Write Better Subject Lines for Email Marketing (With Examples)

Write Better Subject Lines for Email Marketing (With Examples)

When was the last time you were genuinely enticed to open an email? I bet you have hundreds, maybe thousands (if you’re on countless mailing lists), of unread emails sitting on your inbox. None of which caught your attention because the subject lines weren’t enticing enough.

Whether we like to admit it or not, we all know we judge our emails based on their subject lines. Research even shows that 47% of marketers test multiple email subject lines to improve the output of their emails’ performance. That's why crafting subject lines that are convincing enough to get people to click through is so critical.

Even though subject lines may seem like a very small detail in the entire scheme of things, it’s the first thing your subscribers see. It’s the first impression they get, and it's your one way ticket to getting a click in a crowded inbox.

Want to get your email clicked, opened, and read? Then spend extra time crafting an enticing subject line that will help boost your email open rates, skip getting archived in spam, and get your message read by the right people.

If you’re ready to spice up your subject lines and boost your email’s performance, scroll down below for some tried-and-true tips to writing the best subject lines for a successful email marketing campaign.

What are Subject Lines?

woman sitting on chair using her laptop with a big laptop as the background with email inbox open

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If you didn’t know, the subject line in an email is the short line of text you see when you receive an email in your inbox. Since inboxes are filled with hundreds or even thousands of emails every day, it's critical to create a catchy subject line that will allure subscribers to choose yours over those other hundreds or thousands.

J75 Subject Line Example

As you can see, the subject line is the one inside the red box. We crafted this subject line for one of our clients to promote their president’s day shoe sale.

Why do you need good subject lines?

Guy sitting in front of work desk with desktop working on an email

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A good subject line can produce a powerful impact on your readers. In fact, this study shows that 47% of recipients will open an email if it has a catchy subject line. Much like the heading of an article or a book title, email recipients won't open your email if it isn't descriptive enough or seems spammy.

At any rate, your email subject line should be able to concisely convey the necessary information to your targeted audience.

Different Types of Subject lines

Woman sits on the floor holding a megaphone with a big cellphone as the background with an email icon

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There are plenty of types of subject lines you can write, funny ones, curiosity generating ones, and the worst of them all - spammy ones! Now all of these different types serve a purpose, but there’s actually a list of types that work better than the rest of them.

Here are 4 types of email subject lines that generate tons of clicks:

Curiosity Generating Subject Lines

Have you ever opened an email because the subject line piqued your curiosity? If you have, then you know how much this type of subject line gets to people.

The curiosity generating subject line is all about the tease. Take a look at this subject line for example.

Just Digital Hugo Fernandez Email with focus on the subject line

If you were someone actively searching for a digital agency, of course you’d be curious how an agency can potentially turn your brand into something iconic.

It’s concise and straight to the point. Email recipients already know what the email is about, but it’s still enticing you to open the email to read more.

Try incorporating this marketing technique to your email marketing campaign and soon enough you'll be able to:

  • Increase open rate
  • Boost click-through rate
  • Increase more traffic to your website
  • Boost conversions

Other examples we recommend can be:

  • Dribbble : Here’s how 2020 changed design.
  • Soapbox : This is how you’re changing our world
  • Bon Appétit : Your best lunch yet

Urgency or Scarcity Generating Subject Lines

MILK makeup Subject Line

This marketing technique is all about making your subscribers feel FOMO (fear of missing out): An event, a desirable opportunity, a valuable resource, and a decent bargain.

It’s an overused tactic, but it works. Just like the example above.

However, it's crucial not to come off as too "salesy "when using scarcity or urgency. Email spam filtering can be activated with certain terms and phrases that advertisers use to convey a limited time discount and the response can be sent directly to the spam archive.

Other examples can be:

  • Design Cuts : Expiring now: 98% off The Font Collector’s Handpicked Selection
  • Elevate: A gift for you: 45% off your subscription for 3 days only
  • The New York Times : One day only: Subscribe for $0.25 a week

Personalized/Self Interest Subject Lines

Skillshare subject line

People are always striving to be better, it just appeals to our inherent self interest.

That’s why subject lines that are personalized and target things we’re interested in and care about work well. Look at the example above. If you’re a skillshare user looking for a new class to join, then skillshare just solved your problem with a list catered for you.

Other examples can be:

  • The Hubspot Team : Here’s your case study creation kit
  • Dribbble : This is why you need a designer
  • Big Bad Wolf Books : Weekly special discounts for you

News & Current Events Subject Lines

Nike Subject Line

The subject lines of the news take advantage of our innate urge to be knowledgeable. Even if you don't follow major news sources, odds are that you can keep up-to-date on issues of your concern. Might this be:

  • Reading a specific blog
  • Listening to a podcast daily
  • Checking the website of your favorite brand for new items

If they subscribed to you, they must be interested in your brand right? So just like Nike, share some news, whether it’s industry news or product launches.

Other examples can be:

  • Flo : New Flo 6.0 — Take better care of your health in 2021.
  • Chris Spooner : Download 10 New Assets from the Inspirational Textures & Elements Collection
  • Spotify : New music from artists you love

How To Write The Best Subject lines - Best Practices

Use a Familiar Sender Name Subscribers can Reply to

Just Digital Hugo Fernandez Sender Name

People just have more empathy and want to interact when you prefer to use a sender name that’s more human than brand.

Choosing to use a sender name that’s familiar, like the example above, makes you less intimidating and more inviting. Technically, it’s still best to mention which company you’re from, but you can do it in a way that still incorporates your name.
For example, Ezra@yourcompany.com or Symone@yourcompany.com.

Use your own name as the sender's address if you have previously contacted the recipients from a previous conversation. It’s the best impact you can make on your clients, make them feel they're dealing with you, the person—not the whole company or a brand.

Pixel Buddha @noreply sender name

Most people are hesitant to open emails from unfamiliar senders, due to the volume of junk email people receive these days. And far less people want a robot to chat to. Think of when you contact an agency and can't get a hold of a real person. This is annoying, huh? It even goes with email, too.

A noreply@company.com email address makes you look less personable, plus it keeps people from adding the email to their address book. Avoid using a generic email address and use a genuine person's email address instead.


Grab Personalized Subject Line

Personalized subject lines have over a 26% chance of being opened because of the unique and personal approach.Research indicates that it does not simply mean that personalizing the subject line requires the name of the user, new approaches have arisen. For example, based on your customer's prior orders, you can personalize emails with demographic details or give offers.

Using personalization tokens in the subject line, such as name or place, adds some sort of bond between you and the recipient. Everybody loves to hear their name acknowledged. So much that it improves the click-through rate: testing has actually found that emails including the recipient's first name in their subject line have higher click-through rates than emails that have not.

Please remember that there's a limit to the personalization. It can get creepy fast. Nevertheless, if you don't want to use personalization tokens, use "you" or "your" pronouns in the subject line, so it feels like you're specifically addressing them.

Make it Short

Grammarly Short Subject Line Example

A huge increase in mobile use has been accomplished by recent developments in technology. Now, it is possible that most people would prefer to open emails from their mobile. For most users to update their email on the go, mobile devices are conveniently available and thus handy.

That's why, to stop being cut off on smartphone inboxes, email marketers need to keep their subject line under 50-40 characters long.

If you're trying to keep the subject lines brief, think of omitting trivial details that don't need to be included in your subject line. Don't waste your time using the word "update" or "newsletter" in the subject line.

Segment & Target Your Emails

SHEIN segmented and targeted subject line example

Not everyone can appreciate receiving email blasts with things that don't concern them. It can be frustrating and may create misunderstanding or annoyance.

Personalize the experience through details from the actions already performed by the customers—from the surveys they have filled out, to the industries they are in, their cart abandonment, and to what their personal interests are. In email marketing, you can personalize the experience of your users using a little bit called segmentation of the list.

Make It Seem Urgent

Russel Brunson Urgent Subject Line Example

Another great tactic is to make your subject line seem urgent, without overdoing it. It has to be genuine. Words like “Act now!,” “Emergency,” “Urgent,” “Until today only!!” are limited time offerings that portray a sense of urgency and scarcity.

This kind of email subject line will help motivate readers to click or act—when creatively and strategically phrased. Remember, this tactic should be used sparingly, or else it will have the opposite effect of what you want your readers to do.

Use Emojis

Morning Brew Emoji Subject Line Example

Add some color and emotion to your subject line by adding emojis. The primary goal of using an emoji is to catch focus and express emotions. It’s a small thing you can do to catch attention to your email.

Avoid Spammy Language








Email Marketing Graphic

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By now you should know how using all caps translates to yelling on the internet. It can be really upsetting and it's rude.

Aggressive or salesy language isn't really something users want to receive in their emails. Subject lines with all caps or multiple exclamation points is just loud and cluttered formatting.

These strategies are not only destructive, but they sound like spam. So aim to tailor your newsletters, create value, and use catchy and delightful language instead of using disruptive techniques such as these to stand out in people's inboxes.

Emails with loud formatting will automatically trigger spam filters and get your mail sent to the spam bin, so better avoid this at all costs.


  • SALE TODAY!!!!!!!

Test Subject Lines

Split A/B Testing Graphic

It’s not always a win when it comes to email marketing, or even marketing in general. There’s no sure way or sure answer to succeed in email marketing, which is why it’s better to test what works for your target audience.

Although using your instincts to guess what subject line vocabulary can help people click on your emails can be enticing, you can always test the highest-stakes subject lines with A/B split testing and change the wording according to the performance. What fits best: lengthy or short subject lines for the audience? Numbers inclusive or numbers not included? Questions or declarations?

Are you ready to write your subject line?

You're now able to create strong subject lines with the tips above. But, it's best if you don't depend on our advice alone.

Listen to your audience. Go to your inbox and put yourself in your subscriber's shoes. What would you want to read?

Looking for more tips like this? All you have to do is click here.

Copywriting VS content writing cover image

Copywriting VS Content Writing : What's The Difference?

Copywriting VS Content writing: Is it the same thing? Is there a difference? Which one should I use?

