
Maximize Your Impact: The Experts’ Guide to Building Interior Design Websites That Stand Out

By Just Digital Team

Your website is the first room your clients step into – it’s where first impressions are not just made, but meticulously crafted. In the realm of interior design, where every detail counts, your digital presence is your silent pitch, echoing your brand’s voice long before you speak. It’s about making that initial click a moment of awe, an instant connection, an irresistible invitation to explore further.

This isn’t just about being online. It’s about creating a space where your designs do the talking, where your aesthetic becomes an experience, where each scroll tells a story. In a world where your next big project could be just a click away, your website stands as your digital portfolio, showcasing what you bring to the table – or rather, to the living room, bedroom, and beyond. Let’s explore how turning your interior design website into a masterpiece of design and functionality can elevate your brand to new heights.

The Importance and Benefits of Interior Design Websites

Why Your Design Deserves a Digital Home

Let’s face it, in our digital-first world, having an interior design website is like having the key to a secret club. It’s more than just a web address; it’s a game-changer for your business. Here’s why:

Credibility and Professional Image

First things first, a slick interior design website is like your business card, but better. It’s your chance to say, “Hey, I know my stuff, and here’s the proof!” Clients today expect professionals to have an online presence, and the best interior design websites do just that – they build trust and show you’re serious about your craft.

24/7 Accessibility and Global Reach

Think of your website as your always-open showroom. Whether it’s midnight or midday, someone somewhere can be scrolling through your work, getting inspired, and dreaming up their next project with you. And the best part? They could be from any corner of the globe. Interior designer websites break down geographical barriers, opening up a world of opportunities.

Portfolio Showcase

Your website is your virtual gallery. It’s where your projects, from cozy home designs to chic commercial spaces, get to shine. An interior design website is not just about listing services, it’s about showcasing your best work. Whether it’s simple interior design websites or more elaborate ones, they let your work do the talking.

Client Engagement and Feedback

Websites for interior designers aren’t just one-way streets. They’re interactive platforms where clients can reach out, ask questions, and give feedback. Plus, with features like blogs and newsletters, you can keep your audience engaged and up-to-date with your latest projects and ideas.

Interior Design Website as a Storyteller

Every interior designer has a story, and your website is the perfect place to tell it. From the About page to your blog, your website narrates who you are, what you do, and why you love doing it. Go beyond showcasing your designs and connect with your audience on a personal level. The best interior design websites turn visitors into followers and followers into clients.

Enhancing Visibility with SEO

A well-designed website is great, but it needs to be seen. That’s where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes in. By optimizing your site, you can rank higher in search results when people look up ‘interior design websites’ or ‘home design websites’. This means more eyes on your work and more potential clients knocking on your virtual door.

Social Media Integration

Your website should not stand alone. Integrating it with social media platforms is like throwing a party and inviting the whole world. Share your latest projects, blog posts, and ideas across social channels, and lead your followers back to your website. This synergy between your website and social media can be a potent tool in building a robust online presence.

A Space for Reviews and Testimonials

There’s nothing quite like a glowing review to boost your credibility. Including a section for client testimonials on your website not only shows potential clients what you’re capable of, it also gives them a glimpse of the experience they can expect when working with you.

Making the Most of Your Online Space

Now, creating an interior design website isn’t just about slapping on some photos and text. To stand out, you need a site that reflects your unique style and brand. Whether you’re looking for interior design website inspiration or planning to create the best home design website out there, remember that your website should be as well-designed as the spaces you create.

Think about it – your website is your digital portfolio and your round-the-clock salesperson rolled into one. Whether clients are looking for interior design ideas or the best website for home design, yours should be the go-to place for inspiration, information, and engagement.

Your Website, Your Rules

Finally, remember that your interior design website is yours. It’s a reflection of your style, your philosophy, and your approach to design. Whether you’re inspired by minimalist interior design sites or louder, more exciting interior design websites, your site should feel like a digital extension of your physical work.

So, whether you’re revamping your existing site or starting from scratch, remember that your interior design website is your digital footprint in the vast world of design. Make it count!

