visited your website. It's a means of reminding people about your site and allowing them to return with a simple click. It keeps your brand at the top of people's minds and drives more traffic to your website.
  • Native advertising- Native Ads are ads that appear on other websites and provide information about your website. It might be an infographic, an article, or a video with a link to your site.

Adding paid advertising to your marketing strategy means you have to think about things like ad design, content, placement and targeting, keyword selection, and campaign management. If this seems like too much work, you can always hire an agency, like us, to help you manage your digital marketing campaigns.

Get your business listed

get your business listed

Online business listings and directories help your website rank higher in search results and attract more organic traffic. Like with most med spa marketing tips, you’re going to have to need Google’s help. Why? Because the more trustworthy your listing is, the more likely it is to appear at the top of Google's search results and Google is one of the most trustworthy sources there is to find a business.

Some of the best sites to add your business listings are:

  • Google My Business
  • Yelp
  • Foursquare

Customers can leave online reviews for your business using Google My Business. And as we’ve previously mentioned, reviews help increase your brand reputation and help you rank higher in search engines. Google My Business also allows you to post content, which can help your website gain exposure and organic traffic.

Fill out these listings with as much information as possible, and remember to update them from time to time.

If you have many clinic locations, include all of them in the listings and offer detailed descriptions. Make sure that the name, address, and contact details are correct and consistent throughout all listings. If not, your SEO ranking and traffic will suffer as a result of these inaccuracies and inconsistencies.

Monitor your progress with these med spa marketing tips

monitor your progress

With all of these med spa marketing tips, you need to track your progress.

Any seasoned marketer understands the value of performance analytics when it comes to refining their strategies. However, waiting until the end of a marketing campaign to assess and adapt restricts the benefits of performance analysis significantly.

Top marketers don't rely on past results to guide future efforts; instead, they make real-time modifications to their campaigns based on the most recent data. Your marketing automation software should provide you with a variety of tools for evaluating the success of your campaigns.

There are several excellent analytics solutions available outside of Google Analytics. You can use individual analytics from each social media platform, use software to bring them all together in one place, or pay for a more sophisticated tool to obtain additional insights.

If you plan on starting your med spa digital marketing journey, it’s time to practice monitoring your progress regularly. There’s a reason why it’s part of almost every digital marketing best practices list.

Track the rights KPIs

track the right KPIs

Now that we're on the subject of tracking and monitoring your progress, it's time we talk about KPIs. KPIs or key performance indicators are quantifiable values that show how well a business is accomplishing critical business goals.

Here’s the thing, it’s great to set goals, but to an extent. You can’t keep adding too many things to your list of things you want to achieve. It’s important to be realistic and to set S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, accurate, realistic, time-bound) goals.

Less is more when it comes to KPIs. Don't overcomplicate things by tracking more than you need. Only a few KPIs should be created for each goal, each of which should be closely connected with that goal.

Set between four and ten KPIs for each target. You will drown in useless data if you focus on too many KPIs, and your efficiency will suffer as a result. This means you learn how to choose the right KPIs. You'll be far less likely to achieve your goals and the success of your business if you don't track the KPIs that matter.

#12: the greatest of all med spa marketing tips

To create and sustain successful digital marketing campaigns for your medical spa, you have to accept that you're going to have to be constantly unlearning and learning new things.

It takes more than altering your priorities year after year to have a successful marketing strategy. You’re going to have to be open to constantly trying to keep up with the digital marketing industry. You must always be on the lookout for new trends, technologies, and opportunities to stand out from your competition.

If you need someone to do this for you, we can help. Let's set up a marketing consultation to assess how we can grow your medical spa. We can discuss your situation and consider ways to collaborate and work together to help you expand your med spa business. Send us a message here!

Sales Page Tips

Sales Page: Tips That Are Sure To Help Drive Conversions (+Examples)

A sales page is your 24-hour salesperson. It basically does all the selling for you 24/7. I guess we can call them the MVPs of selling.

To put it another way, sales pages have higher goals than a typical product page or landing page. Rather than focusing on downloads, signups, or click-throughs (all of which are important for generating and nurturing leads), sales pages actually visitors into paying customers.

With an effective sales page, you can explain your product or service to visitors and encourage them to buy it right there. However, to make sure you get your sales page right, or if  this is the first time you're creating a sales page, you might want some tips to make sure your page is optimized.