These are the usual questions we hear whenever a client approaches us regarding their web copy, and we’re here to answer all of these questions for you.

To start, let me tell you a story. There was once a time when a copywriter was the go-to guy for any and all marketing copy. But this was in the prehistoric days of the internet when the blog wasn't even invented yet. These days, if you have a blog, you must ask yourself if you are writing the right form of copy or content for your target audience.

Today, blogging has become a behemoth marketing strategy for marketers with 53% of marketing professionals naming it as their top digital marketing content priority. Websites with blogs, in particular, have a 434% higher probability of ranking top spots on search engines.

Copywriters on the other hand don’t necessarily manage blogs or write content for blog sites. They’re working on a separate thing entirely.

The truth is, the distinction matters since these two styles of writing will deliver companies very different outcomes. It's time to put this question to rest and uncover the difference.

Marketing is all about storytelling!

Man sits on top of huge typewriter

Have you noticed how in recent years the most successful brands are storytellers? These brands succeed in appealing to the market by leveraging human emotions. They use storytelling and empathy to win our trust, encourage us to take action, and convince us to believe in their mission.

But, storytelling is a two-way street that is part of a long term relationship with your clients. You'll need to build trust before you actually begin selling something.

Customers deserve to know that your priority isn't to sell to them. You should prove you actually care about them and want to help them.

It's a juggling act; one where diverse tasks are played by copywriters and content writers. However, both are crucial in forging meaningful relations with consumers.

It's important to know the distinctions between a copywriter and a marketing writer, whether you're developing your team in-house or partnering with an agency. This will assist you in recruiting the best person to share your brand's story.

Copywriting - What is it?

Man with big megaphone holding it up against a big blog post

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The primary focus of copywriting is generating revenue by converting traffic into leads and sales. It's basically a direct, short-term goal with big returns. Ads, sales letters, PPC landing pages, and more are all forms of copywriting.

A copywriter can produce persuasive headlines and call-to-actions (CTAs) to entice clients to buy a product, subscribe to a subscription, plan a trip, or submit essential information for follow-up, such as an email address. Creative copywriters have been responsible for some of the world's most popular ad strategies.

Copywriting is more straight to the point compared to content writing, and it incorporates compelling, emotional words to entice consumers to act quickly. It can sound unlikely, but copywriting may make or break a business.

Content Writing - What is it?

Content writing Man with big pencil writes on laptop screen projecting a zoomed in article/blog post

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The primary focus of content writing is to generate organic traffic via search engines.

Content writing is producing blog posts, social media posts, white papers, e-books, and other insightful materials that teach, entertain, and update the audience about a given subject. It focuses on developing positive interaction with your customers so that they can value your brand over time and become involved in your product or service.

The best content writers are so skilled at storytelling that they can write hundreds of posts for your blog without even referencing your brand and yet continue to draw and convert prospects. The strength of this kind of prose is that it has the power to gradually turn leads into opportunities, clients into prospects, and return buyers from consumers.

Studies show B2B marketers find blogging to be more time- and cost-effective than conventional methods of lead generation. Content writing also has the power to position your brand as an authority and a credible leader in your industry.

The great thing about this type of content is that it's entertaining. Since it is free for your readers, your content writer must be well-versed in SEO to ensure that your content is found and read.

Copywriting VS Content Writing - Key Differences

copywriting vs content writingCopywriting VS content writing key differences infographic

(click on the image to zoom in)

If you look at the infographic above, you’ll have a better grasp of the difference between copywriting and content writing.

Copywriting VS Content Writing - Benefits

woman sitting on big megaphone typing on laptop

Let’s start with copywriting benefits!

Copywriting benefits

Helps build your brand

When people visit your website, the first thing they see is your web copy. This means you only have one chance to impress your potential customers.

Remember, your copy aids prospective customers in deciding whether or not you are trustworthy, competent, and potentially deserving of their trust. This means your web copy must be perfect from the outset, whether it's in terms of tone, syntax, or user experience!

The content of your copy reflects the quality of your goods or services. Any slight blunder will reflect negatively on your business. Great copywriting considers all of these considerations and finds the most successful way to portray the business.

It increases the audience's opinion of you, helping you to get off to a strong start with them.

Great copywriting doesn’t only shed light on your brand in a positive way, it also helps your customers experience what your brand is like and what it really stands for.

Tells your brand story to connect with your customers

As you may already know, more and more people are buying into brands more than a single product or service, which means your target audience is always trying to figure out if you're the best match for them.

This is where the brand's story enters the picture!

Brand stories that are well-crafted resonate with your customers, reassuring them that you are the best option for them.

Good brand stories let the listener feel heard by touching on their worries, aspirations, and wishes.

Prospective customers can only trust and buy from you if they feel a connection with you. Great copywriting assists in the creation of the required bond.

By telling your brand's story, you will be able to build a long lasting relationship with your customers.

Sets your business apart from your competitors

Nowadays, customers have a multitude of options.

If they want to buy something, a short Google search yields pages of results!

They would no longer buy from you just because you approached them first.

Instead, they'll compare you to your rivals to find out which choice is better for them.

So it's crucial for you to stand out in order to win the deal.

You must relate the advantages of your products/services to their needs and serve them better than anybody else.

Great copywriting accomplishes this by presenting them with a fresh viewpoint on how you vary from your rivals in an objective fashion.

You can be so engrossed in the day-to-day activities that you use detailed, jargon-laden terminology to differentiate yourself from your audience.

With their thorough knowledge of psychology and business experience, qualified copywriters can help you avoid everything we've mentioned above.

They are qualified to rapidly dissect markets for gaps your business can fill.

Higher rankings on Google

Having a website is useless if no one sees it. Think about it, your website should act as a valuable "internet salesperson" for prospective customers.

However, much as salespeople in a supermarket, they can only produce sales if buyers come in, or in this case visit.

But how can you draw thousands of targeted, organic visits to your website so that your "virtual salesperson" can do its job?

The answer? Rank on Google of course!

Although the aim of copywriting is to turn guests into paying clients, better copy also makes the website rank higher in Google.

This is achieved by creatively inserting keywords into the copy of your website that your guests are looking for.

Persuades prospective clients/customers to take action

Another string of dull sentences is the last thing the reader needs to hear – spare them the anguish!

Great copywriting entices readers by delivering knowledge in an entertaining manner.

Suddenly, they're the main character of the plot, and the advantages and features you're pitching to them stand out.

Awesome copywriting is mindful of their client persona and how to relate to them on both a rational and emotional basis.

The last thing you want is for your copy to fail, resulting in a waste of all your previous efforts.

People are normally cautious when it comes to money. They are fearful that after investing their hard-earned money, they would not get what they were promised.

Great copywriting solves this apprehension by evoking the best rational and emotional responses. They do that by using...

  • Attractive headlines that catch the reader's attention
  • Copy that stresses the benefits in order to evoke desire
  • A lucrative bid that prospects won't be able to reject
  • Social evidence that is both impressive and well-targeted (like testimonials)
  • Properly reacting to potential objections
  • A compelling Call-To-Action

To make prospects feel comfortable enough to take action and trust your services/products.

Now onto content writing benefits!

Content writing benefits

Get organic traffic and improve rankings on Google

Pay-per-click (PPC) ads help you access a vast amount of people instantly, but it's costly and does not make the website expand organically. Professional content writing, on the other hand, enables authors to use a range of search engine optimization (SEO) methods to bring sites closer to the top of search engine results pages.

According to Neil Patel, an SEO, and marketing specialist, 75% of people never look beyond the first page of Google results. It takes some time for content writing to get you to the top of search engine rankings, but it does. You will increase your rating and draw more users as you add more optimized content to your site.

Helps customers move through the sales funnel

In an ideal world, you can create content that reaches customers at specific stages of the sales funnel. Any of your blog posts will include general knowledge that will pique the attention of your followers. Other material will contain specific statistics, product comparisons, and other facts that will encourage them to buy.

Increase conversion rates

Professional content is supposed to increase conversion rates as it pushes readers along the sales funnel. Readers learn more about the goods and services as they progress down the funnel. They come to recognize your business as a brand they can rely on to provide them with reliable details.

BigCommerce lists useful content as a crucial optimization phase to boost revenue in 2020 because it has such a significant effect on transaction rates.

You won't be creating bonds that make people continue to buy your brand if you don't have excellent content created for your target audience.

Establishes your brand as an authority

You want to cultivate partnerships between your business and your customers/clients. However, you still want to publish content that makes other businesses in your industry identify you as a credible expert.

Building relationships with customers is not the same as establishing your name as a market leader. You must build thought leading content that openly provides insights into the industry's patterns and roadblocks.

Sharing knowledge that can help competitors succeed can seem to be a bad idea. Most of the time, you begin to create bridges between your business and other businesses. When they recognize you as an expert, they may refer clients to you if they don't have the time or expertise to complete a project.

You want to stay competitive, but cooperation and collaboration have their benefits too.

Educates your readers and helps sales

Sales reps already work in high-pressure, high-demand environments. Companies pay them well because they know how to close important revenue-generating deals.

Unfortunately, many salespeople are overworked because they must educate potential customers before closing deals. Every minute a salesperson spends providing basic information to potential customers is a minute that could have been spent closing a deal.

Customers and clients need information and instructions before they become serious about spending money, and content writing provide this. When you produce content, you'll be able to provide much of the information customers need to make decisions when they contact your sales reps.

The salespeople can then concentrate on what they do best: ironing out the details, signing contracts, and cultivating relationships.

Copywriting VS Content Writing - Types

We've established that a copywriter creates marketing material, while a content writer produces content—but what kind of marketing material and what kind of content? This is the last significant difference between the two.

In the past, copywriting was only used for advertising. But, beyond witty slogans, the internet has expanded the scope of what copywriters can write for. Today's list includes, but not limited to the following items:

  • Ad copy, both online and offline
  • Tag lines and slogans
  • Content for websites
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Scripts for advertisements on tv or radio
  • Scripts for video
  • Publications and press releases
  • White papers
  • Catalogues
  • Billboards
  • Brochures
  • Postcards
  • Sales letters
  • Sales letters
  • Lyrics for jingles
  • Social media ads or promotions

Today's copywriters work closely with content writers and technical writers but bear in mind that the aim is to sell you a marketing strategy concept.