Key Elements of Effective Interior Design Websites

Crafting a Digital Space That Speaks Your Style

Creating a standout interior design website isn’t just about throwing together some pretty pictures and a contact page. It’s about crafting a digital space that’s as functional and fabulous as the interiors you design. Here’s what you need to focus on:

Aesthetic and User-Friendly Design

First up, your website needs to look good – really good. It should reflect your design style, whether that’s minimalist chic, modern eclectic, or anything in between. But beauty isn’t everything; your site also needs to be user-friendly. That means easy to navigate, fast to load, and a breeze for users to find what they’re looking for.

High-Quality Visual Content

As an interior designer, visuals are your bread and butter. High-resolution images that showcase your work in the best light are a must. But don’t stop at photos; consider adding videos or virtual tours to really give visitors a feel for your spaces. Remember, the best interior design websites are visual feasts for the eyes.

Portfolio Section

Your portfolio is where you get to show off your projects. This section should be easy to find and simple to navigate through different projects, with professional photos of your best work. Whether it’s home design or commercial spaces, make sure your portfolio highlights the breadth and depth of your talent.

Testimonials and Reviews

Happy clients are your best advocates. Including a section for testimonials and reviews not only adds credibility, but also gives potential clients a taste of what it’s like to work with you.

Contact Information and Easy Navigation

Ever been on a website where you can’t figure out how to get in touch? Frustrating, right? Make sure your contact info is front and center. And while you’re at it, ensure your website navigation is intuitive. The last thing you want is for potential clients to get lost in a maze of menus.

Blog and Content Strategy

A blog can be a powerful tool. It’s a place to share your thoughts on the latest design trends, offer tips, and showcase your expertise. Regular, quality content can also help improve your SEO, making it easier for clients to find you.

Mobile Optimization

In a world where most people browse on their phones, a mobile-optimized website is essential. Your site should look as good on a small screen as it does on a desktop.

Bringing It All Together

Your interior design website is your online portfolio, your digital business card, and your brand’s home all rolled into one. It’s where first impressions are made and where clients start their journey with you. So, take the time to get these key elements right. Whether you’re aiming for the best interior design websites or a simple, elegant showcase, remember that your website is an extension of your creativity and professionalism. Let it be the stepping stone that brings clients to your door, ready to transform their spaces with your vision.

DIY Website Creation vs. Hiring a Professional

Navigating the World of Interior Design Websites

So, you’re ready to take your interior design business online. The big question is: do you dive into creating your own website, or do you call in the pros? Let’s break down the pros and cons of each approach.

DIY Website Building: Pros and Cons


  • Cost-Effective: Typically, DIY is easier on the wallet. With plenty of website builders out there, you can start with minimal investment.
  • Total Control: You call the shots. Every aspect of your site, from layout to content, is yours to decide.
  • Learning Experience: You’ll gain new skills and a better understanding of how your website works, which can be handy for quick updates or fixes.


  • Time-Consuming: Designing a website can eat up your time – time that could be spent on your actual business.
  • Learning Curve: There’s a lot to learn, from design principles to SEO. It can be overwhelming if you’re new to this.
  • Limited Functionality: Some DIY platforms might not offer the advanced features you need for a standout interior design website.
Hiring a Professional: Pros and Cons


  • Professional Quality: You get a sleek, polished website. Professionals bring experience and expertise, resulting in a more sophisticated site.
  • Customization: Professional designers can create unique features tailored to your specific needs.
  • Time-Saving: Handing over the reins means you can focus more on your interior design projects and less on troubleshooting website issues.


  • Cost: Professional services can be a significant investment. Depending on your needs, this could mean a higher upfront cost.
  • Less Personal Control: While you have input, you’re not the one making every decision, which might be a downside if you like having total control.
Making the Right Choice for Your Brand

Whether you choose the DIY route or decide to hire a professional, your decision should align with your business goals, budget, and personal preference. If you’re tech-savvy and have time, a DIY interior design website can be a fulfilling project. But if you’re looking for something uniquely tailored and high-end with minimal time spent, a professional might be the way to go.

Remember, your website is a crucial tool in your interior design business. Whether it’s through a DIY platform or a bespoke creation by a web designer, make sure your site reflects the quality and creativity of your work.

