Google display ads are everywhere! The question remains – does size matter? Well, we’re here to give you all the answers you need. Any business that spends money on advertising would want to get a bigger return. These businesses would keep looking for tactics and strategies online, reading article after article, to ensure an increase in ROI. One factor these businesses often overlook is the size of their ad. Google’s display ads network offers a variety of ad sizes for businesses to choose from, but which one should they use? Google has more than 10 different Google display ad sizes to choose from, but which one will help you accomplish your goal? Do you go with banners or skyscrapers? It causes quite a lot of confusion. To help you, we’ve created a quick resource you can use to look at all the sizes Google has to offer. To start things off, let’s quickly define what google ads are. Display ads are individual ad units like banners or videos/photo content on websites that do the obvious – advertise. You’ll see these ads like banners, images, text, video, or animation on relevant third-party websites. It’s pretty much any kind of visual ad featured on a website. For example: Google ad sizes are basically the different sizes Google offers on AdSense. There are a variety of sizes to choose from to help businesses create ads that fit different website designs. Each size has a different click-through rate, some are more popular than others. The size is also a factor that affects the price of your overall ad. Choosing which ad size to use all depends on your goal. Are you advertising to gain website traffic? Smaller ad sizes are effective for this goal, plus they’re cheaper. Larger ad sizes are often used by advertisers to help businesses who want higher click-through rates. The larger the ad, the higher the cost. Google argues that Google display ads are still effective, so it’s important to know the best size to use for your business’ purposes. Google does not accept any photo size above 150kb. Here at just digital, we compress the images to ensure they’re not over 150kb. Here’s the reality, advertising online isn’t as simple as it seems. You can’t just design an ad and leave it alone, there are many factors to take into account – yes, that includes the size of the ad. Size definitely does matter. The thing is, on the Display Network, the websites that run your ads will be the ones to choose which size ad gets featured. If they want to only feature banner ads, then stop forcing that half-page ad to happen. The wrong ad size will affect and limit the effectiveness of your campaigns, especially if you’re trying to target a specific market. Studies have shown that some ads are just more effective than others. From the table above, you can see how ad sizes: 336×280 and 300×600 have the highest click-through rates. Now that you have a better understanding of the importance of ad size, let’s start discussing the most popular and effective ad sizes. Want to know more about Google Ads? Feel free to reach out and ask any questions you might have. This ad size is known to work best when it is embedded within text content or at the end of articles. It also has a large supply of ad inventory on Google’s display network, the ad inventory especially increases when both image and text ads are enabled. The large rectangle ad is great for grabbing the attention of users, which increases the chances of getting clicks. It performs especially well when placed within an article or at the end. The ad size is just slightly bigger than the medium rectangle and also has an abundant supply of ad inventory. This ad size is considered to be one of the most common Google ad sizes, and for a good reason. The leaderboard converts well when it’s located just above the main content of the page. It has a long horizontal width that helps increase the impact it makes on users, thus luring more and more users to click. Most businesses use this to display logos, brand names, and text. This ad size is one of the fastest-growing sizes in terms of impressions. It takes up half the page and instantly grabs the attention of users. It stands out next to written content. Many advertisers prefer this ad size because of the benefits, it offers higher payouts for publishers and higher conversions for advertisers. Many advertisers choose this size because it’s twice the height of the standard “mobile leaderboard.” The next few ad sizes are not the most popular ones. These ad sizes have non-standard dimensions, thus making them hard to place on certain websites. Publishers would often skip on these ad sizes because of the size constraints, they would rather choose an ad size that has better inventory. These types of ad sizes are also often skipped by publishers, this is mainly because publishers would prefer a wide, large skyscraper to effectively grab the user’s attention. Vertical ad sizes are harder to work with because of their narrowness, it’s hard to fit in text and long sentences. This factor limits the kind of ads that can be displayed without compromising the visual appeal. Square ads belong to the unpopular section of ad sizes. These are ad sizes you should try staying away from because they are smaller and not as appealing. The small size makes it harder to add text and images without disrupting the flow of the ad. It’ll look unnatural and won’t catch the attention of users as well as a rectangle ad would. Mobile ads are becoming more and more popular in the last few years. Here are a few banner sizes that work well on mobile. We’ve already given you a brief on the various Google Display Ads sizes, now you might be wondering which one to choose. The ad size you choose will also depend on the website your ads will appear in. Try manually searching for websites that use AdSense in your niche, then look at the kind of ad formats they run. It’s all about understanding your industry and the kinds of ads they publish, some industries may prefer leaderboards, while others may prefer skyscrapers. When it comes to Google Display Ads, size really does matter, especially for impressions and clicks. Choosing the wrong ad size may leave you with fewer clicks, and you’ll end up wasting money. If you have questions about how to promote your business on Google, this is a good blog to check out! Now you know a bit more about Google Display ad sizes, it’s time you create your ad! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us! What Are Google Display Ads?
What are Google Display Ad Sizes?
An Important Note About Photo Size in Google Display Ads
Does Google Display Ad Size Matter?
Most Popular and Effective Google Display Ad Sizes
Medium Rectangle (300×250)
Large Rectangle (300×280)
Leaderboard (728×90)
Large Skyscraper or Half-Page (300×600)
Large Mobile Banner (320×100)
Other Ad Sizes :
Horizontal Ad Sizes:
Billboard (970×250)
Banner (468×60)
Half Banner (234×60)
Large Leaderboard (970×90)
Vertical Ad Sizes:Wide Skyscraper (160×600)
Skyscraper (120×600)
Vertical Ad Banner (120×240)
Portrait (300×1050)Square Ad Sizes:
Square (250×250)
Small Square (200×200)
Small Rectangle (180×150)
Button (125×125)Mobile Google Display Ad Sizes:
Mobile Leaderboard (320×50)
Mobile Full Page Flex (320×320)
Square (250×250)
Small Square (200×200)
Which Google Display Ad Size Should You Use?
There are ad sizes favored by publishers more than other ad sizes. The 5 ad sizes we’ve mentioned in the first section are the most popular and have the most ad inventory. These 5 ads also have the highest click-through rates.
If your goal is to make the most money from your Display ads, then choose and create an ad using the most popular ad sizes. Your choices are:
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