Similarly, content writing helps you to write a number of different styles of content, including but not limited to:

  • Blog posts
  • Newspaper articles
  • Features on magazines
  • Email newsletters
  • Ebooks
  • Print magazines
  • Posts on social media
  • Podcasts
  • Radio, Film, or Television

What you just need to remember is that brands require both copywriting and content writing to remain current, so there are lots of chances for writers to dabble in both. It's just a matter of finding out which one you're good at and sticking with it.

Copywriting VS Content Writing - Which one is right for you?

Copywriting VS Content writing woman sitting on desk with big screen showing article behind her

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It all really depends on your goals. We see companies farm out their writing to "a friend" or "someone abroad" all too much. You could get good copy this way every now and then. Under the vast majority of situations, you can not. Words are more than just that.

Marketers noticed a few years ago that if a website has a lot of content, Google rated it higher in the search engines. So they charged pennies on the dollar for a huge volume of copies, and they couldn't care less what it said. It was successful. This approach delivered a lot of traffic to a lot of websites. The concern was that if a reader arrived, the copy was at best awful.

This is your business. When somebody takes the time to visit your website, don’t you want to “talk” to website visitors in a polite way, and mention things that matter to the both of you?

Don't you want your words to leave a strong impression on them?

If your company spends a lot of time educating prospects and clients, particularly before the sale, then content-rich websites and blogs are the way to go. It's in your best interests to recruit a content writer who can do this effectively.

Copywriting VS Content Writing - What we suggest

We suggest you aim to blend the best of both worlds: useful, insightful, and authoritative content with a strong call to action. It's important to note that copywriting is content, but content isn't always copywriting. Copywriting is straightforward and based on a sales-generating end-game, while content writing is insightful and imaginative and intended to be shared.

We hope we answered your copywriting vs content writing questions and more! Want more content like this? Head on over to our blog and get all the tips and tricks you need to help your business grow!

Best Email Marketing Softwares

Best Email Marketing Software – Top 5 Email Marketing Softwares for 2021

Email marketing is a highly effective strategy for selling your services, message sharing and building up a strong and lasting relationship with your potential customers.

As a matter of fact, organizations sending emails which are automated have a 133% higher chance of sending messages that are relevant corresponding to the purchase cycle of a customer. Instead of campaigns in general i.e. same-size-fitting-all type, triggered campaigns work better. 75% of revenue today comes from triggered campaigns.

We can say that email marketing continues being a great deal. Having a tool for email marketing will help when you are responsible for keeping existing customers engaged or finding new prospects. This is possible since this tool will help you to efficiently manage your campaign, connect and lists.

In a study undertaken by the Institute of Content Marketing, it has been evaluated that 80% of decision makers prefer content to advertisement. Content marketing allows 70% to feel bonded with the organization or company. It is the view of 60% that the content from the company will aid them in making appropriate decisions regarding a product. It is important to get started building up content to make progress in your business. Once your content is in place, you can use email marketing software to share it with your audience.

Software for Email marketing has turned into an industry. Just using outlook and buying an Excel which has a list of email addresses is not enough. Especially in case you are focusing towards content marketing that needs resources for writing.

Before we jump into the review, let’s discuss email marketing and email marketing softwares.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is an effective marketing channel, it's a form of direct marketing and digital marketing that uses email to promote the products or services of your company. Email marketing at its best allows companies to keep their clients informed and tailor their marketing messages to their audience. May this be through newsletters, or sale promotions, or even product reveals.

How will you benefit from it?

  • Email marketing offers your consumers a secure means of communicating with your brand — and that’s just one of the many benefits email marketing has to offer.
  • Other benefits include:
  • Personalized and targeted content
  • Builds authority and credibility
  • Increases brand awareness
  • Increases sales
  • Creates stronger customer relationships
  • Optimizes your time and money
  • Increases website traffic
  • Creates buzz

What are email marketing softwares?

Email marketing softwares are service based softwares used for a variety of purposes. It enables you to create segmented lists for more focused, appropriate emails to be sent, to expand a list of email subscribers, to develop and construct personalized email templates. The software allows marketers to do far more than simply send emails, with its range of programs, resources, and tools.

With so many different email marketing software choices today, narrowing the options can be difficult. You need to understand how the right software can fulfill your business needs.

Below we will help you how to choose the right software for your business, and what features you need to look out for.

What to look for when choosing the best email marketing software?

You can check below the key factors you should consider when choosing your email marketing platform and our recommended email marketing solutions.


Handling and updating manual mailing lists are time consuming and, let’s just say it, outdated. To combine the strengths of a CRM system in combination with an email marketing software solution is advised. This is because you can access and use the information in your CRM system. This allows you to generate targeted mailing lists, or selections, based on almost anything from place, interest, position or customer category, to mention a few options. You then in the same screen can access the marketing module, and simply add the selections, create the mailing, add links, tracking etc. You will then find yourself in marketing heaven and can also automate a lot of manual tasks, such as to remove or to add to the mailing list.

When you work in digital marketing, your CRM (Customer Relationship Management Software) is your best friend. Updating lists and sending emails manually is time-consuming, so choosing an email marketing platform that integrates seamlessly with your CRM will provide you with a hassle-free solution for managing valuable content and customer data, as well as providing you with an overview of key metrics (open rates, click-through rates) to see which campaigns are performing the best.

Reading and Viewing options

43% of people now check their emails on their smartphone every single day.

Today fewer and fewer read email the traditional way – sitting in front on their computer in the office. We want to open our emails anywhere and on any device. It is therefore important that the tool you choose offers these options, either to view online in a browser or on a tablet or phone.

In fact, 43% of people now check their emails on their smartphone every day. If your email template is not optimized for multiple devices, then your readers will not be able to read your message.

Response handling

Whether your business is small, medium or colossal — email response handling is of vital importance. If you are part of a smaller business sending out a newsletter or email series to around 1,500 people per month, you’ll require less sophistication regarding automation and response handling, and you’ll be able to handle some of the work manually.

Contrarily, if you’re handling mass amounts of emails, choosing email marketing software that will allow you to send automated responses or aggregate customer responses into tickets will be beneficial. Larger businesses which send to ten thousand of recipients and with a high frequency would prefer a tool to handle response, and not spam their company mail server. A customer service tool can interact with the marketing tool and then register all responses and bounces as tickets. These will then be collected or stored as other customer service/support tickets, and given a unique id and can be handled when you choose to.

Mailing statistics

There is no point in doing a mailing campaign without the ability to track the results. In order to measure your email marketing performance, you need good statistics showing the number of emails opened, sent, link tracking, lists, start/end date and time etc. Preferably this should be presented visually so that you easily can take out the ready diagrams, for example for reporting to the organization.

Ask for references

There are many vendors for email marketing software who offer different functionality. Define your needs, how many design options do you need? Do you want to design your own email templates, or are you content in using standard email marketing templates provided by the vendor? Do you need integration with a CRM system, or other IT systems? It is recommended to check references, to get a real user experience not just a commercial presentation from the vendor. Check the vendor’s website, social media channels or talk to someone in your network who uses such a solution.

You should also create a specification list of functionality you require, such as:

  • Click tracking
  • Formatting options for HTML and plain text
  • Scheduling options to set date and time for mailing distribution
  • Scalability in terms of multiple lists and campaigns
  • Deployment method (on you server or in the cloud)
  • Payment options (to buy or rent – SaaS)

Now that we’ve discussed the basics, let’s check the best email marketing software in the market.

We have listed below the Top 5 email marketing software in 2021

1. Constant contact – Best for Podcasters and Bloggers
2. Drip – Best for Advanced Email Automation and eCommerce businesses
3. ConvertKit – Best for Small Businesses
4. Aweber – Best for Email Campaigns and Newsletter Creation
5. GetResponse – Best All Round and Autoresponder Email Marketing Software

Let’s get started

Top email marketing software Reviews in 2021

Constant Contact

email marketing software

In the beginning, Constant Contact started as a solution for email marketing. Constant Contact offers reasonably priced plans that provide small businesses all the required criteria for running a successful email marketing campaign.

Your brand can be highlighted to your subscribers in emails or newsletters in a jiffy, by either utilizing a template or editing images as well as the text for the creation of your brand.

Constant Contact manages the list of your regular contacts as well as ensures that businesses which are responsible for hosting events are helped with its tool called event registration.

Over the years Constant Contact has evolved from just being an email marketing solution software to something much more. Just like its competitors, Constant Contact is starting to dabble in more advertising, such as Google and Facebook ads.

Who Can Benefit From Using Constant Contact?

Even without any email marketing experience Constant Contact isn’t a hard software to learn. The learning curve isn’t steep so you can easily dive into this email marketing program and take advantage of its many features.

Constant Contact Features

  • Tools for List-Building
  • Tools for Social Media Sharing
  • Contact Management
  • Integrations & Applications
  • Opens & Click Tracking
  • Fan Promotion on Facebook
  • Image Library
  • Deliverability
  • Automation
  • Mobile Email Marketing
  • Tracking & Analytics
  • Events Registration & Management

Campaign Creation

email marketing software

Constant Contact provides a huge number of templates for selection for your email blast. Further, your email campaigns or newsletters can be made more interesting by splitting up a large matter of text and including stock images from a gallery that is offered by this service.

In spite of being user-friendly, some of its tools are not spontaneously understood. While we easily imported into this software older email campaigns for editing to modernize and make new ones, we found difficulty in using tools for uploading our already ready for use newsletter which was HTML-coded.

This software has supportive tools for image-editing. Editing of images wherein editing features of an image like saturation, including a frame or contrast, does not need any other software.

If you are planning on hosting an event, then this software simplifies all that you will need to manage the event. It prepares a separate list of emails wherein the registrants are placed, so they can be easily contacted when needed. Also, payments can be accepted for the event via PayPal using Constant Contact.

