Featured Post, Web Design

Top 3 Things To Do Before Starting a MedSpa Website Design Project [Plus Examples]

By Just Digital Team

Are you gearing up for a medspa website design project? Exciting! And good choice, may I add. Many med spa owners are quick to overlook this crucial aspect of their online presence, focusing solely on social media and as a result, missing out on the benefits of a well-strategized website.

Picture this: you’re searching for a med spa to help you rejuvenate your skin and relax your mind. You come across a website that looks like it was designed in the early 2000s – a cluttered mess with outdated information.

Would you feel confident entrusting that business with your self care needs? Probably not. They might provide excellent services and have an amazing atmosphere once you get there, but unfortunately, you’d never know that. Not only are they missing the mark visually, you also don’t know if the information you’re looking at is correct – whether it’s the services and prices or the address!

That’s why strategic medspa website design is crucial in today’s digital age. A well-designed website can be the difference between attracting new clients and turning them away.

That said, before you jump head first into a medspa website design project, we highly recommend doing some groundwork to make sure you get the most out of your website. Put in a little time up front in these three areas, and the payoff will be significant! Plus, your web design team will love you for it 🙂

Here are the three things to do before starting your medspa website design project:

  1. Get clarity on who you are and who your ideal patients are
  2. Choose your website’s look & feel, and the tone of your copy
  3. Establish your service list, and highlight the services you want to promote

If this all sounds a little daunting, don’t worry! It’s simpler than it sounds, and we’re pretty sure there are no wrong answers. Plus, we’ll provide examples of well-designed med spa websites along the way so you know exactly what we mean. Let’s dive in!

1. Get clarity on who you are and who your ideal patients are

You’re not just a qualified person offering aesthetic medical services.

You are that, but every med spa practice is so much more than that. Your practice has a unique flavor, focus, and approach to work. You have a story of how you got into this industry and why you’re still here. Your patients come back to you for a reason, and that reason is not “generic services.”

Who are you?

Before starting your medspa website design project, we recommend going back to the beginning. Get renewed clarity on who you are and the value you bring by doing the 10 Reasons Why exercise – list ten reasons why your patients choose you. They don’t have to be completely different from every other practice out there, they should just highlight your particular strengths. Here are some examples:

  • You explain every service clearly and give ample opportunities for patients to ask questions.
  • The ambiance is relaxing.
  • You are the most experienced practitioner in the area in a particular service.
  • Communication is always friendly and welcoming.
  • You are passionate about what you do.

Tip: If you’re having trouble thinking of ten things, look at past reviews patients have left and feedback they’ve given and try to find some common threads. Do they talk about your experience? Communication? Value for their money? When you look at what patients are actually saying about you, you’ll tease out the real value you provide.

Once you have your list, not only do you have some real talking points for your website copy, you also have an idea of what you want to communicate visually through your web design.

Who is your perfect patient?

Knowing your ideal patient is just as important as knowing who you are as a med spa. After all, you want to design your website to attract more of the right kind of patients. So, who is your perfect patient? Think about their demographic, interests, and pain points. If you’re feeling lost with this, you can always start by looking at your current client base, choosing your favorites, and answering these questions about them.

Finding Common Ground: Aligning Your Business Goals with Your Ideal Patient’s Needs

Think about your perfect patient’s goals. What are they hoping to achieve by visiting your med spa? Are they looking to rejuvenate their skin, reduce stress, or simply take some time for themselves? Identifying their goals can help you create messaging and imagery on your website that speaks to their desires.

Understanding Your Ideal Patient’s Pain Points

It’s also important to consider their fears. What are their concerns when it comes to med spa services? Are they worried about pain, potential side effects, or simply wasting their time and money? By addressing these concerns on your website, you can help build trust and alleviate their fears.

Mastering Your Ideal Client’s Buying Behavior

Another key aspect is identifying how they make their buying decisions. Do they do research online, ask friends for recommendations, or go solely based on price? Knowing this can help you create a website that effectively communicates the value of your services and helps guide them towards booking an appointment.

Putting a Face to Your Ideal Client: Creating Buyer Personas

Finally, consider creating a buyer persona. This is a fictional representation of your ideal client, based on the data you’ve collected. Give them a name, age, job title, and other relevant details to help bring them to life. If you start the web design process with this buyer persona in mind, your website will naturally start to reflect the desires of your perfect patient and speak to their fears.

These exercises may seem basic, but when it comes to something as important as your website, why not be prepared and actually do the groundwork? The process and the result are going to be significantly better, we promise!

2. Choose your medspa website design look & feel, and the tone of your copy

As you know, the patient’s experience of walking into a med spa for the first time is extremely important. As an aesthetic-focused practice, your physical space’s appearance is a direct reflection of you. A clean, peaceful, and beautiful space contributes significantly to the patient’s overall experience.