We'll also go share some of our favorite real-world sales page examples. You might find inspiration and learn a thing or two from them.

Sales Page Tips

Sales Page Tips 2

1. Know Your Audience

Compelling copy is the foundation of any great sales page. And as all copywriters would agree, compelling copy comes from knowing your target audience.

This makes it extremely important to do your market research. It’s the only way to better understand your audience. You’ll be able to empathize with your audience better if you understand their pain points, what they like, as well as any possible objections they may have. Having that information will help you personalize your copy accordingly.

Tracking user activity with a program like Google Analytics is one way to obtain useful data.

Google analytics website

This allows you to see the activities, demographics, and interests of your website visitors. You can also analyze your customers' social media analytics to learn more about their interests and preferences.

Another way to learn more about your audience is to simply ask them.

Surveys and questionnaires can be a simple and effective approach to learn more about your customers. Plus, you'll better understand what they want.


2. Start With a Strong Headline

Somnifix sales pageThe goal of your headline is to persuade visitors to read the rest of the sales page. While it's the first thing visitors see on the page, it might be the last thing you write. You might even get your headline in the process of writing the rest of your copy. Remember, the headline should be bold and clear. It should be able to properly communicate what your offer is.


3. Follow With a Supporting Subheadline

optin monster sales page

A subheadline should appear beneath your big and bold headline. Its job is to elaborate on the key promises of your offer.

In comparison to your headline, your subheadline should have a smaller font size. It's also more likely to be lengthier to better describe your product or service and its benefits.


4. Write Copy That Addresses the Pain Points of Your Customers.

Given that your sales page's copy is its bread and butter, it makes sense to start there. After all, it is the one who does the hard lifting when it comes to product selling.

Plus, it will be so much easier to add the copy to the most appropriate sections while you're designing your layout.

It’s important to connect the features of the product/service to real-life situations whenever you write your copy.

You can do that by answering the following questions as best you can:

  • What are the pain points that this product can alleviate for customers?
  • How does this product make the lives of customers easier?
  • What distinguishes this product from others in terms of features and benefits?
  • Why should customers trust this product?

It's also a good idea to anticipate doubts or objections customers might have about your product. You can address their concerns even before visitors get the chance to voice them out.


5. Introduce Your Solution

After addressing your customer's pain points and the long-term effects it might have on their life, you should immediately introduce your offer. After all, you're positioning your offer as a solution to their problem.

This is the perfect time for you to present your program or product in detail. Talk about how it can benefit your customer internally and externally. Then emphasize how your program, service or product is the quickest way for them to get results. You want them to know they don't have to struggle much longer. Your product will solve it for them right away.


6. Make Your Offer as Clear and Simple as Possible

A complicated offer scares away potential clients. Customers don't have the time or attention span to try to understand what you're selling.

They won't stick around if they don't understand what you're offering them right away.

Make an offer that visitors won't be able to refuse, even from the moment they see your headline. Start with a benefit of the product or service, then describe it.

Reduce it to a single, succinct statement.

Let’s take this sales page for example, Ruby is a virtual receptionist that businesses from varying industries can use to automate their process.

Ruby sales pageThe headline “Save time. Build loyalty. Grow your business.”  tells you what ruby does clearly. Combined with the subheadline, then you’re already sold on the idea.

The proposition is simple: save time and focus on running your business. All the while ruby takes care of your customers for you.


7. Add Lists and Bullets

Eat Fat Get Thin Bullet Points

Breaking the content into bulleted or numbered lists is one way to give your sales page more "breathing room." You are not required to write full sentences or bulky paragraphs. You can always make lists with bullet points, checklists, etc.

Lists with bullets and numbers are useful since they draw attention to themselves. They're also easier to scan, which makes anyone reading happy.


8. Spruce Up Your Sales Page With Visual Content

ConvertKit media

Graphics let you deliver information more quickly and aesthetically engage your audience. A page with images, videos, animations, and illustrations is more engaging to look at.

More clients could be persuaded with the help of visual content, especially videos. You can even shoot a video to demonstrate and explain the value of your product or service.


9. Write the Perfect CTA

The first thing you need to think about when writing your CTA is what you want your customers to do.

Think of the CTA as your customer's response to the headline. What do you want your audience to do with your offer?