Email Scheduling

email marketing software

Constant Contact for email marketing is equipped with tools that enable you to easily contact your subscribers, making it an excellent service. Scheduled emails or newsletters to be sent across to the readers once they have signed up and later follow-up actions are possible too. For example, opening the email sent by you to the reader or emails sent on specific dates such as the birthday of the subscriber.

Constant Contact allows you to observe your recipient’s approach to your emails via reports which specify if the email has been bounced, opened or forwarded. Hence, this enables you to design your subsequent newsletters or emails in a way which would encourage more shares and clicks. This software also provides statistics for your marketing venture via social media, like Twitter, Facebook and others.

Email Delivery

As part of testing for email marketing, we emailed different clients a set of emails and these emails routinely passed the Gmail’s filters for spam emails. We noted that almost 50% of software for email marketing that we tried was not able to bypass the strict filters of Gmail to enter into the inboxes of the readers. However, emails which were sent via Constant contact always passed through.

Preview of your emails as well as newsletters at the time of their creation from a provided template is possible to verify how it looks. A concern for most services of email marketing is that, for Outlook users, the final product might not resize well.

Email List

email marketing software

This software allows inputting contact files individually or importing them. You always want your list of contacts to increase. Creating forms for sign-up via Constant contact and adding these fresh subscribers in your contact list is an excellent marketing strategy.

Constant Contact gets updates about the individuals that have unsubscribed so they won’t get emails in future however, they will stay in your list of contacts. Your reports will show the individuals who have unsubscribed, whom you will have to manually remove from your list of contacts since the software is unable to remove them automatically.

This software is perfect for campaigns to your email subscribers and it is tremendously helpful in managing event registration for businesses hosting events.

Tracking and Analytics

email marketing software

Another useful feature Constant Contact offers its users is the ability to track the performance of each email - such as sends, bounces, clicks, and opens all in one graph. This makes it easier to track and compare the success of each metric throughout the campaign.


  • Great for hosting events
  • Huge number of templates
  • Free stock images
  • User-friendly
  • Image editing tools
  • Email scheduling as per event
  • Great reports and analytics
  • Social sharing statistics
  • Excellent delivery rate
  • List building support


  • The email may resize incorrectly for Outlook users
  • Manual removal of un-subscribers
  • Difficult to import legacy HTML templates

Constant Contact starts their billing at $20.00 per month for 500 subscribers. Get your one month free trial here.


email marketing software

Drip is not your run of the mill email marketing too because it’s built specifically for e-commerce brands and certain small businesses. It promises to help online retailers turn leads into actual paying customers.

Many small business owners love drip because of it’s automation features. The automation features Drip has is on par with enterprise softwares, without the enterprise price tag. No other email marketing software has the quality of Drip’s features for a price small business owners can afford.

The campaign builder consists of numerous actions, integrations, and triggers that form automated campaigns via workflow builder which is started off by behavior thereby ensuring timely delivery of the correct message. A free plan of Drip without any restrictions or conditions of maximum 100 contacts allows you to try each feature at length and to get accustomed to this easy to use interactive email marketing system.

Drip is an awesome tool for marketing via email as well as in marketing automation to send emails which are behavior-based.

What is Drip Marketing?

email marketing software

Drip’s entire process is derived from the marketing strategy called drip marketing. It is a direct marketing technique in which marketing materials are continuously delivered over a given amount of time to potential buyers.

To further explain, drip campaigns are automatic series of emails that go out based on particular timelines or user behavior. This marketing strategy allows you to stay in touch with groups of peoples based on events, such as when a user signs up for an account or how frequently that user visits your site. The emails come from a queue of already-written emails. So any time a drip email is sent out there is no need to write and send each one manually. They can also be customized with the name, company info of your contacts.

Who Can Benefit From Using Drip?

Although Drip focuses on small businesses and eCommerce brands through its features and integrations, any type of company may benefit from its platform to evaluate, collect information, and customize consumer marketing.

Drip Features

  • Assists in the development of Personalized Consumer Centric email campaigns Campaigns.
  • Optimization via split testing, performance analysis, etc.
  • Based on the user's actions, Drip will build a personalized point scheme to score the user's strength as a lead.
  • Tracks categorized emails and funnels.
  • Centered on a variety of personalized categories via Tag users
  • Capability to gamify the experience of your users via email funnels
  • Gathers customer data and insights
  • Creates personalized consumer centric campaigns
  • Email deliverability management features.
  • Cross platform marketing
  • Advanced segmentation
  • Conversion Tracking

Tags rather than lists

email marketing software

Tools of email marketing used to earlier contain lists and not tags. Creation of different lists and sending of emails to every list is quite tough. However, in case an email ID of a subscriber is present in two separate lists, the amount charged for the same email will be double. With Drip that is not the case. Multiple tags can be added to one email using Drip. Charging is based on your account’s complete number of distinct emails present, with an unlimited number of tags.

Modified messages can be sent if you have got additional information regarding your subscriber. This aids in sending relevant messages to your subscribers and also brings about lesser rates of complaints as well as a reduction in unsubscribing. Your subscribers can be added to tags by using trigger links.

Tags can be created for individuals visiting specific pages while browsing through your website. Nevertheless, in order to do so, your website needs to be installed with Drip.js. This is similar to the Analytics code of Google which rests all over your sites’ pages.


email marketing software

The USP i.e. Unique Selling Proposition of Drip is ‘Automation’. Communication with your subscribers like never before is possible with automation unlink how it was in marketing tools for legacy email marketing software providers.

In Drip, every potential scenario can be designed to make complex workflows. Tracking is possible. e.g. In case people have pressed a link which sells a specific product but have not completed their purchase, an email can be sent to them enquiring if there was a concern in payment considering it may be a product of high-value. Triggering an email notifying an internal sales person to call inquiring the same can also be done.

You might recollect getting calls from companies of eCommerce if you may have added some items in your cart without checking-out. Now you certainly know how that was done!

Sequential follow-up

Applications of automation to sequential follow-up like ‘Lesson deliveries’ can be done. You can design a flow so that users are able to move further to the subsequent lesson only upon watching the lesson watched earlier. In cases without this automation, subscribers might finish lesson 1 then miss lesson 2, due to loss of the email that you had sent to them and they may finish lesson 3 instead. However, such instances can be prevented. In order to ensure no lesson is missed by your students/subscribers, a workflow which is watertight can be put in place.

Application of similar workflows can be made for businesses depending on certain requirements. The next advanced step in email marketing is sending modified, occasional messages specific to each behavior of the subscribers.

Certain additional features are available like allocation of sending time as per the time zone of the subscriber, time of sending during the campaigns and carrying out the “from names” split testing.

Zapier Integration

email marketing software

A further advantage of Drip is its easy integration with Zapier.  Zapier can automate many tasks. It also allows integration of Drip with many other services. For example, Zapier integration allows you to set off SMS from workflows to the subscribers. Data from the payment source can be passed on to Zapier once a subscriber enrolls to become a customer. Subsequently, the status of the subscriber can be changed to “customer” in Drip.

Name Integrity

There are only a few tools like Drip that allows you to completely control the domain name used by you to send emails. This way your domain position and reputation remains the same for your email clients.

Split Testing

email marketing software

Drip allows you to use some exclusive features related to split testing that is unavailable with marketing tools for emails. You can do the split-test when sending emails at different timings as well as from different names within campaigns. Split testing is allowed in tools such as Aweber in email broadcasts but not for campaigns related to follow-up.

100 Subscribers to get a free trial: Sign up at Drip.co for free by clicking here. This trial is an excellent medium for experimenting and understanding the Drip tool.


  • Automated campaigns
  • Complex workflow support
  • Easy to use
  • Interactive
  • Behavior based marketing automation
  • Use of tags instead of lists
  • No duplicate charge per subscriber
  • Customized messaging
  • Sequential follow-up
  • Easy integration with Zapier
  • Domain name email sending


  • Expensive compared to other email software providers

Drip is free for a list of 100 email ids for testing. After that they start their billing at $19.00 per month for 1-500 subscribers. Get your free trial here.


email marketing software

ConvertKit provides professional bloggers and small businesses all that they require for management of campaigns for email marketing. This email software provides service for email marketing especially for podcasters, bloggers, and businesses which are building up their audiences.

Setting up of various landing pages, auto-responders, rules of automation and forms is possible with ConvertKit. Its advanced use comes from features like tagging, sending sequential courses of emails and automation.

Since ConvertKit has made an excellent start, we are sure that with time it will keep getting interesting as its features improve and it keeps adding new innovations. Despite being new, features offered are certainly  impressive and are as good as the features a lot of the prominent brands in the market such as Aweber and MailChimp email marketing offer.

The goal of ConvertKit is to aid in increasing the audiences of bloggers and small businesses so they may convert their current email subscribers into customers who pay. The businesses clients comprise a lengthy list of profitable niche blogs like Impossible HQ, Zen Habits, Ultimate Paleo guide and Effortless Gent.

Who Can Benefit From Using ConverterKit?

As their aim is "to make email simpler and more robust for professional bloggers like you," their product targets professional bloggers. They also target podcasters, YouTubers, alongside bloggers.

ConvertKit Features

  • Customizable opt-in forms
  • Tracking and Reporting
  • Visual Automations
  • Sequences
  • Subscriber Management
  • Broadcasting
  • Email Content Editing
  • Segmenting and Alt tags

Visual Automation Editor

Personally, I appreciate the editor for visual automation by ConvertKit. When compared to a few other similar automation editors, you make out the difference and will enjoy using it. The reason being ConvertKit creates a smooth automation workflow for each step of editing.

For instance, in case sending emails is the first step in the automation. Various services will enable editing in a different page of email editor, outside the automation editor. With this shift, you may tend to lose track of your work. However, ConvertKit allows all editing within its automation editor. Hence, when you click the email step, it permits its editing inline. Also, editing of your forms is possible in the same manner.

Conditional tagging

ConvertKit offers one more beneficial feature which is segmenting of individual emails with the use of conditional tags. For example, you want to send an individual email to the list, and also include an additional bonus coupon for your customers who are VIP. It is possible in ConvertKit.