How to Create a DIY Interior Design Website

Ready to dive into creating your own interior design website? Great! It’s an exciting journey and one that’s totally doable with a bit of guidance. Here’s how to start:

Choosing the Right Platform

There are plenty of website builders out there like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace. Let’s break them down:

  • WordPress: Ideal for those who have a bit of tech know-how. It offers extensive customization options with thousands of themes and plugins. Great for a unique, scalable website.
  • Wix: A user-friendly choice with drag-and-drop features. It’s perfect for beginners and offers a range of stylish templates. Wix is ideal for creating a visually appealing site without needing to dive into coding.
  • Squarespace: Known for its sleek designs and intuitive interface, Squarespace is great for those who prioritize aesthetics and want a hassle-free setup process.

Consider factors like ease of use, customization, ongoing maintenance, and cost when choosing your platform.

You can read an in depth review and comparison of the three hosting sites here.

Basic Design Principles for Non-Website Designers

You might be an ace at interior design, but web design is a different ballgame. Stick to basic principles:

  • Simplicity is Key: Avoid clutter. Use whitespace effectively to create a clean look.
  • Color and Typography: Choose a color scheme that reflects your branding. Use two or three primary colors for consistency. For typography, stick to two complementary fonts for readability.
  • Navigation: Ensure your menu is easy to find and use. Visitors should be able to navigate to key sections like your portfolio, about page, and contact information effortlessly.
  • Imagery: Use high-quality images that showcase your projects. Remember, in interior design, visuals are everything.
Incorporating SEO Best Practices

SEO, or search engine optimization, is how people find your site on Google. Use relevant keywords like ‘interior design websites’ or ‘home design websites’ in your content. Also, make sure your images have alt text with key phrases, and your pages have title tags and meta descriptions. Where you add these things will depend on your website builder, so just check the support articles to see where they’re located.

  • Keyword Research: Identify keywords relevant to your business (e.g., ‘best interior design websites’, ‘home design websites’). Use tools like Google Keyword Planner for this.
  • On-Page SEO: Include keywords in your titles, headings, and throughout your content, but don’t overdo it. Make it natural.
  • Image Optimization: Compress your images for faster loading times and use descriptive file names and alt tags.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure your website looks good and functions well on mobile devices, as this is a key ranking factor for Google.
  • Local SEO: If you serve specific areas, include location-based keywords to attract local traffic. Read more about local SEO in Semrush’s blog.
Tips for Effective Content Creation
  • Showcase Your Work: Create a portfolio section to display your projects. Use high-quality images and write brief descriptions for each project.
  • Blogging: Share design tips, trends, and insights. This not only adds value for your visitors but also helps with SEO. If you’re stuck on what type of content to blog about, here are 20 ideas you can find inspiration from.
  • Consistency: Update your website regularly with new projects, blog posts, or updates about your business.
  • Engagement: Encourage interaction by adding a comments section in your blog or integrating social media feeds.

Bringing Your Design Flair Online

Your DIY interior design website is a reflection of your style and expertise. It’s where potential clients get a peek into your creative world. So, while keeping the technical side in check, let your design personality shine through. Whether you’re aiming for a look that’s cozy and welcoming or sleek and professional, your website should be a digital extension of the spaces you create.

Think of this project like designing a new space – plan it, lay the foundations, build it piece by piece, and then add your unique touches. With some patience and creativity, you’ll have an interior design website that’s not just functional, but a true showcase of your talent.

How Professionals Create a Website

Elevating Your Interior Design Business Online

When professionals step in to create an interior design website, they bring a blend of artistic vision and technical expertise to ensure that the site not only showcases your work beautifully, but also functions seamlessly. Here’s how they do it:

1. The Design Process Explained:
  • Understanding Your Brand: Initially, the focus is on understanding the essence of your interior design business. What sets you apart? Are you into minimalist design or more eclectic styles? This insight helps in creating a website that mirrors the ethos of your brand.
  • Creating a Blueprint: Just like in interior design, creating a website starts with a plan. Professionals draft a blueprint of your site, considering the layout, user journey, and key features you need, such as a portfolio section to showcase your best interior design projects.
2. Customization and Branding:
  • Bespoke Design: A professional designer will ensure that your website is not just another template. From the choice of colors to the font style, each element is chosen to reflect the unique style of your interior design work, and your particular taste.
  • Consistent Branding: Whether it’s your logo or brand colors, consistent branding across your website reinforces your identity and helps in building brand recall among your audience, making your site stand out among the best interior design websites.
3. Advanced SEO and Analytics Integration:
  • Optimized for Search Engines: Using relevant keywords such as ‘interior design websites’ and ‘best home design websites’, professionals optimize your site to rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for potential clients to find you.
  • Analytics for Insights: By integrating tools like Google Analytics, professionals provide you with insights into your website’s performance, helping you understand visitor behavior and make informed decisions.
4. Ongoing Support and Maintenance:
  • Regular Updates: To keep your site up-to-date with the latest design trends and technologies, ongoing maintenance is essential. This ensures your website remains relevant and continues to attract your target audience.
  • Technical Support: Should any issues arise, having professional support means they’re quickly resolved, ensuring your website remains operational and efficient.

Crafting a Digital Showroom

In essence, when professionals create an interior design website, they’re crafting a digital showroom for your business. It’s not just about a stunning visual appeal; it’s about creating a user-friendly, SEO-optimized, and brand-consistent platform that effectively showcases your expertise in interior design. This approach ensures that your website not only looks fantastic but also performs well, making it a valuable asset in your digital marketing strategy. With professional help, your interior design website can become a leading destination for clients seeking inspiration, information, and design services.

Analysis of Top 12 Best Interior Design Websites

Kim Gordon Designs


This site has a lot of great features going on, from its animations and interactivity as you scroll, to its easy hover-to-drop-down menu. Kim Gordon Designs is a perfect example of an intriguing, unique site that sacrifices zero user-friendliness.

Tyler Karu

interior-design-website-exampleNotable for its bold header font contrasted with softer, thinner fonts, this site offers a logical journey for visitors and includes interactive elements, like hover effects for better navigation​s​​.



This user-friendly site offers a visually attractive layout with clear CTAs and a unique homepage design where the mouse turns into an arrow, prompting user interaction​.

Jessica Helgerson Interior Design

This site makes a statement by not including anything under the top image of the homepage, putting the focus on a beautiful slideshow of their work. ​​This is a good example of a simple, small website that still has everything you need.

Krane Home

Krane Home offers a cozy and inviting feel with a focus on showcasing products and space images. The site highlights the studio’s previous accomplishments in an attractive manner​.

Format Furniture

Engaging, interesting, and unique, Format uses strong, geometric fonts that are still warm and inviting. The site includes a fun feature where the color palette appears as you click on a project​.

Sashya Thind

Characterized by ‘warm minimalism’, this site effectively showcases the designer’s own style. Projects are organized and easy to navigate, and there’s an extensive Press page showing all the publications where the company has been featured.

Amhad Freeman Interiors

Presents a minimal yet gorgeous layout with easy navigation. The homepage features an elegant video that shows the designer in the spaces he’s created.



This website sets itself apart from others in the interior design space by showcasing its process through engaging illustrations and offering a style quiz. It features bright colors, stylish fonts, and a touch of femininity, creating a welcoming and unique vibe. Plus, it boosts its approachability by sharing glowing reviews from happy clients and maintaining an active presence on popular social media platforms.

Studio Shamshiri

“When in doubt, but you want to stand out, turn it sideways.” -the designer of this site, probably. Shamshiri sets itself apart with a unique layout, fun hover effects, and a menu that isn’t more than a little circle in the top right corner (a bold move, but we respect it).

Crafted Interiors

A sleek design with immersive, eye-grabbing sections, including a sideways scroll to showcase the portfolio section on the homepage. The whole website has an effortless, modern feel.


This site’s vibe is classy yet practical, making it more accessible for a wider audience who value convenience and have a smaller budget. Decorilla makes great use of video, social proof, and its affiliation with Martha Stewart.

Common Features and User Experience Highlights

  • High-Quality Visual Content: All these websites prioritize visually appealing and high-quality imagery to showcase their work.
  • User-Friendly and Unique Design: These sites feature user-friendly navigation and unique design elements, such as bold header fonts, contrasting softer fonts, clear CTAs, and vertical menus.
  • Engaging Content: They offer engaging content, including blogs, design tips, and detailed project showcases.
  • Interactivity and Navigation: Many sites use interactive elements like hover effects, which help in deciphering clickable elements, and menus that are easy to navigate.
  • Social Proof: Many of these websites include a Press page and feature testimonials from happy clients, reinforcing their credibility.

