Web Design

25 of the Best Law Firm Websites

By Just Digital Team

A great website is a powerful tool that can help you improve your law firm’s online presence. It can change a potential client’s perception of your firm, ultimately determining whether they hire you or the firm down the street. A well-designed website can also increase your client list and help establish your authority and expertise in your field. In this article, our web design team at Just Digital curated a list of the best law firm websites out there. Take a peak at the competition, or get inspired for your law firm website redesign!

Your website should be reflective of your goals and values. It’s the key to building your credibility online. It needs to establish, communicate, and translate your expertise and message adequately. If you are struggling with your website strategy and design, jump ahead to the next section, where we’ll talk about the different components that make a law firm website exceptional. You can also get in touch with our team, and we’ll help you design a website that’s sure to catch the eye of potential clients!


Key Components of the Best Law Firm Websites

There are three key components that the best law firm websites always get right: branding, performance, and user experience.

BRANDING: Let your individuality shine through by consistently applying your brand colors, fonts, and chosen graphics (and of course, your logo!). Don’t hesitate to get professional help from a brand designer if you don’t already have a logo and brand guidelines to follow. Your brand is that intangible part of your company identity that makes your audience and clients feel a certain way about you – you want to get this right to make an excellent lasting impression!

PERFORMANCE: Your website’s performance can be boiled down to two main factors: speed and mobile responsiveness. Make sure your website loads quickly so that users don’t leave out of frustration (HINT: you can check your site speed on this site). Just as important is its responsiveness on mobile – your website should look and work just as great on someone’s phone as their laptop.

USER EXPERIENCE: Finally, your website needs to be organized, easy to navigate, and uncluttered. If it’s professionally designed and attractive, that will definitely improve user experience as well, but at the very least, keep things clean and simple.

Now that we’ve established the basics of a great law firm website, it’s time to look at some inspiration and ideas.

For even more information on how to grow your law firm, check out our Ultimate Guide to Online Marketing for Attorneys! 

Here Are Our Best 25 Law Firm Websites:

1. Stanchieri Family Law



Stanchieri Family Law best law firm websites

Stanchieri Family Law Core Values

Sometimes, less is truly more. Stanchieri Family Law went for the minimalist route for their website design. Their color palette is mainly blacks and grays with a few pops of the color red. They also make use of white space, making for a very sleek and clean design. Aside from that, their use of high-quality photos makes the entire website more credible.

The website heavily focuses on their team, with each lawyer having their own page to highlight their credentials and experiences. This gives website visitors an easier user-experience. Clients can easily browse through the firms lawyers and get to know them before hiring the firm.

2. Jaszczuk P.C. Attorneys



Now, for a website that’s the complete opposite, here’s Jaszczuk P.C. Attorneys website. A far cry from Stanchieri Family Law’s sleek approach, Jaszczuk P.C. Attorneys goes a more playful route.

It’s not your typical law firm website, which makes it even more interesting. Their unique approach to website design works to their advantage, as it completely sets them apart.

Upon first seeing the website, you immediately get a feel for the law firm’s personality. The oversized headlines, airforce-themed graphics, and even the glowing green curser calls for attention in the best way possible. They let their personality shine through, while still presenting valuable information for potential clients browsing their site. This unconventional but totally attention-grabbing and still user-friendly approach all contribute to making Jaszczuk P.C. Attorneys  one of the best law firm websites.

3. DLA Piper



DLA Piper grabs your attention from the start, with its big, bold headlines and dynamic graphics.

Unlike a lot of lawyer websites, this site incorporates motion graphics as you scroll through the homepage, keeping users interested (but not too distracted) as they move through the content.

We also love the structure of their navigation – even though it’s a large site with lots of information, everything you need to know is categorized under a few headings, making it easy to figure out where to go next.

4. BD&P Law

https://www.bdplaw.com BDP Law Best Law Firm Website

BDP Law Best Law Firm Website

The website for Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP (BD&P) sets a high bar for what constitutes the “best law firm website,” boasting a modern and engaging design. It features a clear, intuitive layout that highlights the firm’s practice areas, industries they serve, and insights, making it easy for visitors to navigate and find the information they need. The use of bright colors and dynamic visuals, alongside detailed descriptions of their legal team and services, provides a fresh and professional online presence.

5. Hodgson Law Offices


hodgson law offices best law firm website

hodgson law offices best law firm website

The Hodgson Law Offices website stands out as a “best law firm website” contender with its clear, user-friendly design that effortlessly guides visitors through the complexities of family law in Spokane, WA. Its layout is both professional and welcoming, emphasizing the firm’s commitment to providing compassionate and effective divorce representation. From the detailed practice areas to the reassuring client testimonials, the site effectively communicates the firm’s expertise and dedication to supporting clients through challenging times, making it a standout example of excellent legal website design​.

6. Boughton Law


Boughton Law Best Law Firm Website

The big takeaway with Boughton Law’s website is that in order to stand out from the crowd and be viewed as different, you should actually look different. Their website homepage subtly reflects their messaging by forgoing the usual downward scroll – instead, the content comes in from the side as you scroll. Something this out-of-the-box can sometimes sacrifice user friendliness and be confusing, but in this case, the effect is smooth and they pull it off.

7. Fritz Law


Fritz Law LLC Best Law Firm Website

Fritz Law LLC Best Law Firm Website

What we love about Fritz Law LLC’s website is their use of automated chat. This is extremely helpful for users who have questions and need immediate answers. Aside from that, their above-the-fold content is extremely memorable, thus making it more effective, and they use clear graphics, simple steps, and large headlines for an unbelievably easy user experience.