However, its syntax can seem unfamiliar to non-techies. For help with with this, click on the “Personalize” tab in the menu which is present in the toolbar and further on the Subscriber’s tags. ConvertKit can insert the precise code snippet instruction straight in your email.

Open Rate Tracking

People rarely open a broadcasted email. It is evaluated by Hubspot that advertising, as well as marketing emails, get a 25% rate of emails being opened.

The reason could be you did not have an attractive headline. On the pther hand,  people could have been too busy to open and read the email. ConvertKit includes a simple feature of resending your broadcast for people who have not yet opened your email in the first attempt. This feature is found in the stats page in which you will find a button called ‘Resend to Unopens’.

Single/Double Opt-in

There have been debates on what you ought to use i.e. single opt-in V/s double opt-in. Wanting to improve the quality of your list of email subscribers is a major reason for wanting to use the double opt-in. While the major argument against double opt-in is that it will damage your conversion with this extra step.

To solve this, if you use lead magnets in ConvertKit, your double opt-in automatically happens a download is considered as the second opt-in option.


  • Great visual automation
  • Conditional tagging for segmentation
  • Excellent open rate tracking


  • Complex syntax for conditional tagging

ConvertKit starts their billing at $29.00 per month (yearly plan) for 1,000 subscribers. Get your one month free trial here.


Aweber has been a veteran software program for email marketing. It is prominent for email campaigns and newsletter creation. It contains the essential tools required to work template-created or HTML-loaded emails. Also, it provides excellent choices of sign-up forms for subscribers. On the whole, it is one of the best software applications for email marketing.

Who Can Benefit From Using Aweber?

AWeber is a perfect choice for large corporations and enterprises with affiliate marketing.

Aweber Features

  • Importing and hosting a mailing list
  • An array of templates (around 700 templates)
  • Auto Responding
  • Basic features of marketing automation
  • Responsive designs
  • Tracking and reporting
  • A/B testing
  • Functionality of RSS / blog to-email
  • List segmentation
  • Landing page designs
  • Third party app integrations
  • Support for phone, email and Live Chat

RSS to email Templates

Aweber, similar to other products for e-marketing, can use the RSS feed of your site and convert it to e-newsletters which can be sent as per a schedule you decide. Aweber calls this ‘Blog broadcasts’ while this feature can be used technically with any matter that contains an RSS feed.

Bloggers who wish that their subscribers automatically receive e-newsletters regarding their recent posts or blog posts in monthly digests can avail of this function.

You cannot use the standard template designs from Aweber to turn RSS to email. You need to select from a template-set designed precisely to fulfill this purpose.

Looking at the positive side, you can find a few good ones to select from, comparatively more than a lot of solutions for e-marketing that I have tried using from other email marketing providers.

While looking at the negative side, a lot of the templates seem quite dreadful. Also, editing is annoying since you are not able to use the Aweber email standard practice of dragging and dropping interface. However, a little twist may help to make it acceptable to use.

Email Scheduling and Delivery

email marketing software

Aweber is comparatively slower than most programs of email marketing, but it provides beneficial tools to create as well as send professional campaigns for email marketing so it is worth it.

It is simple to import email codes. Though we were able to deliver the email to all our test accounts, there are reviews online about it going frequently in spam folders.

Newsletter Creation

email marketing software

Test email campaign creation has worked fairly well for us. Aweber offers various templates which are beneficial and modifiable, although editing has more steps involved than other software of online marketing. The extremely sensitive cursor track added more frustration during the process of creation. This was exclusively the only program for newsletter creation which we tested noting this issue.

Though there are a few newsletter creators which provide free images, this one offers an awesome tool for prepping your email up with free stock images, without any payment. But, we were never quite happy with the tool for image-editing.

Adding our personal photos was easy. However, resizing the image made it blurry. Apart from these concerns, the function of editing and customization of email worked well.


You should frequently save your work while editing a template or creation of emails using a template. We came across an issue regarding loss of changes while creation of one email. When comparing with other competitors, we noted that Aweber offers the greatest sets of e-newsletter templates available. The number is over 700 templates. Getresponse has about 500 templates available, Mailchimp has 90 templates, and Campaign Monitor has about 50 templates.

Frankly speaking, not all designs are great; there are some which seem a little old-fashioned. However, I would say these are a little better than the ones of Getresponse, but the Mailchimp’s and the Campaign Monitor’s are far better.

Nevertheless, the sheer number of templates which are available shows that by tweaking a little you can find a perfect template with respect to your e-newsletters. The option to code your own is also available.

This program provides tutorials and numerous guiding videos. Because of this we recommend Mailchimp to beginners.

Aweber software for email marketing is a great option that you can choose. Addition and processing of new contacts, however, was a slow process. Nevertheless, it is effective.


  • Great sign-up forms
  • Easy to import email codes
  • Easy RSS to Email set-up
  • Free stock photos
  • Largest set of email templates
  • Beginner friendly


  • Reviews online about a lot of emails going in spam
  • Slower than other email software providers

Aweber starts their billing at $16.15 per month for 500 subscribers. Get your one month free trial here.


It is basically a marketing application for email which functions as follows:

  • Imports and hosts a list of mailing email ids while also collecting data captured on it
  • Creates newsletters to send to subscribers present on your mailing list
  • Automates emailing your subscribers by using ‘Autoresponders’
  • Views as well as analyses campaigns of email marketing using statistics to check for rate of opening emails, clicking, forwarding and so on.

The set of features for Getresponse has improved a lot recently, such that it is turning itself into a marketing solution with the ‘all-in-one’ kind of feature.

Currently, functionality like landing pages, CRM i.e. Gestresponse also provides customer relationship management – basic type, webinar hosting, and email markeitng.

Who Can Benefit From Using Getresponse?

Any type of business can use getresponse. It’s a great all rounder email marketing software that will expand your email marketing campaigns.

Getresponse Features

  • Autoresponders
  • Variety of email templates
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Split testing
  • Landing page creator
  • Webinars
  • Conversion funnels
  • Integration apps
  • Data management and segmentation
  • Forms

Getresponse Key Features

It offers the entire list of features you would wish to have from a platform for email marketing. To name a few features, you have access to templates, hosting of the email list, analytics, autoresponders, etc. However, as stated above, recently it has been modifying its features by expanding so much that it is turning into the type of all-in-one platform of marketing like the style of CRM.


Auto-responders are what sends your subscribers scheduled e-newsletters at time intervals.  You are able to set them in a way that they promptly receive a lovely welcome message from your business once they have signed up into your list of mailing. Then, in 1 week or so, to attract them, they get an offer for a few of your services or products with a discount. And, later in maybe 3 weeks, they could get a message in order to encourage them in following you over social media. You could go on.

The functionality of the auto-responder of Getresponse is the main selling point since, among the set of features available, it offers the most comprehensive one.

Further, you can send either action-based or time-based emails.  The options of time-based messaging include cycles similar to the example as mentioned above. The actions or information of the user are what triggers the messages sent by the action-based option.

Getresponse has recently launched a fresh version of this functionality, named as “Marketing Automation”. This permits you to design automation workflows by utilizing an email builder called “Drag and Drop”, wherein, you simply develop an “Automation Flowchart” which instructs Getresponse about the further steps in case a user has opened a specific offer or the user has clicked on a specific link and so on.

Auto-responders normally do not offer this level of functionality. It permits you to design a journey for your subscriber which can be modified extensively.


Getresponse offers very elaborate analytics as well as reporting options.  All the essential aspects such as rate of opening, of unsubscribing, clicking through etc. are available. However, additionally there are a few features which are kind of too nifty but are worth mentioning, such as below:

  • One click segmentation: An option for identifying individuals who did not have any engagement with the e-newsletter which you sent, as well as placing them into a different subscribers’ segment so they can be emailed later once again with the e-newsletter of another version.
  • Metrics over time: For most subscribers, you can get to know precisely the time when they would take any action over your sent emails. You can then time your mails in future as per this information.
  • Email ROI: You can add a tracking code on your page of post-sales of your site thereby, you are able to check how effectively or not, your campaigns of email are heading sales, as well as work on your returns on the email marketing investment.
  • Information per-user: In order to check on any of your subscribers, you can click on your subscriber to find out the place from where they have signed up, their location as well as which are the emails they have earlier opened.

Aweber as well as Mailchimp both offer a few similar functionalities for reporting (specifically around tracking of sales) while the reporting tool of Getresponse is undoubtedly among the best you can find.

Templates of e-newsletter by Getresponse

Getresponse is a good application in all aspects. However, there is a drawback when we talk about templates. Getresponse templates are not as good as the competition.

The innovative templates unfortunately seem a little old-fashioned. Compared to the templates provided by Campaign Monitor or Mailchimp (as well as Aweber’s, if I may add), these are definitely not as attractive.

However, looking at the positive side, these templates are more modifiable i.e. you can modify fonts, imagery, and layouts very easily using the provided controls. You can also design an HTML template of an email.


  • Automation flowchart with drag and drop automation
  • Excellent analytics
  • Powerful Auto-responders


  • Very average email templates

GetResponse starts their billing at $15.00 per month for 1,000 subscribers and the emails you can send are unlimited. Get your one month free trial here.


All the five email marketing software that we have featured has their own specific advantages. If you are a podcaster or a blogger, Constant Contact has excellent features for you. If you are a small business and want full-range email marketing software then go for ConvertKit. Planning to use autoresponders extensively?  You should choose GetResponse. Aweber is great for email campaigns and newsletter creation and finally if you are looking for the next level of email marketing automation or if you are an ecommerce company, Drip is the email marketing software for you. We hope you found this post helpful. For more insightful reviews, read more of our blog posts!

A Proven Plan for Dental Social Media Marketing

A Proven Plan for Dental Social Media Marketing

We’re all aware how great of an effect social media has on the world - especially for businesses. More and more people are turning to social media to discover new businesses and products. The same rules apply to individuals in the healthcare industry like dermatologists, hospitals, and yes, dentists! In this article, we reveal a proven plan for your dental social media marketing.

For years, the dental care industry has relied on word of mouth and print ads to market their practice. But times are changing! Therefore, it's paramount you learn the nuances of dental social media marketing. 