Dinnerly CTA

Let's take a look at Dinnerly’s sales page. Their headline and subheading is followed by the perfect CTA.

The copy for their CTA button, “Start Cooking,” is witty and not your conventional “learn more,” “sign up,” or “buy now.”

Remember, don’t be afraid to explicitly ask your visitors to take action. You don’t want to confuse them with what you want them to do, so it’s better to be clear and straightforward.

Another thing you can do to find the perfect CTA is to test which ones perform the best. The more you test, the better your CTA will get.


10. Use Multiple CTAs

There's nothing wrong with having many CTAs on a long-form sales page. Just make sure they all lead to the same conclusion.

The goal is to keep reiterating what you're asking for. Remind visitors why they're on your sales page in the first place.

They can either read the rest of the page or convert right away. Either way, you'll be the one benefitting.

However, you don't want to pack 30 CTAs onto a sales page. That would drive the visitors crazy and probably annoy anyone who reads the page. Make sure there's enough information between each CTA to entice people to keep reading.

A great example is Amber Housley’s long-form sales page. She uses multiple CTAs throughout her page, but it never feels stuffy. That's because she has enough information between each CTA.

Amber Housely CTA


11. Leverage Social Proof

Customer reviews or social proof helps online shoppers make purchasing decisions. It's important for persuading clients that a product or service is trustworthy and dependable.

Jen Smiley Testimonials

Show credibility and build trust by including testimonials, positive reviews, and client success stories on your sales page. It can add more weight to your claims and effectively reduce objections or concerns.

You can collect testimonials and positive reviews on your website, social media sites, or by personally contacting customers.

If you're having difficulties picking which submissions to use, look for ones that speak clearly about how the product benefited them or how it addressed their pain points.


12. Provide Customers With a Guarantee

Patagonia Guarantee

Guarantees are great for increasing conversions. They make customers feel safe.

Assume you're planning to buy a mattress for $1000. You've set a budget and discovered two alternatives on two different websites.

One of them has a warranty, and the other doesn't. Which one would you trust more?


13. Make It Urgent

Urgency is an excellent sales page strategy. Think about it, instilling a sense of urgency will push customers to make quick decisions. And that's exactly what you want.

You could try adding a pop-up that says “flash sale” to boost conversions. You're offering a discount if the visitor takes action within X hours.

Desire can also be used to generate urgency. This is something that financial advisors do all the time.

They might say something like, “Do you want to triple your revenue in a year? What are you waiting for?”


14. Handle Objections With an FAQ Section

Zoma FAQ

FAQs are also quite helpful. It's a quick way to communicate information without detracting from the conversion process.

It's the perfect place for you to respond to any potential objections that customers may have.

Anticipate the problems your potential customers might have with your product or service. Then explain why they won't be a big deal. Provide them with solutions when you answer their questions.

Some of your answers to these questions can get extremely long. So we suggest designing the FAQ section in a way that’s easy to read and won’t look cluttered on your page.

FAQ sections won't overwhelm visitors as long as you use strong subheadings and plenty of white space.


15. Design to Convert

Sales Page Wireframe

Now that you have your social proof and compelling copy, it's time to proceed to your sales page's design and layout.

Your sales page can either be long-form or short-form format. It all depends on the amount of information you need to present to your visitors. No matter the format you use, it's critical you keep the most important information "above the fold". This is the portion of the sales page that customers see first, even without scrolling.

It's also essential that the content is simple to read and skim. Using bullet points, lists, and altering the placement of images and text are examples of how you can do this.


16. Optimize Your Sales Page

These days it's essential for businesses to have responsive sites on desktop and mobile.

You don't want to give visitors an excuse to abandon their shopping cart, especially when they want to buy from you on their tablets or phones.

Make sure you optimize your sales page for different screen sizes. Hire a programmer or developer to keep your page responsive and fast.


17. Test Your Sales Page

Once you have your copy and sales page designed, it's time to test and modify to maximize your conversions. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a process that involves tracking data and doing split tests (also known as A/B testing) to determine the best-performing page setup.

For example, you could be unsure about whether to utilize a long-form or short-form sales page.