Let’s back up a step – your physical practice probably isn’t your patient’s first experience of you! They likely either discovered you online or were referred by a friend and then looked you up. Either way, the majority of people who walk through your doors have experienced your online presence first. What was their first impression?

Just like you chose the color of the walls and the type of artwork and furniture in your medical office, your website’s fonts, colors, and graphics should be carefully selected. Unless you’re a graphic designer, we don’t recommend trying to put this all together yourself, but what you can do is choose your look & feel.

Choose a Look & Feel

The look & feel of your medspa website design is your first chance to make a lasting impression on potential patients. Our clients always tell us they just want a website that is “clean and modern,” but the reality is, your website can be so much more than that! You have a unique business, and your website should reflect that. Here are a few examples of different “look & feels” that are all clean and modern, but have completely different personalities.

Spa Medica

This site uses large black and white images, pops of teal as the main color, and a serif heading font. Overall, it feels serious and professional.


Remedy Place

Everything about this website says luxury. It’s dark and dramatic, with textured or moving backgrounds and large section blocks that take up the whole screen, so the user is focused on one thing at a time.


Surya Wellness

In direct contrast, we have the Surya Wellness website. Bright and warm, relaxed but interesting, this site is welcoming and friendly but still very professional.

med-spa-website-design med-spa-web-design-examples-surya

The Pimple Place

For something a little different, check out this acne-focused practice that infuses some fun into self care! This was our own client who wanted an upbeat (literally – with pop music references everywhere) and young design to appeal to her Gen-Z/Millenial target market in Santa Monica, with a hint of a 90s throwback. Yes, you can get that specific with your medspa website design!

medspa-website-design med-spa-web-design-pimple-place

As you can see, all of these websites have a modern design that works well for a med spa, but they’re all drastically different. Each one communicates something very important to the med spa’s target market – not just what they do, but who they are. How it feels to be there. If your website is well designed and reflects who you are accurately, you will start to attract the type of patient who aligns with you and will value the experience you offer. That’s the power of good design.

So how do you get started?

Hint: don’t just choose the style that you like best! Although you should definitely love your website design, there is more to it than your personal preferences. Here are some things to consider when choosing a look and feel for your med spa website:

  • Align With Your Brand: If you have an existing and established brand, your website should visually align with that, from colors to typography and overall style. Maybe you have an outdated logo that needs a refresh – now is a great time to do that so your website and brand are reinvigorated together.
  • Appeal to Your Target Audience: Good thing we did that groundwork earlier! Your medspa website design should appeal to your perfect patient. Just like The Pimple Place speaks to a younger crowd and Remedy Place attracts a more serious, sophisticated audience, your website design should reflect the personality of who you want to walk into your practice.
  • Make it Last: Although we’re all for staying current with the trends, unless you want to overhaul your website every year, timeless should be an adjective you strive for.
  • Get Inspired: You don’t have to come up with a look and feel without any help! Find some design inspiration on sites like Behance, Dribbble, and Pinterest. You can also Google med spas in different cities to get a range of designs. Start gathering screenshots of designs you like into a folder to have on hand when you’re ready to start your project. Inspiration for web design look and feel doesn’t just have to come from other med spas, so feel free to branch out and find websites you like in other industries!

If you can establish the perfect look and feel for your website before starting the project, you will be poised for success, resulting in a site that effectively resonates with both you and your intended audience.

Develop a Tone

The tone of your messaging is the “words” equivalent to your design look and feel. Just like good design can look different for different med spas, website copy should sound different to match the overall effect. Let’s look at some of the same websites, but this time, focus on the words.


Remedy Place exudes its luxurious, exclusive approach via copy all throughout the website. Just as the website is an immersive experience, they write “our spaces allow you to fully immerse yourself in our signature experiences.” “Signature” is another key word here, as it insinuates that everything down to the last sound and scent is curated intentionally.

“Beauty and pleasure”, “nourish”, and “journey to optimal wellness” – Surya communicates warmth and approachableness in its copy to match its welcoming design.


Everyone who worked on The Pimple Place’s copy had fun! We snuck in as many pop culture references and song lyrics as possible to bring a little surprise to website users, without being distracting from the main point of the text. Personality and practicality is sometimes a tricky balance to strike, which is why working with a team who can give a second opinion is invaluable!

Choosing your tone is simpler once you’ve established your design look and feel. Make sure they coordinate well and both speak to your perfect patient, and you’ll be on track for a successful website project!

3. Establish your services and offers

If the first two points were a little abstract for you, good news! This third step to preparing for a medspa website design project should be straightforward, and it’s also super important!