To succeed in your dental social media marketing efforts you first need to start with a goal. Do you want more patients? How about increasing brand recognition? Defining your goals is very important and will affect your entire dental social media marketing plan. 

Once you have a goal, the next step becomes easier - planning! You know what they say, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”  

Before we dive into our process to create an effective dental social media marketing plan, we have to cover the basics. Let’s start by discussing social media marketing. 

By definition, social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to communicate with your audience, build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic. This includes posting exceptional content on your social media accounts. 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and TikTok are currently the trendiest social media sites. 

Why is Social Media Important for Dentists

We’ve lightly touched on the subject of why social media marketing is important. However,  there are more reasons we have yet to mention. Some other reasons are:

  • Storytelling - Social media is where you can share your story. People who do not know you or your company will find it fascinating to know your back story. Storytelling will also bring more value to the brand. Clients love to see the realness of a company.  
  • Advertise with a small budget - Advertising on social media has to be one of the least costly ways to digitally market your brand. You can make use of this opportunity and advertise your product cost-effectively. 
  • Stay top of mind - By posting on social media consistently you are able to engage with your followers more. This will also ensure you to stay top of mind to followers who are actively searching for dental services. 
  • Target your custom audience - Social media marketing has made it possible for advertisers to access information about followers. This kind of information can help you create a customized audience where you can target patients who may be interested in your services.
  • Increase ROI - Marketing and advertising on social media will help you boost your return of investment. The cost of advertising on these social media platforms is often less than the ROI, thus giving you more revenue. You can easily reach hundreds and thousands of individuals by simply targeting ads!

Benefits of Social Media Marketing for Dentists

Social networks are now a substantial part of any marketing campaign. The advantages of using social media are so amazing that anyone who isn't using it is losing out on a phenomenal marketing opportunity. 

There are many benefits to social media marketing. Some of the benefits you can reap from social media marketing are:

  • Brand awareness
  • Inbound traffic
  • Better SEO
  • Increased conversion rates
  • Brand loyalty
  • Cost-effective 
  • Good for marketplace research
  • Establish industry authority 

A social media marketing plan is a rundown of everything you intend to accomplish on social media. It guides your decisions and lets you know where you're succeeding.

The more detailed your plan is, the more effective it is going to be. Keep everything concise. Don't make it so lofty and vague that it's unattainable or difficult to quantify. 

An example of a simple social media marketing plan is:

How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan for Your Dental Practice

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s create our own 5-step proven dental social media marketing plan!

Setting your priorities and objectives is the first step to developing a winning plan. You have no means of assessing success and return on investment without objectives (ROI).

When setting these goals, you can use the S.M.A.R.T acronym:

An example of a S.M.A.R.T can be:

“For Instagram we will post photos of successful dental clients and our clinic. We will do this by posting 2-3 photos a week. Our target is 100 likes and 10 comments.”

Tracking Metrics

It's easy to track vanity metrics such as number of followers and likes, but it's difficult to prove their real value.  Instead, focus on meaningful metrics such as engagement, click-through, and conversion rates.

If you plan on using multiple social media platforms, you’re going to have to  track different goals for different networks. 

For example, you can track brand awareness on Facebook with your number of shares. You can also LinkedIn to track your website click-through rate.

Start building your social media marketing plan by listing down at least three goals for social media.

It’s crucial for any business to know who their audience is, and what they want to see from you. 

Knowing your audience will allow you to produce content that your followers will like, comment on and share. It's also important If you want to turn social media followers into patients for your dental practice.

Some useful demographics to remember are: 

  • Age/sex 
  • Location Field 
  • Income 
  • Pain Points (that your business can solve)
  • Interests

Knowing your audience and acknowledging them as people with real needs and wants will help you target and engage them on social media.

It’s important to decide which social media platform will work best for your dental practice. 

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Youtube 
  • TikTok

You can refer to this blog post to help you decide the best social media platform to use. 

After determining which platforms to concentrate on, it's time to build your profiles. Once you've decided which social media platform to use, you will also need to identify your strategy for each one.

  • Make sure all profile fields are filled out. 
  • Include keywords that people can use to scan for your dental practice 
  • Use clear branding across networks (logos, pictures, etc to make the profiles easily identifiable.) 

Make sure to use high-quality images that meet the recommended dimensions.

Remember, you don’t have to be present on all social media platforms. It’s better to choose ones that relate to your dental practice. 

Depending on the time of day, week or month, a social media calendar is used to plan posts/content that you will share through all social media channels. 

To keep you on track towards achieving your goal, your social media calendar should be maintained. 

An example of a calendar for social media might look something like this:

There’s a section for the date, the type of post, statues of post, which platform to post on. There are also captions, tags, and the link to the published post.

You can additionally adjust your schedule depending on your followers behavior, notice what day and time they’re most likely to see your post, what kind of content gets the most engagement, etc. 

Your social media marketing plan is incredibly important for your dental marketing campaign. You can't expect you'll get it exactly right on your first try. s you begin to execute your strategy and monitor your outcomes you will find that some methods do not work as well as you expected. 

Use analytic softwares to track the success of your social media marketing plan. You will also be able to find valuable information such as which social posts drive the most traffic to your website. 

When this information starts coming in, use it to reevaluate your plan periodically. You can also use this knowledge to test various posts, promotions, and tactics against one another. Additionally, constant testing helps you to understand what works and what doesn't. This also allows you to improve your approach.

Your social media marketing plan should be your go to document to keep you on track. Return to it regularly. However, don't be afraid to make improvements so that new goals, resources, and also strategies are better represented. 

Effective dental social media marketing means reaching the customers where they are. But as you may have already discovered, it won't bring you much success to merely build social profiles for your dental practice. In order to attract attention and get the most out of your dental social media activities, there are additional steps you need to take.

A "brand" is what you want patients to imagine when they hear the name of your dental practice. It is important to brand a practice. A brand helps you differentiate yourself helps differentiate it from local competitors.  It also gives the practice a personality, which in turn helps patients remember the practice. 

It's important to improve the brand as much as possible. Remember, individuals may need to be introduced to a brand several times before they remember it.

Additionally, you can show off your brand on your dental social media profiles by:

  • Being consistent
  • Creating and using branded hashtags
  • Creating original content
  • Using your brand’s color palette

You can checkout Tend as an example. It’s easy to differentiate them from other dental brands because they’re consistent through and through. 

There is a real opportunity for your dental practice to stand out by producing and sharing your own content. There are so many social media accounts that you can take inspiration from. 

Some examples of content you can create are:

  • Blog posts
  • Graphics/Illustrations
  • Photos/Videos
  • Live videos

Dental Care Seattle posts original content using their own photos and videos to jazz up their feed.

You can further expand your online presence and build greater brand recognition when you engage in social media. Following related profiles, commenting on the original content of other users, and mentioning or tagging other profiles when you post their content are a few ways to participate in expanding your scope.

Research shows that social media is the the top option for customer service for most people. However, brands only answer to 11 percent of individuals. When they do finally respond, it takes them an average of 10 hours! Answering question in a timely manner will take your dental social media to the next level! 

In order to attract new dental patients, a positive, widespread reputation is important. With that being said,  you need to engage when it's appropriate. For instance,  reward individuals who post your content or who write constructive reviews on your dental practice. Replying to negative reviews positively is also appropriate. 

You can also respond promptly and professionally in both cases. In compliance with HIPAA, never admit fault and do not disclose any confidential health information.

Grand Street Dental does a great job engaging with her followers by replying to each and every comment. 


Need someone to help manage your social media accounts? Just Digital is a digital marketing agency that can help you with branding, social media strategy, and also building your online presence.

Our broad marketing perspective comes from working with clients across many industries. We’ve worked with Healthcare brands, Tax Relief brands, and yes, even Dental brands. 

Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Give us a call, we’re ready to help your practice grow!



Digital Marketing Strategies For Interior Designers That Work!

There is a huge market of people on the internet who adore interior design. You see it everywhere on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and other pages dedicated to the art of interior design. It’s the perfect place to market your work and get seen. You have the opportunities laid out in front of you, you just have to do the work to get started. Interior design marketing is crucial if you want to get a steady stream of incoming leads and grow your business. In this article, we give you marketing strategies that are sure to help you with just that!

For over 12 years, Just Digital has been helping companies achieve sustainable growth, including interior designers and similar industries. Here are our 9 interior design marketing strategies that actually work.



You can be one of the three types of readers:

  1. First, you’re an interior designer who’s new to the digital marketing sphere. You’re doing research and gathering information to help you decide which route to take. You might be skeptical of the power of digital marketing or you’re feeling overwhelmed by the learning curve, doubting if you could actually do it.
  2. Second, you’re an interior designer that has a digital marketing strategy put in place, but it generates no results. You may be feeling lost and helpless because you’ve put all of the time, effort, and money into this marketing strategy only for it to go down the drain.
  3. Third, you’re an interior designer who already has a rocking digital marketing strategy that converts and delivers results, but you want to update your knowledge and try to even make your strategy better.

If you’re either one of these, then we can start by reinstating the importance of digital marketing or marketing, in general, is to your interior design business or firm.

Interior design is an industry that can benefit a lot from digital marketing. For example:

  • There is a huge market constantly searching on the internet for an interior designer. We can’t deny that there is a high volume of inquiries, the average monthly search volume for the keyword interior designer alone reaches 12,000. This fact alone shows that not being present online is already a huge loss.
  • An effective marketing plan/strategy can get you a higher spot on SEO ranks. It’s the ticket to getting more clients because you’ll be on the first page of Google’s search results page. That spot will put you miles away from the competition.
  • Digital marketing done right can help you establish your authority and credibility online. Once users see your website ranked on the first page, they will flock to your site. It’s engraved in their minds that the websites on the first page of search results are the most credible and reliable, so you’ll get even more leads that can turn into conversions.
  • Two words: Brand recognition. Having a strong online presence will lead users to your door (or website for this situation).

There are many many more benefits digital marketing has to offer interior designers, but at the end of the day, the most important one is gaining new clients. So, without further ado, here are 9 digital marketing strategies for interior designers that actually work.