One of these solutions might perform much better than the other for some businesses. But without testing, it can be difficult to tell which is more engaging for your audience. You can test your:

  • Headlines, CTAs, subheadings, and other parts of your copy
  • Placements of different sections or elements
  • Images, graphics, videos
  • Colors and other design elements


Best Sales Page Examples

Now that we've gone over some tips you can use to improve your sales page, let's look at some of the best sales pages online. We'll be taking a closer look at some high-converting sales page examples to see why they succeed.



Slack's sales page is a great example of a high converting sales page. It does a fantastic job of presenting product features through interactive content. The sales page shows the product, its features, how it works, and what customers can expect from getting it.

Why it works:

  • The headline is short but is able to quickly convey what slack does and how it can help its customers.
  • They have separate pages for each product feature.
  • They added a customer stories section that names thousands of brands who use the product.
  • Customers can watch a live demo to have a better understanding of the software.
  • They scattered CTAs throughout the page, offering visitors plenty of chances to convert throughout their journey.




ConvertKit is an email marketing platform for content creators. The sales page does a great job of guiding users through the page using design and copy. It's a smart strategy that garnered impressive results.

Why it works:

  • The headline and subheading make it clear who the platform is for and how it can help
  • The animation in the hero section clearly demonstrates how simple it is to get started.
  • Having customers' written and video testimonials on the page enhance trust and credibility.
  • The wording on the page is tailored to creators. Making it more personable to potential consumers.
  • The inclusion of a free trial eliminates the requirement for users to spend any money.




Dinnerly is a meal box subscription service for budget-conscious home cooks. Their sales page is colorful, appealing, and tailored to a specific Reddit audience.

Why it works:

  • The page's design is tailored to Reddit users, offering a more personalized experience.
  • It describes the product and the benefits customers get from buying it.
  • The sales page copy describes the product value with the help of high-quality visuals.
  • There are multiple CTA buttons throughout the page. This way visitors can convert any time they want.


Eat Fat, Get Thin

Eat Fat Get Thin

Dr. Hyman's Eat Fat, Get Thin program teaches you how to lose weight and increase your energy levels. What makes this sales page great is that it addresses consumers' concerns while providing a viable solution.

Why it works:

  • The headline piques consumers' interest because it asks them to forget everything they currently know about fitness and diet.
  • The program is affiliated with big brands under the "As Seen On" section, giving it tons of credibility.
  • The subheadings make use of the readers' desire to lose weight. It pretty much emphasizes the programs' benefits.
  • Users can view actual data on how the program can help them succeed in the results section.
  • They included testimonials from others who have completed the program. This is a great strategy to help build trust and confidence.
  • By displaying a sample of the program's content, users get a sneak peek of what they can expect from the program.


AdEspresso University


AdEspresso is a course that teaches Facebook and Instagram advertising to business owners, marketers, etc.

Why it works:

  • There are no navigation links. Meaning there are no distractions for the visitor or temptation for them to leave the page.
  • The color of the CTA button differs from the rest of the page's color palette.
  • This is a straightforward headline with a strong emphasis on benefit.


Sales Page Tips Conclusion

Hopefully, these tips will help in creating epic sales pages that entice readers to buy. While all these tips will help you, keep in mind that a successful sales page is always evolving.

As you learn more about your target market, your sales page will most certainly change. Continue to fine-tune your messaging and have faith in the process.

If you or our company need help designing and developing a successful sales page, reach out to our team! We've helped countless clients design their websites, landing pages and sales pages, and most importantly, we've helped them drive traffic that converts. 

Just Digital Joins Clutch's List Of Top Branding Agencies In California (2022)

There’s nothing more validating than being recognized for all of our hard work. That’s why we’d like to take this moment to thank Premier B2B market research firm for naming Just Digital Inc. as one of the top branding agencies in California. 

Of the 30,000+ companies featured in the Branding category on the platform, only a little over 2,000 agencies who offer exceptional results and demonstrate a high level of commitment to their clients were chosen for this prestigious award.

The past few years have definitely been challenging for all of us. They brought about a whole new set of challenges and lessons to be learned, but it also proved to us the resiliency of our team. Looking back at all the projects we’ve done throughout the pandemic, receiving this national accolade means a big deal to us. 

Our ten years of experience did not fail us, and our team of digital marketing experts has only grown and improved to better serve our clients. Whether that’s through branding, website design and development, or digital advertising, we’re ready to help you grow!