These top interior design websites excel in creating engaging user experiences through their unique design elements, user-friendly interfaces, and high-quality content, making them standout examples in the field of interior design.

Case Study: Our Journey with Simour Design


Initial Challenges Faced by Simour Design

When Simour Design, previously known as LA Healthcare Design, partnered with us, they were on the brink of a significant transformation. The goal was clear but challenging: rebrand the business into a luxurious interior design firm, specifically catering to top-tier medical offices nationwide.

Our Strategy: Crafting a New Identity

  • A Thoughtful Rebranding: Understanding the importance of cultural and symbolic representation in branding, we worked closely with Mitra Silva, the visionary behind Simour Design. Our focus was to integrate the concept of healing – a vital aspect of their target sector – into their brand. Mitra chose ‘Simour’, a mythical symbol in Persian culture representing medicine and pharmacy, as the new brand name. This was more than a name change; it was about creating an identity that spoke directly to their audience.
  • Website Transformation: Our team dove deep into redesigning their website. We knew that to truly capture the essence of Simour Design, we needed to showcase the transformation they bring into spaces. This was vividly brought to life through before-and-after photos and a rich portfolio gallery on their website, painting a picture of the impact their design has on medical spaces.
  • Building a Visual Story: Every element on the new website was carefully chosen to reflect luxury and healing. From the elegant rendition of the simour bird in their logo to the choice of a luxurious serif font, each aspect was a piece of the story we were telling.
  • Interactive Elements for Engagement: To make the website not just informative but also engaging, we incorporated custom animations and videos. This wasn’t just about aesthetics; it was about narrating the Simour Design Methodology in a way that captivated and educated visitors.
  • A Dynamic and Evocative Experience: We wanted every visitor to feel the transformational power of Simour Design as they navigated the site. The use of dynamic content, interactive features, and multimedia elements was crucial in achieving this.

Results: A Triumph in Rebranding

The outcome was a resounding success. Simour Design’s new website became a beacon of their expertise in luxury interior design for healthcare spaces. It’s not just an online business card – it’s a story, an experience, and a promise of transformation, all rolled into one. The website attracts the exact clientele Simour Design is aiming for, marking a significant milestone in their journey.

Impact: Realizing Vision into Reality

This project with Simour Design was more than a client engagement for us; it was a partnership in true transformation. It exemplified our commitment to not just meet but exceed our clients’ expectations. Through this project, we demonstrated that with the right strategy, understanding, and execution, a website can be the most powerful tool in a brand’s arsenal.

As we reflect on our journey with Simour Design, we are reminded of the impact thoughtful branding and a well-crafted website can have. It’s a testament to our dedication to bringing our clients’ visions to life and our passion for creating digital experiences that resonate, engage, and inspire.

Read more about how we designed for Simour here.

Why Your Interior Design Website Matters

The Big Picture of a Great Interior Design Website

So, let’s bring it all back home. Your interior design website isn’t just a bunch of pretty pictures online; it’s the digital face of your brand. It’s where first impressions are made, ideas are sparked, and where potential clients decide if they want to work with you. It should be your online portfolio, your 24/7 showroom, and your best salesperson, all rolled into one.

A Little Nudge to Get You Started

Remember, everyone starts somewhere, and your website is a journey. It’s about telling your story, showing off your best work, and really connecting with those who visit your site. Whether you’re jazzing up a living room or transforming a commercial space, your website should reflect the quality and style of your work.

Let’s Make Some Magic Happen

Ready to give your website the upgrade it deserves? That’s where we, Just Digital, come in. We’re all about creating websites that not only look amazing but also do the hard work of drawing in your ideal clients.

Here’s Our Invite: Drop us a line! We’re here to chat about how we can make your interior design website shine. Whether it’s a full makeover or just a few tweaks, we’ve got your back.

Our Special Offer: And hey, because we love seeing great design as much as you do, we’re offering a free consultation and website audit. Let’s take a peek at what you’ve got and brainstorm some ideas to make it even better.

Ready to turn your website into a showstopper? Contact Just Digital today and let’s create a space on the web that’s as stunning and unique as your designs.


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