Interior Design Marketing:

Establish a clear branding identity

“Determine who you are and what your brand is, and what you're not. The rest of it is just a lot of noise.”

– Geoffrey Zakarian

Before we dive in, I want you to answer these questions.

  1. What do you want people to know you for?
  2. What’s your vision for your business?
  3. What are the core values of your interior design business?
  4. What’s your ideal visual identity?

These are 4 questions that you should take some time to ponder about your brand.

What do you want people to know you for?

You need to have a niche and a field of expertise. Are you a mod designer? The kind that designs glamorous mansions and offices? Ore, are you all about vintage pieces? Pick a niche, an expertise, what you truly want to be known for, then embody it. Embrace your identity.

What’s your vision for your business?

Ask yourself what your goal is.  What’s your purpose for starting an interior design business/firm? You have to be clear on that. Ask yourself important questions, create a vision board, a short and long-term plan for your business. This will be your guideline. Once you have this, making future decisions will be easier because it all goes back to your vision/goal. Everything you’re going to be doing in the future should help you achieve your ultimate goal and turn it into a reality.

What are the core values of your interior design business?

Your brand is an extension of yourself. It’s present in everything you do, in the minds of your clients (past, present, and future), your past work, your website, social media, everywhere. The characteristics of your brand will refer to you.

The identity and personality of your brand are deciding factors for future clients. All of the most successful brands have distinct personalities, core values, and stories. People resonate with these types of brands.

Write down keywords that could potentially serve as your brand attributes or core values. Once you’re clear on your values and brand attributes, you can easily develop a marketing plan that reflects those values and attributes.

What’s your visual identity?

Once you’ve established everything above, you can easily decide on your visual style. This includes the fonts you use, the colors you choose, the photos, all the visual elements that will reflect your brand. It’s also one factor that sticks to the minds of your clients. If they see your aesthetic and they like it, chances are they will remember you and immediately think you’re credible.

Check out this blog for more thoughts on brand identity and logos.

Interior Design Marketing Tips

Embrace and embody your brand

Remember, your brand is an extension of yourself. You need to love your brand so much that you’re willing to embrace it, embody it, and even fight for it.

Other than that, you need to add value to your brand so it becomes deeper than the aesthetic appeal of your work. Think of it as the soul of your brand.

Consistency is key

A consistent brand image increases brand awareness and recognition. If you want people to remember you, you need a consistent brand image. This includes your website, social media profiles, email signature, business cards, even your actual office, and yourself.

Let me give you two examples:


MZPA is an interior design company that specializes in wood pieces. They create objects that accentuate well-being.

As you can see, MZPA is very consistent with their branding. Their website and social media platforms complement each other. The colors are the same and so are the fonts. Everything is minimalistic and calm with pops of wood pieces here and there. It’s calming yet professional and chic at the same time.


Interior Design Marketing

MUUTO’s designs are rooted in Scandanavian design traditions of simplicity, functionality and craftsmanship. Using forms we’re already familiar with, MUUTO innovates the designs by using new materials and techniques to create their modern take.

MUUTO is another great example of an interior design company that has a consistent branding identity. It’s all minimalistic with pops of color. Everything seems modern and contemporary. The brand conveys quirkiness, yet remains professional.
Those two examples have very different branding identities, but they both do a great job of staying consistent.

Interior Design Marketing:

Do your research!

For this particular section, I want you to focus on doing research for your target audience.

Consumer research is a type of market research that goes deep into the psyche of your target audience. You’ll know their buying behaviors, like their preferences, and motivations.

You can gather the data by observing the market, surveys and questionnaires, interviews, or past research material.

I can’t stress how important this is. You simply can’t sell your services if you don’t know who you’re selling to. You need to know what your clients really want, not what you think they want.

Find out about their problems and pain points, then provide them with your solutions. You need to know what makes them tick and use it as leverage.

Interior Design Marketing:

Target your audience

After you’re done with your consumer research, it’s time you learn how to target them.

There are many ways to target your preferred clients, you can:

  • Use keywords
  • Decide on a tone of voice
  • Produce relevant and valuable content
  • Targeted ads
  • Referral marketing
  • Social media

Whatever you do, make sure it speaks to your target audience. It should resonate with them and they should feel like you understand them and their pains.

Interior Design Marketing:

Create a website that represents you!

These days, websites are an absolute must-have. A website is a digital representation of you, sort of like an online showroom. With that being said, you must have a website that can truly embody and represent your brand.

Think of your website as a room you’re designing for yourself. You can work with a web designer and developer to make your vision a reality.

The better your aesthetics, the more people will want to engage and interact with your website. As a designer, you’d want your art to be showcased in the best way possible.

Aside from the aesthetics, think about the user experience. Put yourself in the shoes of the prospective client and try to think the way they think. Users want a smooth experience when it comes to using websites.

Another thing you can do is to take a look at your competitor’s website, observe how users interact with their website, and see how you can improve that experience.

If you'd like to have a discussion about working on your website with us, feel free to check us out!

What you need for your website:

  • An aesthetically pleasing design
  • Smooth user experience (easy to navigate, loads fast, does not lag, etc.)
  • Optimized for all screens, desktop or mobile devices.
  • Represents your brand and core values
  • Portfolio of your previous work
  • About Page
  • Contact Page
  • Call to action
  • Links to social media channels


We love Poliform’s sleek website. Everything looks rustic and it ties together with the brand. The website is easy to navigate, loads fast,  showcases their work, and has all important information easily accessible. It’s simply wonderful!

Interior Design Content Marketing

Want to increase your SEO rank? Want to get noticed online? Then produce content!

Content marketing is an extremely effective marketing strategy that’s amazing for generating leads.

The best thing about content marketing is that you’re allowed to share your expertise, ideas, knowledge, and work with your target audience. Aside from providing value to your audience, you also get to establish your authority.

Sharing valuable content will attract new people to your business, and will get your old clients to keep coming back for more.

Here are a few different types of content you can create for your audience:

  • Blog Posts (how to’s, tips, tricks, etc.)
  • Multimedia (photos, videos, graphics, illustrations, infographics)
  • Podcasts
  • Emails
  • Ebooks
  • Lead Magnets
  • Newsletters
  • Webinars
  • Quizzes/checklists/tools
  • Resources
  • Social media posts

Apartment Therapy is a great example to look at for content ideas. They also post how to’s blogs, DIY’s, home tours, pretty much everything you need to know!

Make Social Media Profiles

Social media is the best place to engage with your audience and to post photos of your work. Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest are the best and most popular social media platforms to reach people within your niche.

Use your accounts to post valuable and mindful content. Each platform has a different environment. With that being said, try to adapt to how your audience uses each one.

This is what most interior designers do wrong. Consequently, they end up failing to gain clients via social media. You have to be strategic! Know which platforms are the best to use and find out the behavior of your audience on each platform.

TIP: Be careful and mindful of the content you post. Make sure it provides value to your client, otherwise, social media will just be a waste of time and effort.

Make sure to post content on a regular basis so you stay on top of the mind of your followers. Remember, the more you post, the more you are exposed to people!

We’re loving Herrklar’s Instagram feed! It’s fun, quirky, engaging, and most of all - it represents him!

Interior Design Marketing:

Localized and targeted ads

It’s a given fact that interior design is a geographically-based business, unless you’re an interior designer up for traveling. Even if you are, it’s still a good idea to target an audience already near you.

Maximize your local brand presence by registering your business on Google My Business, Yelp, Bing Places for business, etc. Once you’ve registered, make sure you then add in all of your information like your address, links to your website and social media accounts, and contact information. Remember to also update these ever so often.

Another way to effectively reach your audience is via targeted ads on Google or social media. You can make use of the advanced targeting features that allow you to customize the location, age, buyer persona, interests, dislikes, etc.

This way, you won’t be spending ad budget on people who aren’t interested.

One more tip is to track your ads. Doing this will make optimizing your ads easier and faster.

Interior Design reviews and referral marketing

No marketing or advertising campaign can beat the power of the word of mouth. Referrals can also be the lifeblood of your interior design business.

In fact, survey results show that 85% of designers say word of mouth is very effective at gaining new clients.


The best way to go about asking for referrals is to simply ask. Give them your business card and tell them they can contact you if they or any of their family/friends are looking for an interior designer. As long as you ask and say it politely, there won’t be any shame.


Just like referrals, the best way to ask for reviews is to just ask. Reviews are a great section to add to your website, and a great piece of content to post on your social media accounts every now and then.

“Almost two-thirds of shoppers think that online reviews are an essential part of the decision-making process.”

- Smith Willas

Good reviews on your website could seal the deal for many users. Therefore, make sure to include this in your interior design marketing strategy.

Alderman Bushé Interiors has an entire separated page on their website for testimonials and reviews alone.

Houzz has played a big role in driving leads to interior design businesses. It’s an online community for architects, interior designers, decorators, and also home improvement enthusiasts.

The website gets over 30 million visitors coming to their site per month to get inspiration and find professionals.

Interior Design Marketing

Setting up a Houzz account will help you attract individuals who are looking for your services. It’s a platform where you can advertise, connect with past, present, and future clients.

It’s just like another social networking site, but this time it’s fully made for people within your niche! There’s many more interesting features on this site, if you wanna learn more, go set up an account now.


Right now, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed with the bucket load of information. You may even be doubting if all of this is worth the work, and let me tell you that it is.

All in all, we know you have a lot on your plate, you’re juggling clients and have so much more to worry about than marketing for your interior design business.

If you know you need help to kickstart your interior design marketing plan, reach out to us! Just Digital is a digital marketing agency that serves businesses like yours. We've helped many interior designers grow, and we can help you!

Contact us and see if we’re the right digital marketing agency partner for your business.

10 Tips to improve your Dental Website Design(1)

10 Tips To Improve Your Dental Website Design

Dental website design is key to your practice's success. Your website is like your practice's number one salesperson. How effective is it? Are you getting leads and clients? Or is it just sitting there costing you more money? If it is, then it’s time you create a better salesperson.