When we first encountered, a D.C.-based B2B company that uses a unique research methodology to evaluate service and solution providers, we knew how valuable creating a profile would be to us. And we’re happy to report that our performance has helped us get that all-important feedback we needed to elevate ourselves in the industry. We’re looking forward to working with and our other loyal partners to gather more insightful and comprehensive reviews that add transparency to the quality of our service.

Again, a huge thank you to and our clients for your continued support. It’s definitely an honor to be listed on a platform that prioritizes the customer’s voice as a 5-star marketing agency

Looking to grow your business? Just Digital is the agency for you! We’re a creative digital marketing agency that offers branding, web design, digital marketing, and online advertising services.

Our team creates logos, websites, landing pages, email newsletters, and ads for different businesses from different industries. Our goal is to help small and medium businesses grow! We take care of everything, so you can focus on doing more of what you love.

Get the results you need from your branding and marketing campaigns and work with us today. Contact us here. 

Tax Practice

Marketing For Accountants: Grow Your Practice In 3 Steps

If you are an independent accountant or CPA, or if you have your own accounting firm, your number one priority is probably advising your clients. However, if you want your business to grow, you also have to attract more clients through sales and marketing. Marketing for accountants sounds like an easy job, right? Well, when you Google “how to grow your accounting practice” or “marketing for accountants” you get over 200 million results filled with numerous tips and tactics!

We’ve worked with many tax professionals, and we know for a fact that marketing doesn’t have to be that complicated. That’s why we’re sharing our 3-step growth process with you. So, how do you grow your tax practice?

Download marketing for accountants cheat sheet

Step One: Specialize

The first step to growing your business is to figure out what you’re actually good at and what you can do to create the most value in the marketplace. Oftentimes, we see tax practices make a big mistake by serving anybody and everybody. They can serve a W2 client all the way up to a high-net-worth individual. The problem is this is a big spectrum, and the type of marketing message that you need to attract each one of those clients is different. You need to ask yourself what your specialty is, and who you want to attract to your business.

There are two easy ways to figure out your specialty, so you can start marketing your accounting practice:

  1. First, figure out what services you want to be providing and specialize in those services. In our Tax Practice Growth Cheat Sheet, we give you a list of the 4 most profitable services in tax and accounting that we’ve seen.
  2. Second, you want to define the niche or industry that you want to be working with. Just like your services, the marketing message you need to reach each of those industries is completely different.

Step Two: Automate

Once you have decided on your specialty, you want to automate and systemize. According to Salesforce’s 2020 “Small & Medium Businesses Trend Report”, 48% of small businesses rated customer acquisition as their biggest challenge, and automation is one of the best ways to overcome this. One of the best places to start, especially if you are looking for growth, is automating your marketing and sales processes.

There are a couple of ways to do this:

  1. Start by creating automated sales and marketing funnels. This way, when a new lead comes into your business, they can follow a series of steps to learn about your services. You can do this through content, such as PDF downloads or on-demand webinars. The goal of your marketing and sales funnel will be to build trust, add value, and create awareness for your services. 
  2. Next, we encourage you to automate your customer onboarding. This will help you create consistency and a great customer experience. 

By automating your sales and marketing processes and your client onboarding, you will have a set way to attract and retain customers. Thanks to these automations, you won’t be overwhelmed with repetitive tasks every time a new contact approaches your business, leaving you with more time to take care of other parts of your business.

Step Three: Advertise 

The third and final step to growing your tax practice, is advertising. You need to put your business in front of new prospects consistently and predictably. Of course, you could focus on social media marketing, writing blogs, or sending newsletters. But that’s not going to get you the speed and growth you need to build a highly profitable six-figure tax practice. 

Every single business that we work with finds success when spending some of their marketing budget on digital advertising. They typically spend 10-20% of their topline revenue or topline revenue goal to try to get growth in their business. This way they’re always bringing in new qualified leads, nurturing those leads through marketing and sales funnels, and ultimately converting them into profitable clients.


Marketing for accountants and accounting firms can involve a wide variety of strategies. However, if you are looking for a sustainable and continuous way to grow your practice, you want to make sure you have the basics covered: specialization, automation, and advertising. 

Once those three areas are covered, you can expand your strategy to involve other digital marketing tactics to turn your accounting business into a brand that your customers trust and value.