If your practice has been around for a while, establishing your service list might seem like a no brainer for you. That said, even med spas that have been operating for years change their service list from time to time. A website redesign is definitely the time to do this if you’re going to consider it, because your list of services will affect how you arrange and promote them on the website. No matter how long you’ve been in business, we recommend using this website design project as an opportunity to look at your services again and narrow in on what you want to promote.

How to decide which services to promote

Although it may be tempting to just list out all of the services you offer, focusing on a few key services can be more effective in driving business growth. It doesn’t mean you can’t include the others, but we recommend being intentional about what appears front and center.

Does it make sense for your target market?

To decide which services to push, consider your target market and the value each service brings to clients. For example, if your target market consists of busy professionals, services such as Botox injections or laser hair removal that offer quick and visible results may be the best option to feature on the homepage to catch someone’s eye. But if you’re looking to target an audience interested in anti-aging and skin rejuvenation, then services like chemical peels or microdermabrasion might be the way to go. Even if you do it all, promoting the service that is most likely to resonate with your audience will make you appear like more of a specialized practice, and therefore more desirable for that service.

Does it make sense for your business?

Before you start pushing particular services on your website, don’t forget to look at the profitability of that service. There will always be popular services among clients that might not be the most profitable for the business. It’s a good idea to analyze your finances to determine which services have the highest profit margins. If those are the same as your target market’s most popular services, great! If not, consider adjusting the price or treatment to make it work for the business side of things.

Does it make sense in light of the competition?

Lastly, med spa owners should also take into account their competition and what services they offer. Maybe you have a local competitor who specializes in IV vitamin therapy. If that happens to be the treatment you want to promote, you can either figure out how to differentiate yourself from your competitor, or pivot to ‘specialize’ in something else.

Choosing which services to push on your med spa website is an important decision that can significantly impact your business’ growth. By considering the target market, profitability, and competition, you can make an informed decision and effectively promote the services that will drive success.

How to prep your service page

Here are some things you can do to prepare for a top tier services page:

Organize Your Services

No one wants to run through a single list of treatments and prices with no context and no explanation! To create a user-friendly service page, it’s essential to organize your treatments into categories or sections. This will help visitors easily find what they’re looking for and improve their overall browsing experience. For example, you could organize services by treatment type (facials, massages, body treatments), by target area (face, body, hands & feet), or by skin concern (acne, anti-aging, hydration).

Promote Your Top Service

If you’ve picked out the service you want to highlight on your website, there are a couple ways you can draw attention to it. First, you can feature it at the top of the service page in its own section. You can also add a section about it on the homepage with a high-quality image that catches the eye. Finally, consider creating a popup with a special offer that makes it easy for someone to visit you for the first time for that service.

Use High-Quality Images

Including high-quality images of your treatments is a must for any med spa website. These images not only help visitors visualize the treatment process, but they also communicate the quality and professionalism of your med spa. If you’re going to use your own images, make sure they’re well-lit, in focus, and showcase the treatment in a clean and attractive setting. You can also use stock images for an easy alternative, but you might have to pay for specific images you want.

Provide Detailed Descriptions

Along with high-quality images, we recommend providing detailed descriptions of each service you offer. This can include the benefits of the treatment, how it works, how long it takes, and any aftercare instructions. Providing this information upfront will help visitors make informed decisions about which treatments to book and what to expect.

Highlight Unique Selling Points

Your service page is an excellent opportunity to highlight any unique selling points or competitive advantages your med spa has. This could include using top-of-the-line products, employing experienced and licensed professionals, or offering innovative treatments not found elsewhere. Use your service page to differentiate your med spa from the competition and make a compelling case for why visitors should choose your services.

Need help with your medspa website design project?

As you embark on your journey towards building a successful med spa website, remember that it shouldn’t be a solo journey. You know your practice best, so you are a crucial part of the team, but that doesn’t make you a strategist, designer, developer, copywriter, and project manager all in one. Hiring an agency to bring in experts in these areas will absolutely save you a lot of angst. We see this all the time! A business owner starts working on their own website with a website builder like Wix or Squarespace, but struggles to bring the project to the finish line for any number of reasons.

Finally, if even the website prep work seems overwhelming to you, make sure you hire an agency that will walk you through these important steps as part of the strategy phase of the project. You don’t have to do any of it alone!

Don’t let the stress of creating a website on your own overwhelm you. At Just Digital, we specialize in crafting websites that are both beautiful and effective. Let us guide you through the process and bring your med spa’s unique personality to life online.

By choosing to work with Just Digital, you can focus on providing the exceptional services your clients deserve while we handle the rest. Together, we’ll create a digital presence that stands out from the competition and brings in more of your perfect patient. Call us today to get started – let’s build something amazing together!

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