Think about how people working in sales are always dressed to impress. Everything from the look, walk, and talk of a salesperson is a presentation of their best self. They need to look and be approachable and professional to make a sale.

Your website should be the same. If you want to get patients from your website, but it still looks like this:

Then it is time to give your website a good makeover.

You may be asking why you need a good website. Aside from what we mentioned above, studies show that 94% of people reject or mistrust a website/brand due to its web design.

Other than that, a good website can also add instant credibility to your dental practice. If your website looks cheap, people may think your dental practice cuts corners to save money. If your website looks disorganized, visitors may think your dental practice is unreliable.

Lastly, the purpose of your website is to sell for you. An effective website should help you acquire new patients, even when you are sleeping! 

Now you may be asking what constitutes a good website… 

A good website should be able to fulfill its intended purpose by conveying its message while also engaging the visitor at the same time. Several factors contribute to good website design, such as consistency, colors, typography, graphics, simplicity and functionality.

A well-built website will help create trust and additionally direct visitors to take action. It includes making sure that your website design is designed for usability (form and aesthetics) and how simple it is to use (functionality) to create a better user experience. 

Some key factors that will affect the way your dental website is perceived are:

  • A clear goal - Your website should never be all over the place. Is it to generate more leads and get clients? Then the website should have a clear CTA and a good form box. Is it just for building your reputation and increasing brand recognition? Then make sure your branding identity is consistent throughout your website.
  • Clean and Simple - You certainly don’t have to overdo your website. Sometimes simplicity is the best. Choose colors, typography, and imagery that best represent your brand values. Two to three brand colors and two to three type fonts are best. 
  • Easy Navigation - Is your website easy to navigate? It definitely should be. Navigation plays a big role in user experience. If users have trouble navigating your website, they will end up leaving. 
  • Good Layout - How your website is laid out will affect the readability of your website. If it’s all over the place users will consequently end up being confused. They wouldn’t know where to start or where to focus. There should be a visual hierarchy and your layout should follow a grid. 
  • Content - A good website should also contain great design and compelling content. Great content can attract and influence users. Persuasive content holds a lot of power, it can turn website visitors into actual patients.  
  • Fast and Optimized - Website visitors will be frustrated while waiting for a website to load. Nearly half of web visitors expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less, and they might leave a site that is not loaded within 3 seconds. 
  • Mobile-friendly - It’s important to have a website that’s optimized for mobile phones. Most people prefer browsing the web with their phones than on their desktops or other devices. Create a website with a responsive layout that can adapt to different screen sizes so people browsing on their phones can see your business. 

This is just a short checklist you can use to see if your website qualifies for a good one, or if it’s time to revamp. 

Of course you should get your website customized! It is beneficial to your dental practice. 

There are tons of website builders who claim to be the best. However, they are not nearly as effective as getting it designed and developed by experts. 

Still on the fence? Let us make our case:

  • A custom-built website adds to credibility. If you choose to go for a website builder, that template is shared with other businesses. Your business loses its individuality. The more personalized your website is, the more professional you can look to your audience. Builders of websites will not give you the personality you need.
  • There are very few limitations to getting your dental website customized. A template does not have the scalability that custom-made websites have. 
  • Custom-made websites are optimized for any screen size.
  • Websites made by web designers function to reach your target audience. Templates are more of a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. 
  • If you hire a web designer and developer, they will adjust their work to fit your budget. 
  • Digital agencies will work on your website after the design and development stages. Unlike website builders, you have consistent support. 

You may be wondering who to hire to build your dental website...

Us, of course! This entire blog post may sound like an ad, but seriously, we can help. We want to be your growth partner and help expand your dental practice as we have with our other clients.

We are a digital marketing agency that can help you with branding, strategy, and building your online presence. Then, we work with you to put systems in place that streamline your business processes, so you can use more of your time to do what you love and less worrying about how to get more clients.

Once your business has a solid marketing foundation, we help you maintain it with simple month-to-month services.

Our broad marketing perspective comes from years of working with thousands of clients across many industries, including several dental practices.

To see more, you can visit our website to see our portfolio. If you are interested in working with us, get in touch with us. 

We want to help your dental practice succeed, so here are a few tips you can use to improve your dental website design.

Ready? Let’s begin. 

Cohesive Dental Branding

Branding has always been an essential aspect of marketing. What sets your dental practice apart from your competition? Your branding is the personality and identity of your practice.

Customers or patients prefer to work with brands they relate to or share the same values. For example: when you think of Apple, you think about sophistication, elegance and simplicity. People who relate to those adjectives will likely choose Apple over other brands.

Building a brand will help you appeal to your target market. You will also do better economically than a non-branded practice.

Check out Grand Street Central’s website and social media accounts! You can see how consistent they are with their brand. From the icons they use, the color palette, the typography and even the copy voice. 

Everything contributes to making their brand memorable and relatable. 

They are a great example of a dental practice with a cohesive branding strategy. 

A Clear UVP (Unique Value Proposition)

Dental Website Design

Why should a patient choose your dental practice over others? The answer should be clear the moment they visit your website.

Think about it: your website can be the first point of contact for many potential customers. Make a strong first impression. 

Find a way to convince these customers to choose you over thousands of other dentists. 

How do you do that? You need to state your Unique Value Proposition. We have to be able to see the reason why we should choose you over your competitors.

 Tend notably showcases its UVP. If you check out its website, you get a sense of the unique value Tend provides from the homepage. 

Their UVP is explained further on their About page. 

We all know people who are apprehensive about visiting the dentist. 

Tend immediately eases the visitor's worries through their copy. They show that they make every visit as comfortable as possible for their patients. Also, you can see what a visit with them would be like through their video. 

Include an About Us and Meet the Dentist Page

Expertise and trust are the two foundations of marketing in healthcare. People need to trust you to get them to be your patient. 

You can do this by having an About page or a Meet The Dentist page. Aside from your homepage, your About page will be the second most visited webpage on your entire site.

You will be able to communicate values and your brand story with prospective patients on these pages. The page is where any patient should be able to see your experience clearly and gain trust in you.

Dental Website Design

You can go for something more professional like Century Smile or more fun and quirky like Dental Care Seattle. The choice is up to you! However, we suggest you include the following: 

  • A brief explanation of why you chose to become a dentist
  • Share your experience and education
  • Make sure the use of your "above-the-fold" space is efficient
  • Include a high-quality headshot. People tend to trust what they can see
  • Have at least one call-to-action on the about page

Reviews and testimonials

As a dentist, you would know that word-of-mouth referrals are one of the most successful marketing strategies to get new patients. 

Another way you can gain the trust of prospective patients is through the digital version of word-of-mouth: reviews and testimonials. 

Studies show that almost 88% trust online reviews as much as the recommendation of a friend. 

You do not need a dedicated testimonial page. Having testimonials on your homepage is more effective.

Dental Website Design

Atlanta Dental Spa has a reviews and testimonials page on its homepage and a separate page for video testimonials. 

Include Enticing CTAs

Dental Website Design

CTA buttons drive sales, generate leads and increase revenue for websites. They can have a significant impact on your results. Therefore, they should never contend with less relevant items on your pages for publicity.

These buttons are vital on any website. CTA buttons should always be above the fold AND below the fold. A study that analyzed 25 million website analytics saw that most engagements would happen below the fold. 

Scatter CTA buttons throughout your website. The trick is to use enticing and diverse calls to action without overdoing it. Avoid having 20 CTA buttons on one page.

In the example above, you can see how Hildreth Dental uses an abundance of CTA buttons scattered across the homepage with different copy for each button.

Display Photos or Videos of Your Clinic

Instead of relying on stock images, be sure to include photos of your clinic. This definitely makes it easier for patients to trust you and also gives you an edge over your competition. Additionally, you get to show prospective patients what the experience would be like if they choose to work with you.

Aside from your clinic, include photos of your team and yourself inside the clinic. 

If you go to Atlanta Center for Advanced Perio’s website you’re immediately greeted by a video of their clinic with their doctors and staff. It makes you feel safe and at ease seeing you’re in good hands.

Spice It Up With Fresh and Updated Content

Dental Website Design

It’s important to always keep your content fresh and up to date. Many prospective patients will surely check to see if your content is updated. 

There are many benefits to keeping your content fresh. First is the SEO benefits. Second is the user experience, current patients and prospective patients will get the correct information and any updates about your clinic. Lastly, you get more web traffic Google will only rank websites that produce relevant high-quality content. 

If you look at Downtown Dental’s website you can see they’ve updated their content in regards to COVID’s safety guidelines. 

Showcase Your Work

Whenever a prospective patient sees your website for the first time, they will surely appreciate it if they are able to see your work. People will always want to see results, so it’s definitely best to showcase it. 

Many will say that before and after photos are a bad thing, but that certainly doesn’t apply to dentistry. Therefore, don't hesitate to try it out. 

Cedar Village Dentistry included a section showcasing their work on their homepage. 

Multimedia Will Always Be Good

Dental Website Design

Photos, videos, and graphics are also always a good idea. It breaks up the text on your website and additionally gives visitors a better user experience. 

Multimedia will capture the attention of your website visitors and also keep them wanting to see more. No one wants to see a webpage with nothing but text. 

Including multimedia will engage the visitor and evoke emotions. If website visitors see people smiling they will feel it too. Similarly, they will have the confidence to choose your clinic. 

Dental Website Design

Jackson Family Dental integrates a triple threat of photos, videos, and graphics. The elements make for a very engaging user experience.

Optimize Your Website for Mobile

Dental Website Design

These days more and more people prefer to use their phones to research different businesses, including dentists. 

It’s essential to have your website optimized for mobile so more prospective customers can see your website. If you don’t have your website optimized for mobile, people will never know your dental practice existed. 

Choices in Dentistry have their website optimized for mobile devices making it easier for visitors to navigate their site. 


Do you think it’s time to revamp your website? Or is your website converting new patients either way? We’d love to hear from you. Sound off in the comments below. 

If you think your website needs a redesign we’re always happy to do it for you! Let’s work together and help your dental practice grow and succeed.