8. Stracci Law Group


Stracci Law Group's website stands out as one of the best law firm websites thanks to its sleek, clean design and super user-friendly navigation. What really sets it apart are features like the sticky navigation menu, which makes it a breeze for visitors to move around the site without losing their place. The site's responsiveness across devices ensures that whether you're on a desktop or a mobile phone, the experience is smooth and engaging. Additionally, the integration of client reviews directly on the homepage not only adds a layer of authenticity and trust but also highlights the firm's commitment to client satisfaction. The modern aesthetic, combined with strategic use of technology in showcasing their legal expertise, makes it clear why Stracci Law Group's online presence is top-notch​

Stracci Law Group’s website stands out as one of the best law firm websites thanks to its sleek, clean design and super user-friendly navigation. The site’s responsiveness across devices ensures that whether you’re on a desktop or a mobile phone, the experience is smooth and engaging. Additionally, the integration of client reviews directly on the homepage not only adds a layer of authenticity and trust but also highlights the firm’s commitment to client satisfaction. The modern aesthetic, combined with strategic use of technology in showcasing their legal expertise, makes it clear why Stracci Law Group’s online presence is top-notch​.



Clarity, simplicity, and a touch of elegance – MCLLP has the important factors to make a website user friendly and effective, plus a minimalistic style to make them not just another boring lawyer website. Their About page effortlessly gives you all the right information and speaks directly to the user, making it more engaging, and the site somehow fits in a lot of information without feeling like a lot.

10. Emergence



Though Emergence isn’t a law firm website, it’s okay to get inspiration from websites from other industries, especially if it’s this good.

Unique and compelling are two words that best fit this company’s website design. The use of artistic portraits is a quirky and fun way to stand out from the rest of the crowd. Being in the law industry doesn’t mean you’re contracted or bound to use neutral or muted colors, you can go for something as loud as this and still remain tasteful and professional.

11. Chelin Law Firm


Chelin Law Firm Best Law Firm Website Chelin Law Firm Best Law Firm Website

Chelin Law Firm’s use of high-quality photos mixed with engaging graphics is extremely pleasing to the eye. The professionally photographed photos, the full screen header, as well as the solid layout and typography, makes for a professional and authoritative website.

We’re about Halfway Through the Best Law Firm Websites

The eleven law firm websites we showed you all differ in design exponentially. We love how the above websites include various examples of the key components we mentioned. It’s important that your law firm website is unique to your law firm. Read on for even more exceptional examples of the best law firm websites!

12. Bick Law LLP


Bick law LLP

The Bick Law LLP website sets a high standard for the “best law firm website” with its standout design feature of vibrant wildlife images as headings. These captivating visuals not only grab attention but also emphasize the firm’s dedication to environmental law, effectively marrying visual appeal with the firm’s mission. This innovative design choice not only makes the site memorable, but also reinforces the firm’s commitment to protecting the environment, highlighting their unique niche in a visually impactful way.

13. Quinn Emanuel


Quin Emanuel Trail Lawyers


Quinn Emanuel Trial Lawyers is another law firm that makes good use of beautiful photography for their header. All of the colors work together to highlight the white text. Their use of gradients make for a stunning display. The homepage is great for easy user navigation because you can easily find a lawyer from their company in your area.

14. Heaton Fontano


Heaton Fontano

Heaton Fontano’s website is usually what comes to mind when you think of typical lawyer websites, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Most of the time, it’s the best formula for success. The first thing you see when you open their website is their photos. All of them scream professional, trustworthy, and authoritative. Their use of a blue color palette promotes a calm mood.

15. McLEOD Law LLP


McLEOD Law LLP McLEOD LAW LLP Best Law Firm Website

Content is a key contributor to having one of the best law firm websites. This law firm website is content and photo driven. They cleverly use headers with witty photos that are memorable. Take the Swiss knife, a nifty metaphor for problem-solving no matter the case, or the compass and heart images that speak volumes to their direction and dedication. It’s a site that doesn’t just list achievements and services; it shows them off with style and a dash of humor, inviting you to explore more and even give them a shout with those handy calls-to-action.

16. Gecic Law


Gecic law

Gecic Law

Everything on this website looks sophisticated and luxurious. From the high quality photos, to the black, white and red color scheme, everything looks clean and professional – and that’s usually what you want to see for a law firm’s website.

Best Law Firm Websites to Take Inspiration From

The past 15 law firm websites we’ve shown you so far differ from many designs, layouts, and formats. Some are typical and effective, while others are unique and creative. It goes to show that you shouldn’t be afraid to think outside the box or stay inside of it in order to create one of the best law firm websites. It’s all about how you execute your website designs.

Here are a few more best law firm web designs you can take inspiration from.

17. Infense



18. Hagestad Law


Hagestad Law

19. LA Lawyers


20. McKinney Law


McKinney Law

21. Horea Crisan Lawyer


De Horea Crisan Law

De Horea Crisan Law

22. Robbins




23. Cheshire Law Group


Cheshire law group

24. Sidley Law


25. Ideal Legal



As a lawyer, making an effort to be relatable and speak the same language as your potential clients goes a long way. Idea Legal directly addresses the client’s feeling of being inferior and misunderstood by lawyers, and focuses on reassuring them, all in the very first section of the homepage. “We get it” is repeated throughout the copy, and the soft colors, fonts, and comfortable layout all contribute to the feeling of reassurance. This is another great example of how your overall message should be cohesive with your design.

Want to get on the Best Law Firm Website list?

If you’re in the market for a website that has all the right features to get more of your perfect clients, your next step is to contact us! We can turn your outdated, glitchy site into the best law firm website in your area, helping you outshine the competition. We create beautiful and effective websites from scratch, with a dedicated team of web designers, developers, copywriters, and project managers who are passionate about what they do. Let’s turn your vision into a reality. Contact us here for a design consultation.

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